Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 232 The enemy is as ferocious as a wild beast, and the friendly army is like a mess of loose

As soon as the prologue came out, there were game videos all over the Internet, and the one with the most likes was the last scene.

In the devastated land, two people stood in the ruins, pointing their guns at the enemy in front of them.

After seeing the ruins and wreckage around them, the two people with different skin colors completely lost their will to fight to the death.

It is said that a good war game should make people hate war,

Battlefield 1 allows players to become unknown soldiers on the battlefield to experience this endless battle from different perspectives.

In the end, the soldiers in the game put down their weapons,

Because the origin of this war was not because of national hatred and family hatred, but a world-class imperialist war for those at the top of the pyramid to re-divide the world and compete for global hegemony.

In this game, whether it is a multiplayer campaign or a single-player plot, it has been rated as a classic.

Some players prefer multiplayer battles, to feel the kind of forward and continuous, because only in this kind of continuous and fierce charge can they feel the tragic catastrophe.

Everyone agrees that Battlefield One is a terrible game,

It's not that refreshing to play, and it's not that easy to kill.

Before you are familiar with the secrets of combat, you may be killed countless times by an old bird holding a precision-guided dagger, or you may be killed by a sniper who looks as small as a black spot on a distant hill ,

And you will feel that the submachine gun in your hand is like a mallet. Of course, you are also like a mallet.

Moreover, in the game, no matter what weapons are used, shooting guns will not be displayed on the small map, and even firing tanks and cannons will not reveal yourself.

This means that if the player wants to take down the enemy in a bloody rush, then the next second to enter the game screen may be a machine gun aimed at your head.

Players in the bloody charge can only encounter enemy bullets and ambushes.

"How the hell did I die?" Brother Egg looked at his own death screen.

Just now he was lying behind a rock to shoot a sniper, this position is excellent, he stole a lot of heads here.

But in the next second, he died directly.

Look at that last cause of death with a gas mask on it.

"Huh?" Brother Ji was stunned.

"I was killed by the gas mask?" He scratched his head and looked at the screen in disbelief.

"Gas masks hurt too?"

"Come on, how did I get killed by the gas mask?"


Brother eggplant muttered loudly, he kept looking at the barrage, hoping to find an answer from the player group.

‘Hahahaha, what a weird way to die! '

'Don't talk about it, I was stabbed to death by barbed wire. '

‘I died when my house was blown down and crushed by debris. '

'I went out of the map for ten seconds and said I was a deserter...'

'Hitted by burning wood chips...'


The players chattered about their own ways of dying, laughing uncontrollably,

Everyone looked at Brother Egg's death, but they thought it was funny but didn't take it seriously. In the battlefield, everyone really saw all kinds of strange ways of death.

"No, your way of death is very normal, but my way of death is not normal!" Brother Qie was very serious.

"Can the gas mask kill me too?" He felt a little uncomfortable, and now he didn't even have the mind to play games.

He frantically wanted to find an answer in the barrage.

If he can't find the answer in the barrage, he will go to EA's official website to upload this bug and ask for an answer.

After watching the barrage for a long time, he found an outrageous but most popular answer in the barrage.

That is, look at the chrysanthemum to see death.

Brother Ke immediately fell silent, "Can you also see death by looking at chrysanthemums?"

He didn't believe this answer, but this answer was the most in the barrage.

‘When you see someone lying on the ground, you can lie down and face his ass or get into his ass, press t to put on the mask and take it off twice, and the mask will kill you. '

Someone told Brother Egg a detailed mask killing tutorial.

"Isn't this a BUG?" He gritted his teeth and restarted the game. He was going to try to see if he could really kill with a mask.

If it is possible, he really wants to report this bug to EA,

He accepted his fate to die from other things, but he just died from a gas mask, and he felt aggrieved.

It's even more aggrieved if people look at chrysanthemums and die.

Restarting the game, he saw the enemy not far away, and immediately crawled over slowly on his stomach.

The enemy in front of him was still shooting fiercely in front of him, and he didn't feel the arrival of the enemy behind him.

Brother Egg took a deep breath, and his mood began to become excited. The person in front of him was just like himself before, still immersed in the dire straits of war.

He climbed up to the other's ass and took out his gas mask.

Enemy, send.

Looking at the enemy who fell to the ground and died, brother egg was immediately happy.

"Hahahahaha, it turns out that gas masks can really kill people!"

He glanced at the corpses on the ground, and then searched around for more figures of the enemy.

"Hahaha, after this person dies, he will definitely be like me, screaming strangely behind the screen, why did I die? How did I die?"

Brother Egg laughed while watching the barrage, and his hands kept moving.

Although he died many times along the way, it didn't stop him from liking this method of killing at all.

"Hahahaha, this thing is really fun." He lay down behind another opponent again, and took out his mask.

After a few tries, he found out that if you can't die once, just watch it twice.

Watching him search for the next victim, the barrage is also very happy.

'ah? You do all kinds of bad things! '

'ah? What did the genius who first discovered that gas masks could kill people do in the game? '

‘Didn’t you say you want to report this bug? Why are you still trying. '

'I'll report it later, I'll try it out in the game right away, let me have a good time first. '


"Forget it, just pretend not to know this time." Brother Qi smiled.

"If it's just an ordinary bug, I usually upload it, but for such a weird bug, I usually want to keep it."

The most important thing is that the method of watching someone die is too difficult to operate, and you have to crawl behind the other party without anyone noticing.

'I laughed so hard, it must be an outrageous bug, and everyone is united in wanting it to stay. '

'I just said how I died and then the camera zoomed out and saw someone lying on top of me. '

‘Join if you can’t beat it! '

'ah? I just said why the game is so difficult to fight. It turns out that everyone is choosing to watch others die. How can we fight this battle?’


In the game, everyone found that the enemy is as ferocious as a wild beast, and the friendly forces are like a mess of loose sand.

Everyone is doing their own thing in the game, how can this battle be fought? !

There are two more chapters to read in the morning

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