Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 392 Since everyone likes to play, let's make one too.

"Isn't the online matter resolved?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

Now online game exhibition, except when it is not necessary, everyone will not do it easily. This is a bit like the virtual community in Ye Feng's mind, where players can do what they want peacefully, and can also be used as a A hero who is willing to be kind and hateful, walks the rivers and lakes.

"The online fight was resolved, but new problems appeared offline." Xu Xinghai was a little embarrassed when he said this, why did such weird content get mixed into the game show?

After listening to her story, Ye Feng was slightly taken aback, but soon came back to his senses.

"That's it, then it is really necessary to distinguish these from ordinary games." Ye Feng shook his head, there is no way to stop some things, all they have to do is to control everything.

Hearing Ye Feng's expected answer, Xu Xinghai felt dumbfounded. "I thought you would expel these small manufacturers from the game exhibition."

"Since everyone likes to play, let's make one too." A classic game from the previous life came to Ye Feng's mind. Although it can also sleep with female NPCs, it is not butter.

"Huh?" Xu Xinghai was taken aback, "We do it too?"

After the butter came out, netizens have been teasing that Ye Feng will take the lead in the charge, but they didn't expect him to really take the lead in the charge!

"Ahem, maybe I didn't express clearly. What I said was not butter." Ye Feng followed her and walked towards the parking lot, "Let's go, I'll take you home, and talk while walking."

Recently Xu Xinghai always appeared in front of him from time to time, and he was willing to share more things with her.

"In the new game setting, a catastrophe happened to the world, and it trapped many creatures from various worlds in this world, for example, ghouls and bloodthorn ghouls and high-level vampires , they are the remnants of the celestial sphere meeting."

"Demon hunters were born from this. They are mutant humans hired by ordinary people to hunt and kill monsters, and use this to make a living and protect people from monster threats." Ye Feng talked about the world view of The Witcher III.

Under the street lamp, the bright light hit her beautiful side face, Xu Xinghai looked confused, she didn't want to understand why such a decent-sounding demon hunting game had something to do with Butter.

"Because this is an open-world role-playing game, in which players can improve their own strength while being with certain female characters and have some different relationships during the game." When Ye Feng said this, he also thought of A funnier one.

In the previous life, when everyone thought that The Witcher 3 was the limit of role-playing, and then there was a new Baldur's Gate 3, countless people were feeling that when each game reaches the third series, it will usher in the peak of its own game production Expect.

Like Baldur's Gate 3, in the previous life, it was widely known because of the animation CG of a vampire and a bear falling in love.

You must know that vampires and bears are two men!

Even this can fall in love!

But in this game, falling in love with a bear is not his limit. After playing the mind flayer, he can also conquer it.

"We will release another interesting game in the future. Players can freely fall in love with their NPC teammates during the game..." Speaking of the game, Ye Feng became energetic again.

Xu Xinghai didn't turn his head to look at him until he finished speaking.

The two had already entered the elevator in the underground parking lot, and Ye Feng was still talking to her about the relevant settings of the game.

"One more thing..." In the elevator, Xu Xinghai stood beside him, took out a small cake from behind and handed it to Ye Feng, "Happy birthday."

"Busy people, have you been busy with the game exhibition these days and forgot?" She smiled and handed the small cake to Ye Feng. It was only the size of a palm, just enough for one person.

It was only then that Ye Feng remembered that after the first meeting, she had kept her hands behind her back. Ye Feng knew that she was carrying something behind her, but she always thought it was her personal belongings and didn't care.

Looking at this cake, Ye Feng was a little absent-minded. He really hasn't had a birthday for a long time. It should be that he hasn't had a birthday since he crossed over.

After coming to this world, every birthday is spent in a busy way, every year is no exception, and this year is also the same.

"Happy birthday! I made this myself~~" She pointed to the small cake in Ye Feng's hand. She had studied for a long time and made it many times before she made this version.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Ye Feng solemnly held the cake in his hand, and a warm current was born in his heart.

No matter in his previous life or now, he has not celebrated his birthday for a long time.

Just like a game, everyone is creating happiness for children, but few people are creating happiness for adults.

The same is true for birthdays. Many people remember the birthdays of children, but once they are in their twenties, most people spend their birthdays by themselves every year.

At the beginning, I would entertain friends for a meal, but in the end, I still choose to be alone.

He hasn't had his birthday for a long time, he doesn't remember it, and neither will anyone else.

"So you don't want to fall in love with a female character that so many players fall in love with?" Xu Xinghai said quietly in the elevator.

This time, she didn't dodge her eyes any more, but stared straight at Ye Feng.

"Ah?" After hearing her words, Ye Feng was dumbfounded on the spot. He has been reborn for several years, how could he have seen such a battle?

"Ding——" Just when Ye Feng was in a daze, the elevator bell rang, and they had already reached the second floor, but neither of them walked out.


"Why don't we try together?!" Xu Xinghai looked at him with eyes full of anticipation. She couldn't help but tucked her short hair behind her ears to hide her inner anxiety.


Ye Feng looked at the small cake in his hand, this was the first time he felt that maybe two people would have a good taste together.

"Okay! After the game show is over, let's play together as a couple!" Xu Xinghai took his arm, his eyes were full of stars. "Don't refuse, I have never played this game for this day!"

"I heard that all the people who play this game are married, so I keep the game!" The first thing Xu Xinghai thought of was a trip for two. This game made by Ye Feng was well received when it was released. Unlike previous mess kitchens, this game is a real love story!

"But... I played with Song Shan in a team before."

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