Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 222 Battlefield 1 is a discarded product of Germination Studio?

"Wow! EA's countdown page is really well done." Yinzi swiped the page over and over again, and the game screen would change differently after waiting for a minute.

The most important thing is that no matter how many times you refresh, the perspective of combat is different.

On the page after the countdown, the players in the main perspective seem to be transformed into thousands of soldiers, fighting countless battles.

Everyone kept refreshing the page, following the perspective of the promotional video to experience the war.

Every perspective ends quickly,

Some characters don't even react, the screen is already dimmed, and then the perspective is switched.

At the end of their lives, everyone only heard a huge explosion from outside their field of vision,

The picture is very realistic, there is a red light behind Yu Guangzhong, gravel and soil are splashed from the back to the front,

In the final picture, the explosion was clearly close at hand, but it didn't sound harsh, because their eardrums had already been pierced in the endless battles.

These small fragments after another can be regarded as a time pastime for the players to squat,

The death methods from these perspectives are all kinds of strange, or because of the shells falling from the sky, or because of the cold guns in the dark, but no one questioned or ridiculed them.

Because they saw the real war in one after another, cold and cruel,

He who is at war has no poetry and no future,

When the horn of the charge sounded, the sun shined through the haze of the clouds to the lifeless land, and the black scorched illuminated, hot, burning land became more dazzling.

The teammates around him fell one by one, mixed with the warm sunshine, the ground they stepped on was heavy and muddy, and the black mud splashed up could no longer tell whether it was mud or flesh and blood.

But it was too late to think, because the horn had already sounded, and there was only charge.

"I finally understand why EA will show players promotional videos one after another." Yinzi smacked his lips, every time he refreshed this page, he would never get tired of watching it.

"If it were me, I'd show you a hundred, a hundred!" Looking at the screen after the countdown, they could finally understand EA's madness. It turns out that EA really has so much in stock that they can't see it all. Can't see it all!

He looked at this page and couldn't bear to quit. After reading it for more than ten minutes, he was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Fans watching the live broadcast also laughed at this time.

‘Just now I was watching EA’s official website, my grandpa asked me what movie this was, and I told him it was a game, but he didn’t believe it. '

‘I really want to play, why are there still 20 days left! '

‘One thing to say, I have been watching this page for many days, and there is not a single repeated picture. Has EA made so many promotional videos? '

'Probably not, I think those pictures are more like actual machine drills. '

'I can feel it just by looking at the screen. This is definitely a king bomb game. Is the old thief so willing to sell the game to others? '

'I don't know if the old thief is willing or not, but I know one thing, if this game becomes a god again. '


Players are talking about this game, so why doesn't EA know it? They are the game manufacturers who feel the enthusiasm of players most directly.

Before the webpage is repaired, just a countdown page can continuously refresh the page views of the website,

After the repair, the daily page views of the website reached a new high.

At this moment, EA finally understood the reason why the old thief asked them to be the server, because the daily traffic of its own webpage only increased.

On the highest day, the number of clicks on the webpage in 24 hours was maintained at tens of millions.

At that moment, EA's old rival Ubisoft couldn't sit still.

I saw that EA paid old thieves to buy games before, and they felt that they must not be able to buy anything good.

Because even if the old thief has a lot of game plans in his hands, he may give buyers an excellent game, but he will definitely not give other game manufacturers a king bomb.

Humans want to keep good things for themselves.

In the beginning, these game manufacturers looked at EA as if they were watching a joke.

Don't try to get nothing, pay a huge price, take out countless mortgages, and end up buying a subpar game from someone else.

Nobody thinks Rogue will sell a hit game to EA.

EA's promotional videos are one after another, and the high-quality promotional videos are vividly depicted in details. All of these are constantly showing off in the eyes of players, and they are game trailers one after another, but in the eyes of game manufacturers, EA is It's just bragging, just bluffing.

After all, all the money was spent, if you bought a second-rate game, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud.

Even the old thief only released one or two promotional videos, and you have ten or twenty promotional videos in a row, which is not a bluff.

Originally thought that EA spent a lot of money to make promotional videos to bluff, because they only need to deceive players, buy games, download games, and then it is EA's business to keep players.

But as long as a cheater downloads and consumes him for 2 hours, the player cannot get a refund.

But after the countdown preview this time, watching one character after another as the perspective of the video, all this does not look like a high-priced custom-made promotional film at all, but a real machine demonstration.

Other game manufacturers, especially Ubisoft, finally realized one thing.

That is, if the game is really as demonstrated in his trailer, this game will undoubtedly become a hit again.

When the hits on the EA website were maintained at tens of millions 24 hours a day, they really couldn't sit still.

Although the number of hits doesn't mean much, it can show one thing, that is, after the game is launched, the number of online users of this game will definitely not be low.

Everyone knows that the old thief has the ability to make blockbuster games. Among the games produced by Germination Studio so far, no matter whether it is a 3A masterpiece or a simple small game, there is not a single bad one.

Everyone just didn't believe that the old thief was willing to sell such a top explosion to others.

Shouldn't good things be owned alone?

On the second day after the tens of millions of hits, a topic suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"Battlefield One is a discarded product of Germination Studio? EA spent a lot of money to buy games, but it turned out to be a lot of money! "

The person who posted the post is anonymous, and the source of the poster cannot be traced.

But it is such an anonymous question, but the popularity of it has risen rapidly due to the constant clicks of the players.

Several core questions in the post are, is "Battlefield One" a discarded product of Germination Studio?

Did the black star old thief know that the game would be a hit before he sold it to EA?

The success of EA marketing is undeniable. Countless promotional videos have scratched the restless hearts of players one after another. If the old thief knows that "Battlefield One" has the current popularity, will he regret selling the game to EA?

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