Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 334 I'm off work, but I don't seem to be off work

The game character played by Brother Nu is called Sam. After he finished cursing, he stood up straight again.

"Ah? He cursed?!" 66 widened his eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief.

It's not that you haven't been scolded for playing games, but you haven't been scolded so bluntly.

‘You’re wrong, it’s not him who is swearing, it’s the old thief who is swearing! '

'Yes, I'm too bad, scold me, scold me...'

‘Hahahaha, the old thief is getting more and more stubborn now, isn’t he afraid that we will be happy when he scolds us? '


66 couldn't help laughing at the players' teasing. In the past, on the Internet, just saying "Do you deserve it?" could repeat the machine all night.

But now, everyone is different from before, and people are starting to be weird.

The most classic is that when facing someone who makes you angry, you want to scold him but are afraid that he will be happy.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and Sam controlled by 66 found a cave. For many games, even the previous Zelda, in addition to carrying metal equipment on his back, thunder and lightning will be attracted, and the wall will become slippery. Most of the time, thunderstorms don't bring too much punishment.

Even in rainy days, you can continue your game outside.

But in this game, players are always told that they have to hide when it rains.

Up to now in the game, I haven't talked about why we need to dodge for the time being. All we can see is the flying crow falling from the sky after being contaminated by rain and losing his life.

But the protagonist was also caught in the rain just now, and it didn't seem to be a serious problem.

Because of Sam's entry, the other creatures who were hiding from the rain in the cave were disturbed. A fawn looked up at Sam in horror, and retreated a few steps towards the corner, but had no intention of going out.

Most people in this world can't see living things, and those who can survive already have the rules of survival in this world.

Such as hiding from the rain.

Sam looked at the animal in the corner and did not intend to expel it, but took off his shirt.

While undressing, a photo fell from his pocket. Sam reached out to pick it up, and a drop of rain fell on the back of his hand.

The smooth and delicate back of the hand began to become wrinkled, and the skin began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His body was covered with blood, and there were marks of falls everywhere.

Looking at the hand aged by the raindrops, Sam withdrew his hand. He looked outside the cave with complicated eyes.

"Idiot knowledge, everyone, look at his figure and muscles, you can't even imagine that he is fifty years old now!" 66 is talking about Brother Nu who plays Sam.

Few male stars can still maintain such good physical condition at the age of fifty.

Sam wanted to hold up the photo of his family on the ground despite the rain, but suddenly fine red dots began to appear on his skin.

He held his breath calmly, his eyes squinted to the side, and the black asphalt handprints began to appear in the rain.

The black asphalt handprints that appear in the rain are BTs. They are very sensitive to breathing. Once they are caught by him, they will drag people along and devour them.

The rain that falls from the sky is also the rain of time, and the rain of time will corrode the goods and the exposed skin.

The weather cleared after the rain, and the BT also disappeared. The distribution center sent a urging message, asking 66 to complete the delivery of his goods quickly, because the recipient was already urging.

The time rain will also corrode the cargo box and affect the player's delivery settlement score.

Of course, falling will also affect the score of the goods.

But when the player picks up the goods from the ground, he finds that after fulfilling the mission, there are still many goods on the ground, which do not seem to belong to the protagonist, and the label prompt is also [lost goods].

Pick it up and the UI interface will show that this is the goods dropped by xxx, and there is a [Like] for the delivery destination.

66 picked up all the things on the road, and many things were not the destination she delivered this time.

"Since someone else dropped it, let's send it to him." One piece after another was loaded on the back, the weight on the body was also increasing little by little, and walking became more and more unstable .

"Why did they say that I am a legendary delivery man!" 66 laughed, "Wherever there is a need, there is us!"

'Don't pick it up, don't pick it up, the road will be unstable. '

Everyone was discussing, but the barrage began to say more and more strange words.

'Getting things to people who need them...and protecting them from damage...This game suddenly feels a little familiar to me, like my job at work...'

‘Hahaha, I also got confused when I was playing, I just got off work, and I was going to play a game to relax, but the fuck asked me to deliver the goods again! '

‘In reality, I would curse at you when I was delivering goods, and asked me to climb the fifth floor to ask customers to block me. In the game, I was asked to climb mountains and wade through water to deliver supplies to NPCs! '

'It's off work, but it doesn't seem to be off... and I'm very happy to send it off! '


‘Hahahaha, is it just so easy to lose your balance? Walking on flat ground will have the feeling of falling to the ground. '

‘I’m also so unstable when playing on the computer, it should be a problem with the mechanics of the game. '

‘Sister 66 is not bad, I just went to see other live broadcast rooms, those players seem to be unable to walk, they keep falling down, it’s very boring to watch, this game cabin might as well be given to me. '


Many players also want to watch other live broadcast rooms, but it is strange that in some live broadcast rooms, those players stand in place after the plot, and let the quests in the narration urge them, just like hanging up ,like a statue.

Ye Feng was in the laboratory with the military at this time, and they were looking at the screen on the computer.

The huge screen was divided into a hundred small screens, displaying a hundred images.

There are well-known anchors like 66, ordinary players, and patients who stand still.

"We have tested that when BT appears, their brainwave response is the strongest." Cui Chang stood beside Ye Feng and said the latest detection data.

There are a total of fifty patients being observed now, half of them just look around in confusion without moving, and the other half have already begun to try to follow the task to explore.

After watching the game, Cui Chang felt that the game did a good job of suffocating the loneliness.

When riding a motorcycle in the wilderness to avoid the rain of time, he only felt that the world was dead and depressing, but soon, the first person appeared in the world, although she caused the protagonist to overturn.

But after the first person appeared, the feeling of loneliness was much less.

Because the essence of human beings is not loneliness, when they feel the presence of others, they will unconsciously feel peace of mind.

"Don't you need any reminders to wake up the game?" Cui Chang looked at Ye Feng, and the people in the game changed from standing still to trying to move around.

This is a good thing, and it represents that the other party has begun to re-understand the world from a state of chaos.

At this time, if you try to wake them up, you may be able to wake them up from their deep sleep directly.

"No need." Ye Feng shook his head.

"Just wait for their first death in the game." The death in Death Stranding is different from other games. It sinks into the bottom of the sea, looks at the sky in confusion, and feels the suffocation of the bottom of the sea.

Death Stranding can return to life, but the big explosion caused by death will permanently blow up a big hole in your world.

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