On the second day, the game manufacturer had already stepped onto the stage and started their game presentation.

The games of the manufacturers at the back are very small, and they ended their game promotion work in just one morning.

The game exhibition lasted for three days, and after the end of the second day, players had free time to move around.

Although it is already the second day, the popularity of the offline game exhibition has only increased a lot. Players originally thought that this was another game exhibition dedicated to old thieves. can fight.

The most important point is that the old thief is too diligent in making games, and there is a tendency to kill all his peers.

Others are going to participate in a game exhibition after careful preparation, but Ye Feng really happens to have that game ready, so that game will participate in the war,

In the end, these game exhibitions and TGA game organizers had no choice but to award the old thief a lifetime golden joystick award. Their idea is very simple, and they really can't afford to offend them!

On the game podium, the last game manufacturer bowed to express his gratitude, and there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Amidst the thunderous applause, the last manufacturer couldn't help wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes. Since the game show, the sales he brought to the game show have been gradually increasing.

This is not false and unnecessary growth. He carefully read every comment, whether it is positive or negative, it is a comment carefully written by the player after experiencing the game.

The reply that received the most is that it is much better than before.

At that moment, he realized that seriousness is the passport for players to pay, and gameplay is the password for players to stay for a long time.

In order to keep up with the old thief's introversion, the game manufacturers here have put in great effort in game production!

Now, years of hard work have finally paid off.

Some of the game manufacturers here may be relying on the small butter sword to take a slant, but most of them are still making games down-to-earth.

Everyone remembered that at the end of the first game, the old thief said that he would hold a game talk, and gather players every year to discuss how to make games and discuss game making skills.

Maybe for the players, this is an ordinary salon meeting, but it is not the case for the manufacturers.

In their eyes, this is a decision to regard Germination, Great Xia as a holy place, and as the leader of the game circle.

But now, everyone feels that maybe making games under the leadership of the old thief is also a good choice?

At least, if there is someone in the front, they will also unconsciously improve their game production level.

After the last person left the stage, Xu Xinghai and Ye Feng stood up, and everyone couldn't help laughing twice. Everyone looked at Ye Feng and Xu Xinghai expectantly, thinking that they were officially announced on stage.

Ye Feng picked up the microphone. "Everyone, the game exhibition is coming to an end, but Germination still has a game that hasn't been released yet." Hearing Ye Feng's words, the people on and off the stage raised their spirits one after another.

finally reached!

Everyone has been looking forward to the last game for a long time, and everyone is very puzzled why there are so many characters in one game.

Will players really practice on a hero-by-hero basis?

Just like the upcoming Monster Hunter, there are many weapons that players need to practice.

They found that Germinal's current game is gradually approaching complexity.

Sometimes it doesn't sound like a joke when netizens ridicule Jiang Lang, the black star's old thief, for his talent.

"The game was released at the same time as an animation called Battle of Two Cities. This animation was produced by Xu Xinghai, the animation director of our Xinghai Branch." While Ye Feng was speaking, "You can also call it Battle of Two Cities. , Budding trailer."

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter. Ever since Pokémon, everyone knew that Germina did not release trailers, but his way of previewing was very different from ordinary people.

Every animation since then will be called a budding trailer by players!

Ye Feng looked back at the time displayed on the multimedia screen behind him, "There are still 20 minutes until 2:00 in the afternoon. In 20 minutes, the League of Legends and the Battle of Two Cities will be launched at the same time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a countdown to the launch of "League of Legends" appeared on the screen.

At the same time, in Xinghai's own film and television app, the animation of the battle of two cities is also in the state of being launched soon.

There are overwhelming banner advertisements, and the countdown on the homepage is gradually returning to zero.

On the big screen behind Ye Feng, the real machine battles of players began to appear, which were displayed from the perspective of the red and blue sides respectively. The grass, field of vision, and defense towers are perfect...

At the same time as the video is displayed, there is a narration explaining the purpose of this mechanism and setting.

The 5V5 hero battle map doesn't look very big. The dark part of the map is always shrouded in fog. Players need to buy or bring corresponding props in the mall to light up the map shrouded in fog.

In addition to the three roads for the soldiers to travel on the map, the other places are called wild areas, and the two sides are separated by rivers.

In the video behind Ye Feng, the heroes chosen by both sides are different.

Start a group, move, control...

When one person uses a skill to control the enemy, the following teammates quickly follow up and start outputting. The enemy's health bar disappears from the sight at the speed of light, leaving a gray corpse lying at his feet.

Everyone who watched the whole process was excited, because in the video, there are tanks fighting injuries in the front row, and there are also shooters who are constantly twisting and moving to avoid enemy skills. The rest of the heroes are either protecting or waiting for opportunities. In this game, everyone Each has its own division of labor.

There are all kinds of wonderful coordination between skills and skills!

The game manufacturers watching from a close distance can see the charm of the team displayed here at a glance, and they can see the wonderful game between the two parties just by looking at it.

Teamwork is important, but personal strength is also an integral part of the game.

When the passionate voice of five kills sounded, many game manufacturers were silent. They looked at each other and could see the taste in each other's eyes.

The game has not yet been released, and everyone has already seen the prelude to the game's fire.

It can be seen from the multiplayer games released since its inception that friends are the highest configuration of the game!

Players may lack cooperation, may also break defenses because of the game, and may unknowingly pressure teammates, but what everyone likes most is undoubtedly playing games with friends. .

This kind of cooperation can allow everyone to find the pleasure of walking side by side with friends in the rivers and lakes.

Ye Feng introduced on stage that countless players have already started pre-downloading.

This game is free? ! The old thief is so good, take the initiative to give the wool to everyone? !

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