Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 368: Bowl of rice is genuine subtitles!

In the game somatosensory cabin used by Tuanzi, no matter what tool is used, you can feel the feeling of interacting with the object.

Especially when wearing the flying squirrel suit, the feeling of wrapping around the body is particularly strong.

Just switching equipment at the beginning, she found that there were three types of bicycles.

"Is there any difference between this stunt bike and ordinary racing bikes?" She looked at the various data of the game in doubt. People who don't understand extreme sports can't see the effect of these values ​​at all.

"What we can know so far is that this stunt bike can do moves that are difficult for racing bikes, and it will be much easier to complete some fancy tricks."

"There are differences in the performance parameters of bicycles such as speed and aerial stunts - off-road vehicles have faster speed and stronger grip, but the relative aerial stunt ability is slightly inferior to flat vehicles."

Seeing the serious study of Tuanzi, the fans were also happy.

'No need, we don't want this score. '

'Each project can also get a guaranteed star, be obedient, we don't want other stars. '

‘But stars can be exchanged for things, those equipments are really beautiful! '

'Stupid ones are also cute. '


The punishment for game failure is very small, just like Weilan, who can almost resurrect on the spot and immediately get up to continue his own game. The player does not have much loss in the process.

If it is during opening hours, the loss is almost negligible.

But in a racing game, the player loses his speed.

The speed will return to zero, and the player needs to start sprinting again.

In the game, whether you fail to fall or miss a checkpoint on the track, you can go back to the time node a few seconds ago to continue your game by backtracking.

At first, Tuanzi thought that the time rewinding of the extreme country was the time rewinding of everyone, which would drive the virtual people around them who took pictures online.

But after the game, she discovered that backtracking was just a person backtracking, but her own speed returned to zero.

If you miss a checkpoint, you have to start over, and the characters are regressing frame by frame.

Everything is going backwards, even the splashed flying stones, snowflakes, and puddles on the ground are returning to their original appearance in an upside-down mode.

But others are not included in the backtracking time, and time is not reversed because of backtracking.

The time of the event continued to advance, and the music continued to play.

Only the players themselves are regressing here.

The world of "Extreme Country" is a large-scale playground for extreme sports. It is composed of landforms from seven national parks. The vast map is covered with a variety of ecological environments: mountains, snowfields, forests, plains and deserts. , to meet the venues required by various extreme sports.

Players can experience the three extreme sports of "bicycle", "skiing" and "flying".

All kinds of competitions in the game revolve around these five "career", but compared with traditional racing games, the competition style of "Extreme Nation" is more diversified.

The conditions for players to get rewards in many competitions are not limited to "who is the first to reach the finish line", but also "performance points for completing actions in the race schedule", and even completing "zero mistakes, one life clearance" is a test of patience. challenge.

In addition to the traditional stunt and racing competitions, there are also some special events in the game.

For example, "comprehensive competition" will switch vehicles at specific checkpoints, allowing three extreme sports to appear simultaneously in one event, requiring players to be proficient in various terrains and events.

In addition, some challenges are also very entertaining, such as riding a bike to deliver food, flying in the desert in a rocket car, and even riding a bicycle on a mountain ridge or a single-plank bridge.

"My family, I don't know what it's like to travel through the woods in the game, but in the game cabin, I can experience the feeling of walking on the branches and grass leaves scratching my body."

"And when I went swimming, my whole body was icy cold." Tuanzi just swam casually, and didn't swim deep.

"The most important thing is that we can feel the pain that we can't feel in the host mode." Tuanzi recalled the feeling after each fall, the pain was very weak, just enough to make people feel the existence of pain.

The game has been emphasizing to everyone that although the game is fun, the reality of extreme sports is dangerous.

"In the game, everyone can lose themselves effortlessly, without losing themselves completely." After unlocking the ski, Tuanzi glides on the snow field again and again. She likes this kind of coldness and loneliness.

Although there will be other players and figures rushing around from time to time, she doesn't need to deliberately avoid it. She can play her own game and feel the coolness brought by the splashing snow and fog and the somatosensory cabin.

The only difference between using the somatosensory cabin and ordinary equipment is that she can feel her feet exerting strength and her hands clenching fists.

"Brothers, falling is temporary, but being handsome is a lifetime thing!"

"Woohoo!" Tuanzi screamed, using Xiaopo who had just rushed up, quickly manipulated his character.

She likes to master all kinds of tricks in the stunt game, and the key to success in the game is to complete the stunt.

The more stable the technique, the higher the accumulated points.

"Brothers, there is a little detail that the old thief did." Tuanzi looked at the characters in the game, and she fell to the ground once again because she wanted to try to show off her skills.

She is fascinated by these tricks on the snow, and loves the movements and poses she shows off by leaping into the air.

Just a grab board can show off countless skills.

The sense of accomplishment when learning one movement and then learning another is indescribable.

"You can see that the characters are motionless when they fall, and when you get up again, your character will appear in the form of data reconstruction, and the form of technology to reorganize a person's body shape, is it also telling everyone about extreme sports? Danger."

After the stimulation of adrenaline, some small details of the game began to fall into her eyes bit by bit.

In the game, there is almost no penalty for mistakes, and players do not have to put the safety of the players first like participating in extreme sports competitions in real life.

The game continues to give people a relaxed and pleasant game atmosphere.

Even if the player will hear the screams of the players because of accidents every three to five times during the game, but seeing the NPC players whizzing by on both sides of the track, wearing all kinds of fancy clothes, and the track decorated with various themes, It is difficult to say that such a game will bring any psychological pressure to people.

For the players who fell, the unexpected screams can make themselves more devoted to enjoying the fun brought by racing and stunts.

But the character model of data posture reconstruction is telling everyone the danger of extreme sports.

The character data in the game can be reorganized, which also means that life cannot be restarted.

"Is there a master who can come up with a set of game teaching? A little teaching in the game itself is really not enough." Tuanzi said helplessly. Originally, watching the game video given by the official, those dazzling moves looked cool and elegant. But when I operate it myself, there are always big problems.

When I play by myself, I always feel that the controlled bicycle and snowboard are not very controlled.

As mentioned earlier, the key to success in the game is performing stunts.

In the game, you need to complete specific events or explore on the big map to obtain items.

Every time you only need to complete the event and do not need to meet other conditions, you can get a guaranteed star, but if you want more stars, you need to complete stunts to increase your game score.

"One star every time..." Tuanzi grinned as he looked at his game, "We really have to practice our stunts."

She searched for corresponding tutorials online, wanting to see if there was a quick way.

Then she saw a video and tagged it in the extreme country, but the title was [Delivery! 】

She clicked on the video curiously. In the picture, the character controlled by the anchor was riding a bicycle with a pizza box on the back seat.

The melodious and brisk background music has already sounded, and on the winding mountain road, the road is winding.

The blogger started his journey on a bicycle.

She watched the video suspiciously, because she noticed that the blogger specially configured barrage for the background music.

The song selected by the blogger is the built-in music in the game, "for ya", which Tuanzi has heard before, and also likes to play this song in the game to feel the game.

It's just that seeing the video barrage configured by the blogger now, why does it feel so weird.

"Everything is not good, all recover."

"My cancer is also fully cured."


"I miss you Yuanyuan every day."

"Your faint fragrance is the charming Li Yunlong."

Seeing this, Tuanzi was already dumbfounded, she stared at the screen dumbfounded,

"Brothers, what a lightning strike at the opening, how did this song work?"

"The most important thing is that this person is not walking the right path at all!" Tuanzi watched him rushing down the cliff, turned around and kicked left, and even made superman flying movements.

Seeing his unconventional performance, the fans were also happy.

‘It is well known that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. '

‘This is the limit country! '

‘There are no holes in the world, if more people fall to their deaths, it becomes a road. '

'Is this how the song is sung? It feels weird, wait for me to listen to it again. '

Tuanzi continued to watch the game video, the singing continued to sound, and the bullet screen also displayed the text it marked.

"Honey, fall in."

"Fuck me, I'm tired of living."

"Honey, fall in and tell me, tired of work"

‘I like you to eat my tits, the depth is like eating a bowl of rice in the bottom of the sea~~’


Hearing this, Tuanzi has been completely brainwashed. "It's against the sky, mainly because his operation is too cool!"

"This lyrics is quite explosive in the entire lyrics world." Tuanzi pulled the video back to the beginning, something was wrong, and she wanted to listen to it again.

"I have completely forgotten what the original lyrics look like."

Seeing her listening to the song repeatedly, the fans were also happy.

'Full marks for the lyrics! '

‘Goddammit, I laughed so hard! '

‘The lyrics are not repetitive? ! '

'Yan Wang: It's my Mimi who likes you. '

'Damn it, the real limit country, a barrage with self-awareness! '

'Finally understand a song, genuine subtitles. '

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