Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 381 What if it's a baby?

When the last sound sounded, the darkened projection hall was lit up again.

The original giant dragon and the original ancient forest have all disappeared, leaving only a modern stage.

All the above elements about Monster Hunter disappeared, Ye Feng stood on the stage again, and beside him was a box full of gifts.

The audience at the game exhibition site also found that beside each booth, many gift boxes suddenly appeared.

"Everyone knows that we have an online game exhibition. When the online game exhibition starts to release gifts, our offline players will not miss it." Ye Feng blinked at the staff around him, and there were countless The staff of the company took gifts and gave them to the manufacturers who were in the screening hall.

"We all have it too." He blinked mischievously, and held up the small gift in his hand.

Seeing his mischievous wink, the male players watching the live broadcast on the Internet went crazy.

The barrage has been filled with distorted screams,

‘Ahhhhhhh, the old thief is so handsome, this wink kills me so much! '

‘Why do online and offline players have gifts, just because they spend money? '

‘Why can’t the prostitutes have a good meal! I want presents too! '

‘Male fans, can you calm down a little, the old thief is already married to me, you have nothing to do. '


Offline players bought tickets with money, while online players had a hundred quota attached to them.

So it can also be rounded into online players who also spend money.

Looking at the gifts distributed at the scene, everyone said that they were not envious, but it was a lie, but things like game exhibitions were really in demand.

Tickets are not expensive, but the problem is that everyone can't get them!

In the screening hall, the staff held small gifts in their hands and randomly distributed them to the manufacturers sitting on the scene.

These are some exquisitely packaged small boxes of the same size, only the size of a ring box.

The light green packaging is also very consistent with the theme of sprouting.

The game manufacturer present opened it curiously, thinking it would be something special, but after opening the box, they found a very ordinary special card inside.

There is a pattern on the front of the card, and an exchange code with numbers and letters randomly mixed on the back.

The card is very well made, and the patterns on it are also hand-painted original paintings.

Is this a benefit for players?

The game manufacturers present were slightly taken aback, they didn't expect Ye Feng to distribute the benefits to the players as well.

But it was just a moment of distraction, everyone put away the cards in their hands seriously, and smiled knowingly.

Maybe the game I made was lost here.

When they first saw that the gift was a game card, they found that not only did they not have the ecstatic enthusiasm of the players, but they were also a little disappointed.

Subconsciously, everyone was thinking that the old thief could give him something more meaningful, or a game production guide to impart a little bit of his experience.

This disappointment lasted only for a moment, because they were all human beings, and they quickly realized that in this card, the old thief had given them the most precious thing in game production, that is, the need for eternal love for games.

Always like games, always like game-related things, so as not to forget this original intention.

The manufacturers got small gifts in their hands, and the players at the offline game exhibition also got small gifts in their hands.

They only need to take their tickets to the nearest booth to swipe, and then they can get the initial gift from the old thief.

This is just an initial gift. Everyone who participates in the game exhibition can get a copy with the ticket. If you want more game cards, you need to go to the experience machines at each booth to experience his games. You only need to clear the corresponding plot. You can get the corresponding gift.

Yinzi was the closest to a booth, and curiously took his ticket to check it.

After confirming that it was the first time to receive a gift, the staff smiled and handed a small box to him.

"I thought that only online players had small gifts, but it really made me sour!" Yinzi rubbed the exquisitely packaged small green box on his heart twice.

After the corners of his mouth grinned, he didn't close them again. He adjusted the angle of his phone and opened the small box carefully.

He wanted to show the fans in his live broadcast room what kind of gift he got at random.

"Sprout Game Exhibition, choose one of the special League of Legends skins." Yinzi looked at the front of the card with an icon of clothing, and a string of codes on the back.

He thought he would get something related to Monster Hunter, but he didn't expect to get an optional skin card called League of Legends.

"If I remember correctly, is it another game that Germination Studio plans to launch this time?" Yinzi immediately remembered what it was, it was a game with many heroes that everyone had been scolding before. .

At that time, the data showed that every hero needs to learn and practice hard.

It is also because of this incident that this game has been disliked by everyone.

Now it's not that everyone doesn't play games, but that they don't spend too much time studying a game.

Although everyone often teases a boss to fight for a day, but after that, it is basically not open to fight a second time.

One is because of tiredness, and the other is because there are a steady stream of new games on the market.

In terms of treating stand-alone games, players are like a scumbag. After clearing the level once, they will leave it idle in the library and will not open it a second time.

Only a small number of people will continue to love this game and enjoy the joy of playing this game again and again.

"If you don't have any presents, I will use this game card to draw a lottery later, right?" Yinzi said tentatively while playing with the card in his hand.

'Okay, you hate the old thief's new game, but I don't. '

'You just have to give this to me, boss, it's too easy to give a gift! '

'The following game cards can only be obtained by completing the relevant chapters of their games at the booths of major game manufacturers. '

‘What if I can’t get it? '


"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yinzi looked at the barrage. The old thief opened the game exhibition and talked about all the joy. It is impossible to set the follow-up gift card to be difficult to obtain.

And win game cards from other game manufacturers.

He shook his head. If he needed to complete the corresponding chapters in the Germination game to get the gift this time, he would have given up a long time ago.

However, this is a national carnival.

"But you reminded me, don't be in a hurry to give it away." Yinzi looked at the game cards in his hand, "After I get a lot, I will pick a few that I don't like and give them to everyone."

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