Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 436 The hymn of mankind is courage, and only the courage of mankind shines brightly!

After listening to the staff member's words, Deng Qi became dizzy.

The staff packed up and left without missing a moment, as if they were eager to enjoy a happy vacation.

Ah, no!

Isn't the sprout very involution? Why do you just leave as soon as you say?

Why don't you stay and work overtime secretly?

Not long after, the entire training center was empty, and the staff were leaving one after another.

The person in charge of Deng Qi specifically told him to have fun and take advantage of these seven days to rest before leaving.

"We should study when we should study, play when we should play, work seriously when we go to work, and take a good rest after work. Haha, get used to it! This is the characteristic of sprouting." Before leaving, the person in charge patted Deng Qi's face. The shoulder then ran towards the colleague he was working with.

From a distance, Deng Qi heard the two people's excited discussion.

"How about going to Sichuan? Going to Mount Emei? I heard that the Golden Summit in winter is beautiful. Can you bring your partner with you?"

"Hahaha, let's go. It's not crowded at all right now. It's just the right time to travel at the wrong time!"

"So the old thief is considerate and even planned the holidays for us."

The two staff members walked arm-in-arm toward the outside of the training center. They were chatting and laughing. They had already planned their trip for the next few days. They could faintly hear their travel route from Chengdu to Leshan to Emei...

"Let's go, why don't you go?" A person walked towards Deng Qi. This was another extreme athlete who signed a contract with Moya.

"Ah? Let's go, let's go?" He didn't dare to say that he wanted to practice again, for fear that his peers would think that he was too busy.

He really wanted to stay.

"Why don't you leave? Big companies are so arrogant. We have just taken so many vacations when we just joined the company, hehe." This foreign athlete has brown-red hair and a tall and majestic figure. It seems that his face is stained due to long hours of outdoor sports. I got a lot of spots from the sun and my skin was a little dark.

Every time he saw them, Deng Qi couldn't help but lament that no matter how hard they tanned their skin, they really couldn't get their skin to look dark and red.

"You guys go and rest first, I have to stay for a while." Deng Qi said a little embarrassed.

"Phew! Okay, I have to enjoy my vacation." The other party didn't say much. They had only been friends for about ten days.

Just a moment later, Deng Qi looked at the empty training base. It was as empty and cold as if he were standing alone on the top of a snowy mountain. There was no one around. Even the slightest movement could hear echoes from all directions.

The holiday information that sprouted on the phone was only half an hour ago. When the employees at the training base saw the news, they were like birds out of their cages, like elementary school students after school. They packed up their things and ran out of the training base immediately.

The work attitude of Germinal employees is very rigorous, and he has already felt it.

The attitude of Sprout employees towards holidays is also amazing.

Standing in the empty training base, he didn't know whether he should continue training alone.

He stood there, silent for a moment, and then walked to the rest area and picked up his mobile phone. The wallpaper on the screen was a photo of two people standing on a snow-capped mountain. Their cheeks were red, and the white mist on their lips had condensed into frost. .

"Lin Lin..." He dialed his girlfriend's phone number, "Mr. Ya is on vacation... I..."

He didn't know whether he should continue practicing.

Not long ago, the staff told them about the future extreme sports plan of some old thieves, which is to complete all the "Eight Ozaki Challenges" in "Bad Thief".

In addition, there are some more terrifying challenges with high risks and high rewards.

Sprout has never been stingy. The more advanced the challenge, the higher the bonus and the top team.

There are many extreme athletes in the training base, all of whom are top players in the industry.

"I'm on vacation here too, and they're on their way home for me." Lin Lin said. Her legs and feet were inconvenient, so a dedicated staff member would send her to the dormitory arranged by Moya every day.

"You come back too." Lin Lin whispered, knowing that her boyfriend wanted to continue training there.

"Auntie, thank you for sending me back." Lin Lin arrived at the dormitory and politely thanked the aunt who sent her back.

"Thank you, isn't this the way to go?" Auntie smiled and waved her hand, then went to another dormitory.

Mei Ya's dormitory was different from many dormitories she had seen. It was more like a company house for employees, and everyone around them got along like neighbors.

There seems to be a lot less intrigue here, because everyone is saying that as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded.

It is even difficult to report the results of other people's work here. If it is not your own, it is difficult to keep up with the concepts and technologies in the results.

Once these things are discovered, strict assessment and investigation will be carried out.

But even with mediocre efforts, if you complete your work conscientiously, you will get good rewards every year.

"I don't want to come back, I want to... practice again." Deng Qi's mouth was bitter. He didn't want to leave here. After getting familiar with the cold people and integrating into a lively environment, he thought he would be uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that this environment would make him feel very comfortable.

"I don't want to leave either." Lin Lin said goodbye to her aunt warmly. "It's just because I don't want to leave that I want to go home."

Deng Qi hung up the phone and after a long silence, he began to walk towards the door of the training base.

With every step he took, the empty base echoed with the sound of his footsteps rubbing against the ground.

Walking to the entrance of the base, the electronic glass door slowly opened.

In the past, he wanted to make some money and treat his girlfriend's legs. The challenge bonus of extreme sports was the highest, but he had to sign a life agreement.

He came to Meiya as promised, hoping to make more money, but the sense of belonging in Meiya made him dizzy.

He wants to stay, like everyone else, to work happily, enjoy holidays happily, enjoy the medical benefits brought by Germination, and enjoy the warmth of getting along with the people around him.

The dormitories prepared by Sprout for its employees are not large, with one bedroom and one living room, but they are enough to accommodate many small families.

"Lin Lin, am I very greedy?" Deng Qi and Lin Lin were sitting on the sofa, and he buried his head on the other person's shoulder.

"I have always heard that the happiest people are those who take exams as editors and public servants, but now I feel that staying in Moya is the best." His voice was choked up. "I know I need to work harder than them, but I really want to come back and stay at home." Enjoy this tenderness.”

"I won't treat my leg anymore." Lin Lin's voice was very soft.

"That's how we are. Like most people, you just have to finish some of your extreme sports work." She patted the boy in her arms.

"There are also many people lying flat in Sprout. Everyone just needs to finish their work well."

Those who want to make progress move forward, and those who want to stay flat just need to complete their part of the work. This is the embryonic status quo.

There are only a few people at the top of the pyramid. As long as most people complete their work well, Mei Ya will not have any objections to you.

"The Stratosphere Project is too dangerous." Lin Lin's voice had a hint of trembling.

They had come here just for this plan. The two young men were not afraid of death. They felt that life should be about seeking excitement, even if they had to sacrifice their lives for it. Lin Lin's legs were not disabled, but were lost during an extreme sport. Torsional compression of the central nerve causes the patient to no longer be able to stand.

If you want to stand up again, you have to undergo an operation. Because you are an athlete, and in order to continue your original career in the future, the operation requirements are very precise, but they have no way to make an appointment with experts with corresponding skills.

If they want to book the best experts, they need to complete the most daring tasks.

In their view, only by showing their own value can they turn to Mo Ya to find the best doctor.

What Lin Lin wanted was never to stand up normally. What she wanted was to be the same as before, like Deng Qi, to return to the extreme sports she loved.

Germination also posted all the tasks, Ozaki eight events, and some other sports, including some bold events.

These things are like the notice boards in the game dedicated to accepting tasks, posted on the walls of their exclusive extreme sports hall.

One of the missions they had previously targeted was the Stratosphere Project.

This challenge is just to prove whether a person can break the sound barrier when he is in free fall.

The challenger needs to take a helium balloon directly to the stratosphere, follow the helium-filled balloon to fly to 41,400 meters, and at this altitude, it almost reaches the edge of space, and then jump free-fall here.

Sprout posted a series of data support under the task, demonstrating the feasibility of the project.

But this is just a simulation video of dynamic data and an animation demonstrating data calculations.

There will be many accidents in real operations. Wind direction, weather, and even a bird flying over may cause irreparable tragedy to the plan.

So those feasibility are all theories.

No one has ever tried this challenge.

"We will just do some ordinary challenges and complete basic tasks from now on." Lin Lin said softly, it was so good here that she didn't want to leave.

In the past, there was no bond, and I was willing to devote my life to the things I loved with my lover.

But after feeling the beauty in life, she discovered that there were so many things that were difficult to let go of.

In the past, she heard that someone stood on a tall building and wanted to die. She used to think that there was no reason to dare to jump. Life would be perfect if she could enjoy the tension and excitement at the end of her life.

Now she knew that the man must have been desperate when he stood at the top.

But at the moment when I looked down, I must have lived my life as if on a horse racing horse.

It’s not that there are scenery that haven’t been seen, nor that there are wishes that haven’t been achieved.

Maybe it's a simple reason, I just can't bear to feel sad for someone who cares about me.

Deng Qi stiffened at first, but then relaxed, "From now on, we will rest when we need to rest, and work when we need to work."

"I suddenly figured it out." He raised his head from Lin Lin's arms, "I will be better prepared for the Stratosphere Plan."

"He has placed hope on me, and I don't want to disappoint him." Deng Qi said it was funny. "I used to think that those people in ancient times were too stupid to die for their ideals and ambitions. Why should they die for a person?" The monarch fights to the end.”

"Now that he has given me a home, I want to give it a try." Deng Qi touched his girlfriend's face.

"If we fail, we will still be one of those people who may die in extreme sports at any time. If we succeed, we will enjoy life in the future."

The house is small, with one bedroom and one living room, and their savings can buy a bigger one.

But in the past few days, they felt more at ease than they had in the past ten years.

Deng Qi picked up his mobile phone and opened the sprouting app. Employees in each department here have their own work channels.

There will also be a lobby in the middle for people to chat, and an anonymous area for people to express their opinions.

He clicked on the mission hall, found the mission of "Stratospheric Project", and accepted it without any hesitation.

At that moment, even Ye Feng's cell phone popped up a reminder that Deng Qi had accepted the [Stratospheric Project] mission.

Ye Feng immediately called Deng Qi. Although he was very optimistic about this young man, he just wanted him to complete Ozaki's eight tasks.

He doesn't have a suitable candidate for the Stratosphere Project yet, so he needs to slowly select people to make preparations.

"Why did you suddenly accept the mission?"

"I just think I can do it." Deng Qi was not polite to Ye Feng, "I am young and my physical fitness is better than them."

"Besides, I also want something else. After success, I want the best doctor to treat Lin Lin."

"No problem, you can do it now. From the moment you accept the mission, all your demands can be completed in advance." Ye Feng said seriously. This kind of plan is unpredictable.

For Ozaki's eight challenges, there will also be corresponding monetary agreements. No matter what the final result is, it will take effect the moment the challenge ends.

As for treating diseases, there is no need to wait for the challenge to end. Treatment can be started before the challenge, which fulfills the player's wish and allows him to challenge without pressure.

Extreme challenges are something like this, either with worries or without worries.

"Do you have any other requirements?" Ye Feng continued to ask. Just treating a disease is a bit too little.

"I... want to become famous." Deng Qi hesitated for a long time. He used to like to post videos. In addition to being rich, there was also vanity in his heart. He liked to see others cheering and the shocking look in his videos.

"Okay." Ye Feng agreed directly without hesitation, "If you don't mind, from now on, we will announce this task to the outside world, as well as the news of your acceptance of the task."

"After everyone's vacation is over, we will be responsible for pushing this challenge to everyone's eyes."

If it really succeeds, money and fame are just trivial matters. Ye Feng looked at the information in front of him and realized that, like professional athletes, the golden age of extreme sports athletes is also those years.

At this eagle-like age, everyone is choosing to fight in the sky, and extreme sports are a bright era that uses life to burn oneself.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng picked up his phone and started editing his updates.

[The Germinating Stratosphere Project—the "Stratospheric High Altitude Bungee Jump" mission has been accepted! ! ! 】

[The "Stratospheric Project" is an ultra-high-altitude skydiving project currently under preparation and sponsored by Sprout. It uses a space capsule suspended by a helium balloon to carry extreme athletes to an altitude of more than 36,600 meters. It has entered the ultra-high altitude of the stratosphere. Athletes directly wear pressurized spacesuits for skydiving.

The goal of the program is to break the sound barrier in free fall without the aid of an aircraft.

To this end, Germination has invited ten of the country's most professional mathematics academies to serve as technical consultants for the project. National units also hope to use the results obtained from this challenge to develop the latest generation of pressurized space suits. 】

Along with the copy, there was also a previous video of Deng Qi, which was disguised as a video of real-life extreme sports in the Extreme Nation section. Countless people in the comments teased that he was playing the online version of Earth.

Behind the video is a digital simulation of animated skydiving data, as well as an animated demonstration video of human body data.

From the video, it appears that wearing a pressurized spacesuit can protect athletes from excessive physical burden at speeds that break the sound barrier.

In the simulated environment, everyone could see the extremely high helium balloon and the humans wearing pressurized space suits in the space capsule.

The animation was very mechanical, but the moment he opened the hatch, everyone saw a white light atmosphere and blue space.

Everyone usually says that at the end of the sea, there is a thin line between water and sky, but the moment he opened the hatch, it seemed that the sea and the sky were reversed.

The blue is above and the day is below.

The slight arc seems to show the arc of the earth, but this position is very close to space, as if it can fly out of the earth at any time.

The employees have all gone on vacation. This is the information Ye Feng has just compiled by himself.

When Ye Feng just posted the news, Deng Qi had already received the news. He looked at the players who came smelling the smell and everyone's comments.

The old thief said to give him his name and immediately started to implement it. His name was written in the message and his previous videos were also included.

Immediately, Deng Qi received a lot of private messages, all of which were concerns from extreme sports friends.

Everyone knew that he went to Germination, but they didn't expect that he would play so big!

‘Deng Qi is the one who played in the Extreme Country video section before, right? Why is it so big! ’

‘Grudge, the appearance of your death is beyond your imagination! ’

‘A true single soldier breaks into the planet’s atmosphere. ’

‘Damn it, who can tell whether the sprout is really NASA? nasa: There are sprouts outside. Their development speed has surpassed ours. Sprouts have deployed troops around the world. Our position is in jeopardy. We must join forces to fight against sprouts. ’

‘Mrudge: If you dare to play, I will sponsor you. ’

‘I just want to ask, if I die, will the bonus be very generous? I want to leave some for my family. ’

'Brother, don't think about it. What you want is not a death squad. ’

‘At this height, I feel like I can almost see the space station. ’

The video does not show many detailed pictures, nor does it have a model of the earth. Ye Feng still plans to film it when he actually enters the stratosphere.

Ye Feng also replied to this post using his own account.

"The hymn of mankind is courage, and only human courage shines brightly!"

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