Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 288 Two Completely Different Kinds of Happiness

As a result of the final cooperation, Germination Studio and domestic theaters re-determined the sales share and delineated the number of screenings.

Different theaters have designated the number of screenings according to the degree of profit sharing.

Ranging from five to ten.

When the final result was announced to the public, all the budding fans cheered!

‘It’s still the principal’s happiness. I don’t envy him for getting the best contract. I gritted my teeth when he sneaked away to play games in advance. '

‘Who knows, the headmaster never broadcast live in the past, but now to show off, he broadcasts live for half an hour every day, and won’t show you a minute more. '

The same goes for that fellow pdd, who only broadcasts the live broadcast for ten minutes every day, so I'm afraid I'll show you too much. '

'But I really want to know, why are the two people playing differently? Even the maps are different, and the npcs are also different! '

‘Do you still remember Principal Wang’s area unlock map? I heard that the birth point of each player is different, and each area is divided into two versions. If you want to collect all the Pokémon, you have to go to other areas by boat. The other version of the Pokémon in the double version , it can only be obtained by exchanging, and it is impossible to achieve the full picture book by yourself. '

'It's so difficult to express social fear...but I want to play even more. '

‘Suddenly I’m looking forward to making friends. What’s going on? '



Amidst the lights of thousands of homes, a parent put down his mobile phone.

Originally, he was not interested in games. An adult like him has already started to match up with life.

But recently, I always get news and news about Pokémon.

He is very familiar with this anime. His daughter watches it every day. Even after watching the first time, he will watch it the second time again.

Not all children are open, lively and outgoing. Most of them are introverted and shy. They blush when they talk, dare not raise their hands when going to the toilet, and are introverted and afraid to make friends...

He also couldn't tell her, you should be lively and cheerful, and you should be bold to teach your friends...

Just like the Pokémon characters in the game, each one has a different initial characteristic.

I just saw a comment on the Internet, and the social fear will also want to make friends because of the game.

Immediately he became very excited.

He glanced at his daughter sitting on the sofa.

"Yao Yao~"

The child in front of the TV turned his head immediately.

"Do you want to play this game called Pokémon?" He took out his phone and clicked on the video clip of Principal Wang and pdd.

The two big men caught the Pokémon they wanted in various ways, talking about how fun this game is.

When he handed the mobile phone video to his daughter, he saw that the other party's eyes were fixed on the screen and never moved away.

"Dad..." After the video was played, she was still reluctant to let go of the phone.

The little girl didn't speak anymore, but the man could tell that she wanted to play.

For a shy child, the words "buy it for me" are very difficult to say.

"I already bought it for you, but one cannot collect all the Pokémon."

"If there is a Pokémon that you can't catch and want, remember to exchange it with other children, you know?"

The man clicked to place an order as he spoke. Seeing his daughter hesitating, he nodded fiercely.

At that moment, he knew that there was another greatest value of this game, which was its value of making friends.

He knows how popular Pokémon is in the world of children, even adults, many people like it.

I checked the designer named Black Star on the Internet, and everyone said that he is very good at creating dreams.

When he just bought the handheld, he also bought two other games by the way, Zelda and Minecraft.

There are many comments about these games on the Internet, and the most common comment is,

These games bring the purest joy,

Each game is worth years of any player's time spent in it.

And now, another Pokémon has been added.

Even if those players haven't played it yet, everyone labels it happy.

Seeing this, he sighed helplessly. His biggest problem now is not that he doesn't play games, but that he doesn't have time to play games.

He just regrets that he met it at the wrong time.

Holding the mobile phone, he kept scrolling through the information on the Internet.

A post jumped into his sight,

【What kind of happiness do you want to feel? The purest happiness, or another kind of happiness? 】

[If you want to feel the purest happiness, then you can buy Aurora, if you want to feel a different kind of happiness, you can buy an xbox. 】


Will there be different types of happiness?

He frowned and looked at the comments below seriously,

‘Brother summed it up very well. I didn’t know until I bought Aurora that the old thief can treat you like a child. '

'Really, who knows, after walking with the old thief for so long, we always thought that he didn't know how to treat players as human beings, but now we know that he just doesn't want to! '

'Now I know that only the old thief doesn't want to, there is nothing the old thief can't do. '

‘What is something that you don’t understand until you have a handheld camera? That is, no matter how the society urges you to grow up and mature quickly, the old thief treats you like a child and gives you the purest happiness in the game. '

Seeing this, he suddenly realized that most of those who can say these words are not children anymore.

Only an adult who was forced to grow up by the whole world would say such a thing.

At that moment, he actually had an idea that he wanted to try playing the game and feel that pure happiness.

As for xbox?

He continued scrolling through the comments,

【If the handheld is treating everyone as children, then the console is teaching those children who don’t grow up to grow up. 】

At this moment, his breathing became short of breath.

Even if he doesn't understand games, he knows that most games focus on the growth of characters, not the players themselves.

Under the comments about xbox, the most talked about is that players have grown themselves because of the game.

Another function of the host is "holographic projection", but few people praise it.

Because they all feel that even without this function, everyone can have fun.

This function is just the icing on the cake for the old thief's game.

He looked at the comments and swiped one after another, until his daughter came to say good night to him, indicating that he was going to bed, and he realized that a long time had passed.

After his daughter fell asleep, he took his mobile phone and looked at it, flipping through one comment after another,

In the end, I didn't hold back and placed an order to buy a host.

He just doesn't believe it, are these games really that difficult?

Watching related videos on video sites, it seems that you only need to do this, that, and then you can play like this,

Why do the players in the video look disabled.

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