"Mr. Ya is now expected to invest 50 million. Of course, Ming Ya also supports various brands to contribute some money for sponsorship." Song Shan chuckled.

"The old thief is rich, but he also burns money playing games. We should save money and spend money." After listening to Song Shan's words, the people in front of the screen couldn't help laughing.

Let’s call the old thief grand. He is indeed grand, and the players are all supporting him. But now he feels stingy. He is so rich and still needs sponsors and money from brands.

As soon as Song Shan said these words, some brand owners started thinking about it.

In particular, the Shark Live Broadcasting Platform saw business opportunities right away.

"Contact Sprout Business and ask how much sponsorship is needed to obtain the rights to broadcast the game." The person in charge of the Shark Platform is a middle-aged man close to fifty. The passage of time has made his figure start to get out of shape, and his belly will appear when wearing a business T-shirt. A big bulge.

At Liu Bo's age, he can't think of anything to take his career to the next level.

In his current state, he is very satisfied, good or not, and can just wait for his final retirement.

Sprout has always been a game company that needs their attention. They have opened a lot of game areas for Sprout. There is also an endless supply of new blood such as game anchors, and they are all of high quality.

Every time Sprout releases a new game, they only need to distinguish a category of the game in the game section, and there will be many more anchors the next day. They don’t even need to take care of these anchors. They can themselves get the benefits from the Shura field of game anchors. Fight out.

For high-quality video quality and interesting live broadcast effects, they only need to sign contracts with top anchors and invest resources, and this area will be considered a success.

But now, when he heard that Moya was preparing to engage in e-sports competitions, the first thing he thought of was the broadcast rights.

Sprout has its own live broadcast webpage, but many gamers still like to go to their favorite anchor’s live broadcast room to watch the corresponding new game releases or try out new games.

These are all irrelevant, because the anchor plays the game and the player watches the live broadcast. It is a win-win situation for the game manufacturers.

But now e-sports competitions are different. This is different from anchors taking fans to watch live broadcasts. They can completely create a more official live broadcast room for watching games. They can switch the angle of view at will to watch each player's footage, instead of passively following the sprouts. View through the lens.

He is a live broadcaster, but he is not the boss. He is also a wage earner. He is the person in charge of the platform who gets some dividends.

When he saw Mei Ya talking about doing live broadcasts, his keen business sense made him feel the business opportunities in it.

"Buya Business has given a reply. The fee required for the exclusive broadcast rights is 1 billion to purchase the exclusive live broadcast rights of "League of Legends" for three years. The average annual broadcast rights price is about 330 million yuan."

When Liu Bo heard the news from his subordinates, his heart beat violently, and there was a soul-stirring thud in his chest!

The inquiry that had just been sent out here was responded to without even thinking, indicating that Mei Ya had already guessed this, had already guessed that someone would ask about the exclusive broadcast rights, and had already made a plan.

"I can't decide the number of one billion. I need to hold a meeting here, but I can give a reply soon." Liu Bo immediately had a plan, that is, the broadcasting rights must be won!

When he heard the exclusive broadcast fee of one billion, his first reaction was not that it was expensive, but was it his turn to be so rich?

From the beginning of the development to the present, all his actions have proved that every decision he makes is not made haphazardly.

Being able to offer a broadcast fee of one billion means that the broadcast value is worth more than one billion.

"Is anyone else asking about this?" Liu Bo has already notified other directors to conduct a temporary video conference.

"No, Sprout said we were the first to come."

Song Shan glanced at his phone during the live broadcast. He didn't expect that someone would find a business so soon.

"That classmate just now didn't sing well, but I'll still answer his question." Song Shan liked to see the fan club dying.

"Everyone is thinking about the team, whether they can join by themselves or need to find friends to form a team." He murmured softly for a moment, "Actually, I don't think you need to worry about this."

"You can choose offline friends, or you can bring a friend you met in the game during your usual game."

"As for the selection of the team, the old thief gave a suggestion before, that is, 'The best team is not formed by all strong people.'" He touched his chin and imitated Ye Feng's speech.

"The people in your adaptation team may not all be the strongest, but the coordination they play with you will definitely perform better than a team full of strong players."

At that moment, those watching the live broadcast were stunned.

When some masters see the tens of millions of bonuses, they are already preparing to gather the masters on the list to conquer the world. After all, they have gathered the masters on the list. Winning the first place in the game is a sure thing.

‘Whoever says a designer doesn’t understand games from now on, I’ll just complain to him! ’

‘It’s because of resource allocation, right? ’

‘One thing to say, I play with my friend, and I feel very comfortable when he supports me. We often win. Sometimes when we are matched with someone who specializes in supporting, I feel that his style of play does not suit me. ’

‘Strong players must want to perform well. There can be no strong players in a team. Just look at the settlement interface and you will know that there is only one MVP. ’

‘The old thief is always in the atmosphere! ! ’

‘Ten million bonuses, what a huge gamble this is, enough for me to drop out of school and start a career. ’

"No!" Song Shan saw the barrage directly, "You are not allowed to participate in the competition if you are under 18."

"Perhaps some children feel that they can outperform their peers at the same time and feel that they are extremely talented, but the career path will definitely be difficult. I hope everyone can finish high school first." Song Shan sighed after saying this.

"I'll give you a call and let you know what the old thieves think of professional players." As he said this, he took out his mobile phone and called Ye Feng.

We have discussed this issue internally before. For young players, or players after the age of 15, the reaction speed of their bodies and brains will be at a peak state.

We have discussed the matter of e-sports stars. Just like current anchors, they will gather a large number of fans with their own skills, and they will not be impoverished in the future because they have lost their studies and cannot afford to eat.

The Internet is a bowl of rice, and game anchors are a bowl of rice. If you have skills, you can get ahead.

Sprout has been contacting various game anchors and even engaging in some interactions. Just like the anchors who bring goods, game anchors are also bringing goods to the games.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Feng's voice came from inside.

"I watched the live broadcast, and I will also tell you about the e-sports stars in my eyes."

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