Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 376 The silence at the scene is deafening!

Hearing this name, all the players felt like a stick was poked into their foreheads and stirred vigorously.

Everyone recalled his extremely cool game operation, which is different from the traditional tumbling and dodging style of play. This video will definitely be saved and enjoyed by foreign players.

Out of the country, buddy!

The only downside is that when people ask what the game ID means, everyone will hesitate and be speechless.

No one said that tumbling is not good, and some people also thought about using the various martial arts and taekwondo operations they learned to show off their skills.

But if you don't practice these moves to perfection, but just understand some moves, no matter how cool the moves are, they are all gaudy, and it's better to return to the basics with an ordinary tumbling.

It was also at this time that everyone understood the meaning of the old thief's ordinary moves.

Incomparably cool moves and martial arts skills may not be known to everyone.

But poking chrysanthemums after rolling around must be easy for everyone to learn.

When the player actually comes to the game and there are more powerful monsters appearing behind you, you can do whatever you want, and I will attack the most powerful monsters with the most common moves. Ultimate enjoyment.

Before Germination began to give lectures, the players with the fastest progress were in a state of repair at the same time, and they were only a little away from killing the graft noble.

The budding game is like this, even the blood of monsters cannot be taken lightly, otherwise it will be easy to be counter-killed.

Everyone is adjusting their final state. Hundreds of deaths in the past have made defeating the grafted nobles an obsession. Entering the game exhibition is already a secondary goal. Everyone has more things to do now.

Most of them are only close to the goal, and the comparison is whoever has no mistakes and whoever hits faster.

If the old thief hadn't held an online press conference for everyone temporarily, the players would have frantically switched between several live broadcast rooms.

Although it's over, but fortunately, I can watch the replay of the live broadcast.

Xiao Cao's technology is really hard, but this ID is really not good.

"Everyone must be very curious now, so I won't take up your time any longer." Ye Feng said with a smile. He intended to answer everyone's boring waiting time, but he didn't expect Xiao Cao to finish playing at this time.

He closed the live broadcast room, and players flocked towards Xiao Cao's live broadcast room.

[Congratulations to Thief Cao for being the first to behead a nobleman, get the online data package of "Elden's Circle of Law", get the right to build a city of your choice, get the online title [Number One Warrior], and get the qualification to enter the game exhibition , obtained the internal test qualification of ten games. Get item rewards...]

There is a long list of rewards in the back, and the players just feel that they can't see it at all. Everyone guessed that there will be rewards, but they didn't expect the rewards to be so rich.

Thief Cao was standing at the door of the game exhibition. The flowing white fog door had disappeared, and the scene inside gradually became clear. He stood where he was, feeling the impact of rewards brought by the system.

"Fuck, number one warrior!" He took the title on his head without any hesitation.

Looking inside the game exhibition, after hesitating for two seconds, he chose to close the door and not go in for the time being.

He has to study all these rewards first.

At the beginning, his appeal was to go in ahead of time to take a look. Now that he saw these rewards, he had no intention of going in for a visit.

As for the audience?

If you don't go in by yourself, you don't want to have fun in advance!

Seeing his actions, the spectators who had already walked to the door from the perspective of watching the battle instantly couldn't see the content clearly, and everyone immediately became speechless.

The silence at the scene was deafening.

'I'm really convinced, so stingy? '

‘To tell you the truth, none of these things are useful, so the old thief doesn’t know how to give a name-changing card? '

'I almost saw the content of the game exhibition, he closed the door? There is technology but no character, right? '

'Only the fans of the old thief can do this kind of thing. '


The barrage rants wildly, and Xiao Cao doesn't care. His game cabin has already started to download the data of Elden's Circle of Law, and his identity information has been marked when the limb-grabbing nobleman comes out.

This is a small boss in the game.

After reading the game information, he turned his attention to other rewards.

"Building a city? Isn't this too cool?" He looked at the right to build the city, his eyes were red.

In his consciousness, he can see a huge map of Daxia. Now he can choose one of the cities, or maintain the existing buildings, or overthrow and rebuild the existing projections, and build his own city. Afterwards, the online world will open After that, the player can descend to the corresponding city according to the area to which he belongs.

He couldn't sort out the reward information anymore, he only hated that he didn't have enough time now, and he only hated that he couldn't use the clone technique alone.

He felt that this was the real game show!

Before that, he had to clean up the news in his background.

A lot of strangers sent him a lot of private messages, and he didn't even have time to read them.

Hey, he shook his head proudly. Everyone must want to create an exclusive residence for them in the Sim City. He doesn't know the little thoughts of the players?

If everyone's suggestion is appropriate, it's not that he can't consider it.

But wait until he clicks on the background private message.

Seeing the content of everyone's private messages to themselves, everyone froze in place.

‘What game ID do you say is bad for you? I watched the replay just now, and he played very handsomely, but the name is really hard to say. '

‘I have a foreign friend who asked me what is the meaning of the name Xiao Cao thief? The explanation I gave them was the hero in the history of the Great Xia. '

‘Is there really no name change card in the item reward? '

‘As we all know, everyone must dress like a person when going through the story, and when they have a premonition that they will become famous, they must choose a nice name. '

‘Why did you close the gate of the game show, let me in, please. '

‘I like your technique very much, but I don’t like your name very much. '


In the backstage news, no one asked him to build, and no one asked him about his skills and style of play.

Only people complained about his name, and said that they wanted to go to the game exhibition to have a look.

After looking through his props and rewards, he found that there was indeed no name change card in it. He grinned at his name. The video of beating the limb-grabbing creature had already had tens of millions of views, and he began to be known by many people.

This time it was really embarrassing!

After reading the private messages in the backstage, and looking back, he noticed that his number of spectators had already reached millions.

Everyone wanted to follow him into the game exhibition to see the scenery inside.

At this time, the system broadcasted the news that another player had defeated the grafted noble, and the rewards they received began to be displayed.

The rewards everyone gets are only one urban construction worse than Xiao Cao's thief.

For Germination, after defeating monsters after opening the online world, there will no longer be so many rewards. Now it is a reward for brave warriors who dare to be the first, and it is also a special benefit of the game exhibition.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by the system news, thief Cao secretly walked towards the game exhibition.

Although the dog is vicious, it quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone switched to watch the battle and followed closely, because in this way, they could follow him in and have a glimpse of the scenery inside, which is feasible for Germination.

The boss fights hard, we follow the tour, the little Karami has the consciousness of the little Karami, this wave is not a loss!

Thief Cao stood at the door of the game exhibition. When he stood at the door for the first time, a reminder popped up in his consciousness.

Seeing this prompt, he smiled knowingly. He believed that other game masters would make the same choice as him after they had the qualification to enter.

【Whether players are allowed to follow into the game exhibition】


Seeing Xiao Cao pass through the gate of the game exhibition and enter the interior, everyone wanted to follow, but they were stopped outside the gate.

Players stare at the system prompts,

[Little Cao thief rejected your perspective to follow]

Push the book, push a friend's daily novel of catching the sea, "Let you go to the sea, you go to the sea to hunt megalodon sharks?" "

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