Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 417 I wish you all a happy game!

When Bao Xuan saw the blind gift box, he couldn't tell how he felt.

It's like a child who has been wandering for a long time, suddenly came to a warm and big family, but the elders of this family did not distinguish and reject everyone because they came first.

He gave gifts and said happy new year to everyone.

Welcome home!

Germination's official website has links to many games, which he would never click on before.

No matter how good the reputation is, he doesn't want to click in.

Because I can't bear to spend money on this.

But now, he already has a different feeling for this game studio. Maybe it's not bad to buy a game he likes?

Think of it as a New Years gift for yourself.

Just as he was about to make a purchase, he saw a message from a player.

At the end of the game exhibition, Ebao will give away three games at the same time. This carnival, Germination seems to make everyone completely crazy!

E treasure?

Bao Xuan followed everyone's instructions and downloaded another game platform. He originally wanted to buy games, but now he has given up on his previous thoughts.

After the game exhibition ends, Epic will simultaneously present three games, "Hollow Knight", "Sekiro", and "Plants vs. Zombies".

The three games are all games that he has only heard of the names but never played.

According to the news he just learned, this platform will give away games every year, but it will not give away the latest games.

E treasure?

Bao Xuan looked at the game platform that the old thief had developed by himself, his eyes were different from the beginning, what kind of E-treasure is this, this is simply my adoptive father!


Everyone at the live game exhibition was laughing and talking about some anecdotes about their own games, while EA and other game companies quietly watched this budding carnival.

Germinal has limited space, and many players will stand in front of the booths of other game manufacturers.

"Ayu, are we really going to make an Assassin's Creed series?" A player waved at the Ubisoft booth.


The person in charge of Ubisoft was slightly taken aback, is this calling himself?

He bowed his head and repeated these two words repeatedly. They had never heard a player call him so affectionately.

Most of the players call the game company by their first name. If the game is not done well, they will add a few familiar prefixes of swear words.

Everyone envied that Ye Feng could mingle with the players and be affectionately called an old thief by the players.

When the game was hacked, the players would also tease them in a strange way, and the black star old thief fell to the altar.

They didn't mention it, but it doesn't mean they don't envy them.

They don't want to get the title of God, they just want to get closer to the players.


The person in charge of Ubisoft grinned slowly. The more he listened to it, the more he liked the name.

"Ayu will bring you the second part of Assassin's Creed in the new year. For the first time, we will make the game more perfect and make it more classic!"

"We will never waste this IP!" Ayu chuckled. "In the future, we will only do better and better! We will never let everyone down!"

On the EA booth not far away, the person in charge of EA looked in the direction of Ubisoft suspiciously.

"What are they talking about? So happy?" He didn't hide his thoughts and said whatever he had.

Players also love watching the love-hate relationship between EA and Ubisoft.

"You're talking about Ayu? You're probably talking about this year's Assassin's Creed II. His future plans are complete. What games are you making this year?"

"Ayu? Do you call him Ayu?" The person in charge of EA didn't care about the news that he said he would make the second part of Assassin's Creed.

"You guys call him Ayu!!! What about us?" He stared straight at the player who just spoke.

"Dog EA, why are you staring at me like that?" The player was stared back two steps.

"Good good good good good good good!"

"Call them Ayu and call us dog EA, right?"

"'s not me who barks like that, everyone barks like that..." The player took two steps back, why did the dog EA react so much?

I usually call him that, and he never resisted.

EA has nothing to love at this time. When Ubisoft and the old thief reached a series of cooperation before, he was not so sour, because Ubisoft can buy it, and they can also buy it.

The only thing he couldn't accept was that the players kindly called him 'Ayu'.

He looked at the booth where Germination was located, full of resentment.

Ye Feng felt an inexplicable gaze staring at him from the EA game booth, and seeing that gaze, which was the same as that of a 40-year-old resentful woman staying alone in an empty house, Ye Feng couldn't help shivering.

He thought he probably knew something.

It should be the game show where everyone is introducing future plans to players, but EA is still introducing the previous Battlefield One.

Ye Feng embarrassedly scratched the back of his head.

In fact, he also prepared a backhand for EA.

Not a Battlefield game.

Battlefield just came out, and the popularity of this kind of online game has not completely passed, so it is not suitable for the second Battlefield series.

What Ye Feng prepared for them was another game.

EA didn't come to him before, and he didn't take the initiative to find them.

I think that after this game exhibition is over, EA will find it by itself.

What Ye Feng prepared for them was a game called "Apex Heroes".

Titanfall can be said to be the predecessor of APEX. The story line of APEX took place 30 years after Titanfall, but APEX is not a sequel to Titanfall.

It's just that there are some Easter eggs in it.

For example, Valkyrie, the new APEX hero, is the daughter of the pilot Viper in Titanfall.

In addition to the small gap between APEX heroes and Titanfall, the background settings of the game are also closely related.

He just glanced at EA and then withdrew his gaze. The countdown on the screen behind him was almost over.

"There are still five minutes left, and our game exhibition is coming to an end..."

"Thank you for your support, the Great Summer Game Show will end perfectly." Ye Feng took a long breath.

"Everyone has suggestions for the game. Feel free to leave a message. Germination will carefully review every suggestion. Although we often tease players, don't teach players. Germination has its own understanding..." As soon as this sentence fell, everyone in the audience burst out laughing.

"Official memes are the deadliest!" A voice came from the corner, and everyone laughed along with the voice.

Ye Feng also scratched his head in embarrassment, "That's what I said, but you can go further if you listen to persuasion."

"The last and the last." Ye Feng looked back at the countdown behind him, the time was ticking back quickly, and Ye Feng also slowly retreated towards the audience.

""Monster Hunter" and "Diver Dave" will be officially released soon!"

"I wish you all a happy game!"

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