Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 447 The Eternal Theme Song of Monster Hunter!

Monster Hunter has an eternal theme song - "Proof of Heroes".

The boss can't hear it after beating the black dragon in one set, and the ordinary hunter can't hear it even if he can't beat the third stage or survive five minutes.

Five minutes after entering stage 3, the dragon gun lever on the high platform will be allowed to be used.

The BGM of Dragon Gun is either not audible or not.

But if the player is good enough and fights twice in 40 minutes, there will be nothing left except whetstones, and the opponent's condition is not good. Although the chest is flashing red, the overall condition is not as high-spirited as it was at the beginning. When staring at the player The flames in his mouth also seemed weak.

We don't have much time left. From a cost-effective perspective, we should restart when the blending and traps are used up, or it would be good to turn back when the cat comes home for the second time, but continuing to fight is a waste of time. ,

However, most players decided to continue.

So why continue?

This is also the reason why the video of Xiong Wei's son became popular. The initial popularity after the video was released was not because of the so-called photo of his father and the old thief, nor because of his superb skills, nor because he can strictly control the hunting time of the black dragon. , afraid of being beaten to death.

Just because of this song.

Players in desperate situations will continue to fight. Do they have no choice? Of course not.

At that time, players still had options. After all, the probability of failure was too high and there was not much time left.

Open the menu and choose to go back. Everyone is very familiar with this process. It won't take much time to stand here again when the state is full, so everyone will be more confident than now.

Perhaps the player has been considering this issue since the first time he got a cat, but ended up hesitating and still hasn’t made up his mind.

So in the last few minutes the players made their choice, because there was no time to hesitate, no chance to regret, and seeing the news that the dragon gun could be used, they started to sprint while sheathing their weapons.

Quickly climb onto the high platform next to it and flip the switch.

Before the black dragon sprinted over, the two spikes of the dragon-smashing gun shot out fiercely. The blood volume was greatly reduced, and the black dragon was stunned by the dragon-smashing gun and fell to the ground.

It was not dead yet. It fell to the ground dizzy and struggled to stand up.

At this moment, some things disappeared, such as despair and damage values, but some things appeared.


Every hunter who has been here will understand.

Although everyone is good at it, everyone is also a hunter, because after hearing this song, they are more than just a player.

Monster Hunter is more than just a game for players.

Each of the two videos of Xiong Wei's son discusses its own content. It seems that the popularity of the later photo-taking video has not affected the previous one.

[As a hunter, the only thing you can get in the end is this song and the courage to draw your sword and move forward in desperate situations.

I'm not just talking about monster hunting, you know, hunters. 】

Yinzi also saw this video and laughed too.

These two videos have become very popular recently, and he also saw the front and back.

"Everyone has experienced this kind of thing." He began to talk nonsense to his water friends, "Why do monster hunters have to go hunting by themselves?"

"Before, everyone was laughing at me and calling me a loser. Do I need to fight? No need. As I said before, I can just use the invisibility cloak and cannon, send a rescue signal and then squat on the stage, waiting for the big guys to kill me. Then go down and dig for materials. If it doesn’t work, once the wind spirit moon shadow opens, I will be the father of the black dragon."

Yinzi waved his hand as he spoke, "Then why should I fight? Because I want to see this black dragon killed by me with my own hands. The song "Proof of Heroes" sounded for me at that moment!"

"So I don't play this game just for the hero's certificate, nor do I fight the black dragon for the final song gun. It's just like the song plays, whether you play for thirty minutes or five minutes, whether you fight the fire dragon Whether it’s a horned dragon or a black dragon, every time the settlement screen pops up, you’re proving the same thing to yourself.”

"You never lacked the courage to take a swing at them."

Xiong Hui was getting to know the game producer with his son. After getting to know him, he discovered that the other person's fortune history was so legendary.

As he was watching, his cell phone suddenly made a beeping sound.

When he saw the person who sent the message, he was suddenly shocked.

"Uncle, do you want to go to the concert? I've left three tickets for you." Ye Feng recently hosted a concert. This was the second time since Dark Souls.

It is mainly used to play some of the more classic songs in Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter does not only have Proof of Heroes, but other songs are also exciting.

"Then thank you!" Xiong Wei was a little surprised. In the past two days, he had already felt what celebrity effect is, and also felt the fanaticism of that person among teenagers. Recently, some partners have brought their sons to visit. Secondly, the main reason is that the other party's son wants to come over and meet him in person to see him, a tourist traveling with the old thief.

He originally thought that he and Ye Feng were just acquaintances and would never have contact with each other again, but he didn't expect that the other party actually left a ticket for him.

"Uncle, I'll treat you to a meal when you have time. My child likes you very much." Xiong Wei thought about it for a long time and finally said this,

"Okay, uncle!" Ye Feng was also unceremonious. There would always be many difficulties in that world of ice and snow, and this uncle really helped them a lot.

"Ahem." Xiong Wei looked at the screenshot of the ticket sent to him by Ye Feng. It was a blank ticket. They only needed to log in their information according to the instructions on the screenshot. After that, they only needed to scan the QR code with the screenshot to enter the concert.

He took a look at the location. It wasn't too advanced, but it was pretty good.

"Where are you doing your homework? No more playing games?" He knocked on the door and entered his son's room.

"I have finished fighting the black dragon and listened to the testimonials of the hero. Naturally, I have to start studying. Only after studying hard can I play more games." The child who was lying on the table did not raise his head or stop writing.

"Hey, I just got tickets for a concert, and I asked you to go. Since you don't go, I can only give it to my partner's child." He said and walked out of the room.

"Give it to them, I have to study." The young man's voice was a little frustrated, but he could also distinguish the priorities.

"The kids next door should also like this ticket. I heard that the tracks in it are all performed by Monster Hunter, and there is some kind of hero's certificate in it..." He walked out of the room, his voice gradually weakening.

The young man who was doing homework twitched his ears and quickly got up and ran outside.

"What...?" He looked at his father, who was shaking his phone, and quickly stepped forward to take it from him. At a glance, he saw the note "Changbai Mountain Travel-Xiao Feng".

"You added WeChat! You are still in contact!!!" A sharp voice almost broke through the room.

"Originally, after I found out his identity, I thought there would be no contact, so I didn't tell you." Xiong Wei looked at the tickets on his phone proudly. "Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng directly sent me three tickets today, saying that my family was invited to watch it."

He saw his child quickly taking out his mobile phone to check the relevant news online, "The online sales haven't started yet! Sprout hasn't even sent out an announcement yet!!!"

The room was shaken by screams again. If he hadn't known that the man was the old thief, he might have thought that his father had encountered a liar.

Inside ticket!

Just thinking of these words made him feel extremely excited.

The news of the concert was not officially announced until three days later.

[The Hero's Certificate is not everything a hunter has, but after a hard battle, when hearing the Hero's Certificate, players will completely feel the pride of being a hunter! The Monster Hunter special concert will officially start on March 15th! Performed by the National Music Ensemble!

For old hunters, the familiar melody is the clarion call for the awakening of the fighting spirit;

For new hunters, this exciting melody allows them to more intimately experience the thrill of monster "hunting" people;

So for you, what does this heroic horn sounding again mean? 】

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