"Sprout tree hole?" Yinzi yawned, and suddenly regained some energy.

Click on the link in the message, it shows that at 8:00 pm, the Budding Tree Cave was officially opened.

"It's just right, it's ten o'clock in the afternoon, and it's exactly eight o'clock in the evening to get up and complain." Yinzi closed the link while speaking, and set an alarm clock for himself at eight o'clock in the evening.

"Isn't it just the right time!" Yinzi laughed out loud. "No one can arrange better than me, and no one knows how to control time better than me."

"Brothers, that's it for us. I'll download the broadcast first. I'll see you tonight." Yinzi turned off the live broadcast without saying a word.

He has to rest. He can play and eat while eating during the live broadcast, but he really can't play and sleep while sleeping.

The most important thing is that he really wants to play.

"This kid has really learned the essence!" Yinzi was lying on the bed, still reminiscing about everything in the game just now, the pixel graphics were quickly generated in his head, and he was automatically demonstrating the previous game in his brain in everything.

He turned over and felt a little emotional. This is one of the few games that made him forget the time. The last time this happened was Zelda.

The feeling of driving players to play the game with curiosity is really wonderful.

The entire process of the game is entirely supported by the player's own curiosity to explore.

And this game gave him another novel feeling, new things can happen every step, and every time he will die from the fear of the unknown.

This feeling made him feel more wonderful than pure exploration.

When playing Terraria, he discovered that this is a game made with elements of Cthulhu.

Cthulhu was an element of the writer Lovecraft, and the system has since been liked and loved.

In a literary essay, he once said a very classic sentence,

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown.

Anyone can understand the literal meaning, but this is the first time he has seen someone who can use games to give this feeling out.

When he was just playing the game, he would sometimes be injured by inexplicable creatures in the dark and lose blood and die. Sometimes he knew that he was diving, but the bottom of the water was pitch black. In the dark, he could dig and collect supplies.

Similarly, in the invisible darkness, monsters will also harm him,

In the absence of light, every time he heard the sound of gnawing, he felt the fear in his heart being pulled up, and then gnawed and lost blood, eroding his heart.

In this game, players are given both curiosity about the unknown and fear of the unknown.

But even so, no matter how many times he died, he just wanted to continue playing. He didn't know the reason, maybe it was because of changing clothes, or because of various weapons with strange special effects, and various pets, potions , Fishing... He just felt that everything made people feel very happy.

Yinzi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, he felt that the sleepiness had hit his brain, but in the head covered by the sleepiness, the world of Terraria was being staged.

"No, I still have to study what the guide said." Yinzi sat up from the bed after thinking about it.

Not long at the beginning of the game, the guide once said to him such a sentence,

[You need to defeat a powerful monster to prove yourself, so as to attract the attention of the dryad. 】


Powerful monsters?

What is this?

Yinzi walked to his computer, "Just play for a while, after I know what a powerful monster is, I will take the initiative to play the game, and then get up at eight o'clock to watch Mengya's new Tucao tree hole, and then start broadcasting at night For a period of time, brag and chat with fans for a while, then play for a while, then download the game, and then sleep."

His fingers unconsciously poked towards the power button.

It's just that when it was turned on, his expression began to be a little painful and tangled.

Because it is really a bit sleepy, but I really want to play.

Moreover, he knew the consequences of continuing to play.

"Just set an alarm clock!" Yinzi picked up his mobile phone, "Half an hour...ah, no, an hour."

It's twelve o'clock at noon now, play for an hour and sleep until eight o'clock, just the right time.

It seemed that a series of reasons comforted him, and he clicked on the game without any hesitation.

With the improvement of strength, now Yinzi is no longer afraid of the darkness of night.

On an unknown night, with the shattering of the body of the Eye of Cthulhu, what the guide had said was also realized.

The Dryad wakes up from the depths of the jungle and enters the player's field of vision. The dusty story of this planet also begins to unfold before the player's eyes.

Achievements obtained: [I see you]

Yinzi looked at the achievement and saw the green tree demon appearing in front of his eyes, a trace of satisfaction subconsciously surfaced in his heart.

【Jingle Bell! ——]

The mobile phone on the desktop rang again, and seeing the 13:00 alarm clock being reminded, Yinzi didn't hesitate any more [remind me later]

He had ordered several times before this.

A small function of the alarm clock of the fruit phone, as long as you select [remind me later], it will automatically go back ten minutes.

Play for another ten minutes, and you must be offline!

When Yinzi chose to wait for the reminder, she didn't feel any guilt because it was only ten minutes.

【Remind me later】

【Remind me later】

【Remind me later】


Until he wanted to catch his breath, Yinzi saw the cell phone ringing again.

【Remind me later】


Looking at the latest time, 18:00, there are still two hours before the budding tree hole will start.


The long-cracking alarm clock finally stopped completely, and now, Yinzi didn't plan to go to bed anymore.

Anyway, I broke my precept in 13 hours last night. Anyway, I have already been supervised by the anti-addiction. Anyway, it is already 6 pm. Anyway, the live broadcast of Germination Tree Hole is about to start, and his live broadcast time is coming soon...

Just like everyone climbing Mount Tai, the belief that supports everyone to climb to the top may be one sentence, come and come.

Yinzi looked at his game screen, and continued his game without saying a word.

When it starts broadcasting later, fans will definitely be shocked that my progress is so fast, right?

He whispered in his heart, like a child who played games behind his parents' back when he was a child, he would continue to start his exciting game in the fear of being found out.

When he was thinking about how to explain it to the player, he saw a prompt in the lower left corner of the screen, and the slime fell from the sky.

The next second, he was surprised to find that it really started raining slime.

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