Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 405 What the old thief said, it's all right.

Under Tengfeng's Weibo feed, there are usually some curse words.

Ye Feng had never been bothered with him, and this time he even sent him an invitation letter.

But he couldn't get out of the abyss of being scolded.

[Your special concern friend sent a news, come and see it! 】

Most players have two special concerns, one is Vine Seal and the other is Ye Feng.

"Good guy, this thing is still so active." Yinzi was in the novice tutorial of League of Legends. After he started the tutorial, he discovered that the game's settings were more complicated than imagined. There are a lot of equipment to buy, and each equipment has its own characteristics.

However, the novice tutorial does not teach how to choose equipment. In the equipment, there is a one-click recommended equipment.

There are also many mechanisms in the game, including neutral creatures, defensive towers, and enemy minions...

The soldiers will only walk on the established route, and there will be no guidance for the characters to walk in front.

As soon as League of Legends was released, he found a trial computer and prepared to try it out.

This is the afternoon of the second day of the game exhibition, and the game exhibition will end in another day.

He just heard the notification sound of special concern on his mobile phone, and he thought it was the old thief posting again, but it turned out to be that old boy Fujifeng.

'The old boy didn't send anything, just sent a series of voices. '

‘Break the defense, right? Start swearing. '

'The old thief is also generous, and even sent an invitation letter to this kid to come and participate in the game exhibition. '

‘Who is still playing his game? I saw special statistics, and he still has turnover every month. '

‘Players don’t care about conflicts between manufacturers, it’s normal to play. '


Seeing that the people in the live broadcast room were discussing, Yinzi also clicked on the voice, he wanted to see what the old boy scolded.

But when I opened it, I heard a confident and high-spirited voice coming from inside, "I'll teach you how to make that player voluntarily spend money."

"Ah?" Yinzi looked at the phone, not expecting that there were only such a series of recordings in it.

"Let me spend money, are you crazy about money?" Yinzi cursed immediately, but then he thought of something, he picked up his phone and listened to it again, the second time he recognized the familiar voice, "The old thief said, it's all right."

Yinzi heard Ye Feng's voice immediately, and players and fans could naturally hear it too.

‘Laughing to death, typical double standard, right? '

‘The old thief also started to collect money? '

‘Old thief, let’s hate his words, this old boy is really immoral, let’s say it all. '

'Let me krypton gold? Old thief, it’s okay, is the old thief short of money for making games recently? '

‘Can you stop being so outrageous! '


Seeing his comments, Fujifeng felt very uncomfortable. Why is everyone making krypton gold games, and the feedback from players is so great?

He looked at his comments, picked the player with the most likes, and replied later.

"He said League of Legends is a money-making game, and the free ones are the most expensive!" Tengfeng interpreted Ye Feng's words maliciously, but he believed that Ye Feng would not take the initiative to explain to the players.

Seeing Teng Feng's words, Yinzi took a look at his game. He exited the novice tutorial and glanced at the mall. There were some companion skins and some epic skins in it.

He took a look, and found that the skins cost from a dozen to dozens of dollars, but the skins were very beautifully made, and the more expensive skins had some special effects on them.

"More than a hundred heroes, even if you buy all the basic skins, it will cost more than a thousand yuan." Yinzi nodded, no wonder Tengfeng took this point out to attack the old thief. "But the old thief's skin doesn't have any attribute bonuses."

"It shouldn't exist to force everyone to buy it, right?" Yinzi analyzed seriously, and now that Teng Feng said so, he couldn't help but start to defend the old thief.

As long as there is no attribute bonus, it will not affect the fairness of the game for players, so buying skins is purely voluntary.

'Do you buy it? I'm ready to see how it goes. '

‘I’m going to buy one for Irelia, I’m really burning after watching that video, I really like this hero. '

'If there is a skin that destroys fairness, I don't want to buy it. Since it doesn't destroy fairness, then buying it is voluntary to look good. '

‘No wonder the old thief said that he wanted Fujifeng to learn how to get players to voluntarily buy hero skins. '

‘A lot of games are like this. The game doesn’t charge money, but skins charge money to increase combat power. This is the first time I’ve seen an old thief who charges money without adding combat power. '


After Fuji Feng uttered this voice in front of Ye Feng, he left the discussion salon. Since he did this, there is no room for him here.

But he didn't believe that Ye Feng would not suffer any losses under the accusation of misappropriating money.

Ye Feng looked at the player's comments, and as Fujifeng thought, some people accused Germination of being ugly after seeing the recording sent by Fujifeng.

Not only do free games, but also sell skins and accessories.

Everyone scolded and scolded, because of the point of free games, many players flocked in.

Some players who had never been exposed to stand-alone games before also came to try.

There are also many online games in the game circle, all of which are free, and there will be many settings that will become stronger after charging money, so as to guide some players who are not willing to charge money to try to charge money.

After all, if you don’t recharge, you are waiting to be beaten.

'Let me see what's going on, I, Lin Chong, will not recharge if I say no! '

‘In those games before, I wouldn’t pay a penny if I was beaten to death. Now this game doesn’t add combat power, so I can’t beat you kryptonite players to pieces! '

'Let me take a look at what you, the designers in the console industry, look like after making online games? '

‘Don’t blame me for scolding if you don’t do well. '


Even after the vine seal broke out, no matter how players commented on Ye Feng, it would not affect the number of game registrations.

The setting of charging money without adding combat power has made countless zero-charging players ecstatic, and arrogantly said that as long as they encounter krypton gold players, they will smash their heads.

Fujifeng looked at the number of registrations on the first day of the League of Legends, and in just one day, it exceeded 10 million.

Countless people poured into the Summoner's Canyon and started this long-term confrontation that would last through their entire youth.

Pdd opened the game with a smile, "I'm not short of money at all, well, if this game is fun, watch me buy the full set of skins directly."

"The old thief robs money? It's only from this free game that I know that the group of old thief are scolding like this. If you don't look at it, when did the old thief fans scold you?"

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