Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 328 The world cannot live without butter

"The old thief is awesome! The old thief is awesome!" Yinzi roared loudly, almost breaking his voice.

"There are so many games... can you get rid of the anti-addiction? I am an adult and I have self-control!" Sister Zhou slapped the table weakly. Compared with other anchors, her skills are a bit average. In this way, It usually takes more time to achieve the corresponding game progress.

"Hey...hey...can this game cabin carry games from other manufacturers? Hey...hey...I have a game I want to play!" pdd wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.


Now not only the anchors are crazy, even the players are all crazy.

‘Can I play games from other manufacturers? I have a game I want to play! '

‘It’s best not to be a magical girl if you want to play! Not Country Rhapsody either! '

'Let's open the authority of the one-person blood book to other manufacturers! ! '


The staff who saw the barrage in the background were slightly taken aback, and then blushed.

Why do you all want to play those weird games at this time!

"Players asked if the game cabin is open to other game manufacturers?"

Ye Feng heard the comments screened by the background staff, "Our game cabin can be used by other game manufacturers. You only need to sign a relevant contract with Mengya before it can be used online."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Internet reveled.

‘The world cannot live without butter! '

'Mr. Dayi! '

‘I felt like I was going to die, but when I heard the news, I felt like I was alive again. '

‘Everyone, don’t buy it. Allowing other game manufacturers’ games to go online is just a way for the old thief to promote the game cabin. Leave it to me to buy it, and I will sacrifice my wallet. '


Chen Ya naturally didn't know the changes outside, he looked at everything in front of him.

A paragraph of text flashed by, the rhythm of the background music began to increase, but the overall tune was full of sadness.

The deep male voice began to describe the changes of the world word by word, or in other words—the origin.

【Once upon a time there was a bang. Time and space were born at the moment of the big bang.

Once upon a time there was an explosion. A planet was born after the explosion and began to rotate.

Once upon a time there was an explosion. Life thrived after the explosion.

Then there was another explosion──]

The sound of the background music gradually became clearer, and the singer's voice was like a cold mist, but the warm power from the heart could be felt through the tulle.

The sea with white waves, the environment is in the Icelandic wilderness with green moss.

The sun shines through the clouds in the sky, and an inverted semi-circle rainbow is under the clouds.

The endless barren wasteland without a blade of grass is full of uneven reefs.

Here, you can't see a smooth road, but not far away, there is a newly built asphalt road that spans the entire wasteland.

A man in silver-gray overalls was driving a motorcycle past the ground. The face under the silver-gray hood was unclear, and only a jaw line could be seen when looking obliquely from the side.

Hearing the thunder behind him, he stopped the car and took a look behind him.

The black crow was flying fast to avoid the approaching thunderstorm, an inverted rainbow appeared in the sky, and a drop of rain fell in his hair.

With just one drop, you can see that the strand of hair stained by the rain is rapidly becoming pale.

The rain began to invade, and he started the motorcycle under him, but he could see some rust stains on the motorcycle, which was slowly being corroded.

The motorcycle had just jumped to start, and on the ground behind him, a palm-sized handprint pressed against the place where he had just been.

A black, tarry substance emerges from the mudra.

Because of the press conference, the body model at this time is the player's own, but the face shape of the character is still the preset character model, and this is also informed to the player internally.

"Why don't you use my face, do you think I'm not handsome enough?" In the game cabin, the voice of the player screamed from inside.

"Of course not, I'm just afraid that your expression management will not be done well later, and I still have to sell the game. Are you here to promote or persuade my players to quit?" Ye Feng retorted and teased.

The players watching the live broadcast couldn't stop laughing,

‘Hahaha, the old thief is also afraid of affecting sales? (dog head)'

‘Actually, no matter what, I’ll still buy it! '

‘Hahahahahaha, I want to know what kind of game makes the player’s expression management invalid. '

'I can keep a bitter face all the time, this spot should be me! '


At this moment, Chen Ya has passed the opening plot, and the mission shows that he needs to retrieve the lost goods.

After using the in-game scanning instrument, data textures began to appear on the ground, which also showed the names of distant goods.

The terrain rules are also displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

Blue dots represent safe terrain, yellow represents steep terrain, yellow triangles represent easy-to-fall terrain, and red Xs represent impassable terrain.

The goods are not very far away, but the general direction can also be seen under scanning.

"Such a simple task?" Chen Ya said contemptuously, and then walked towards the direction of the goods.

But as soon as he left, he found something was wrong.

He felt very light when walking, and there was a feeling of weightlessness.

Fortunately, he felt the balance of his body and nodded slowly.

After just trotting for a few steps, he came to the side of the cargo, picked it up and put it on his back as mentioned.

It may be because the chair is fully wrapped, at this moment there is a sudden grip on the back, and his body sank suddenly.

When he walked to the side again, his body had already started to sway to the left and right.

In the video that the audience saw, he was trying to maintain his balance on some steep ground, but he was still walking staggeringly.

‘Hahahaha, the result of using the game cabin is that the player can’t walk well? '

‘Maybe it’s just like learning to walk, I didn’t expect that I would have to learn to walk again in the game cabin! '

‘Hahaha, he walks so funny! If it were me, it would definitely not be like this! '


As if to resist the imbalance of his body, Chen Ya grabbed the straps with both hands and quickly ran towards the goods in front.

It's fine if you don't run, but you just shake a little bit, and when you start running, you lose your balance quickly.

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh out loud after reading this. This game itself is set up like this. The initial load is low. Players need to upgrade their equipment to improve their load-bearing capacity, and the ground is slippery and rough. , fall and stagger easily.

Originally, with the physical fitness of the original character in the game, it would be difficult to walk, let alone the physical fitness of the player himself.

There is also a reason why he chose this game to experience. The world of Death Stranding is really full of loneliness everywhere.

The player is like a bond, connecting the world bit by bit.

The most important thing is that when the player starts to deliver 'takeaway' to NPC and carries the cargo box on his back, the strange feeling brought by the "connection" will definitely leave a deep impression on the player.

Please give me some pictures, and I will insert them into the novel, (emoji packs, all kinds of hanging pictures are fine), more serious pictures, no sex, or sex that cannot be seen through manual review is also fine.

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