Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 449 May the blue star that leads the way shine forever!

"The old thief is really too persuasive. This game is simply designed for a specific group of people like me." Tuanzi has raised her level to level 100. During this time, she is not only a monster hunter, but also a monster hunter. She also found the game interesting, but she still liked the fantasy world of Monster Hunter.

When people endure the pain caused by changes in operating habits, this vast, magnificent, and mysterious world will be more clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"But yes, this game is tailor-made based on everyone's requests and suggestions." Tuanzi said while laughing. This game is difficult, but it was all proposed by the players themselves.

She still remembers that when the game was being customized, everyone was clamoring that the previous games were very simple.

Everyone said it was very simple and asked the old thief to make a more difficult game, which led to the birth of Monster Hunter.

"Those who said it was very simple at the beginning should all stand up and think about their mistakes now." She has reached level 100 and can now seriously say that this game is very simple.

In the past, she felt that people who said such things were ignorant of their own conscience. During the most painful and torturous period, she really wanted to ask those who wrote very simple things, do your consciences really not hurt? ! !

Tuanzi's words caused everyone to laugh,

‘Hahahaha, it’s very simple! You won't be able to defeat it, right? ’

‘In real life, I would say that your skills are very good, but online, I would only say that you need to practice more! ’

‘Even in front of an old thief, I would say it’s very simple. Isn’t that the truth? ’

Hearing that everyone was still talking harshly, Tuanzi also laughed.

The players of this generation are almost hexagonal warriors. Every attribute point of the game player is fully maxed out. They have a hard mouth, good liver function, like small animals, have extensive interest in mecha warriors and ninjas, love mining, and love SM. Patients with paranoia, moderate and above obsessive-compulsive disorder, gambling, skin...

When it comes to catching small animals, some obsessive-compulsive players have gone to the extreme, and the time spent here is no shorter than hunting monsters.

There are some very rare species in Monster Hunting, such as the Moon Feather Jellyfish that inhabits the eternal frost and frozen soil. The conditions for their appearance are harsh and the probability of their appearance is extremely low. Players need to wait for the weather or wait for refresh conditions.

In fact, in terms of the difficulty of getting started, this version of the world has reduced the difficulty of getting started a lot. The previous generations were more difficult.

So when people clamored that it was very simple, they didn't know that Ye Feng had actually been kind enough to lower the difficulty of the game for everyone.

If the difficulty level is still the same as before, it will be even more painful for players this time around.

After reaching level 100 in the Monster Hunter game, it’s time to take on the Blue Star mission.

You can receive this mission from the group leader at level 100, and you will be given a 9-star mission, which requires you to defeat three experienced ancient dragons.

After completing the mission, the people in the stronghold will call the players ‘Blue Star’.

Before this mission, there is another mission, "White Wind in the New World", but no matter which one it is, it is a good name for a PUA player to do hard work for it.

Blue Star refers to the players in the game. Those NPCs can't even defeat a Thief Dragon. When a player is given this title by them, it means that the player is the coolie of all NPCs.

The moment the mission came on, the DNA of the players in the live broadcast room instantly moved.

‘May the blue star that guides the way shine forever! ’

‘We are not hunters, we are the blue stars who will not give up standing up again and again! ’

'For the New World: the despicable foreigner - Blue Star. ’

‘Blue Star naturally refers to the nickname of the main character El Cat, not the useless follower next to it! ’

Players also joked that during their game, almost no one in the entire five-phase group was doing business except themselves.

There are also players who made an emoticon specifically for this matter.

[Let’s first superficially call him the White Wind of the New World and the Blue Star that guides the bright road. In reality, we will leave all the dirty work to him.JPG]

[Let’s drink and eat meat in the camp, leave the matter to that fool. 】

Tuanzi patted his own table. Ever since he started playing the game Lao Thief, patting the table seemed to have become the norm. When he played the game cabin later, there was no table patting to relieve stress, and he was still very uncomfortable!

At this time, her round little face was always grinning, showing a row of neat white teeth, "Didn't you realize it? The old thief started deceiving us a long time ago."

"In the past, we would still be called 'Excellent Hunter', 'Lord Ashes', and 'Blue Star Guiding the Way'?" Tuanzi remembered that the old thief was the PUA player all the time.

He can either trick players into killing people, trick everyone into spreading fire, or trick everyone into hunting, and then trick players into running away and breaking their legs.

The warmest language and the most difficult game, very contradictory individuals can actually appear in the same game.

When the NPCs in the game face the players, the NPCs in front of them are obviously much tougher than the players. Their strong muscles are full of traces of having experienced many battles.

They still have old wounds from hunting on their bodies. When the player walks up to him, he will stand at the table and lose himself in memories, and then look at the player, his eyes full of admiration and his voice full of admiration.

'Compared with your impressive record, my past achievements seem like a long time ago. ’

‘You are really awesome! I don’t even know how you did it! ’

‘Please accept my worship, please! please! ’

‘Oh, the white wind of the New World is coming! Finally let me wait! ’

Whenever you hear the NPCs' words of admiration, the pain of hunting seems to disappear. When you hear the NPCs calling themselves the blue stars that guide the way, everyone will be exhausted and full of energy!

Tuanzi counted the deeds of the old thief PUA players in detail, and the more he talked about it, the more he felt that it was indeed the case!

"I didn't expect that we would be kidnapped by an old thief in reality! We would also be kidnapped by an NPC in the game!" Tuanzi felt like he had discovered some secret. Before he could say more, he heard a familiar notification sound coming from his phone.

Ding dong! ——

She picked up her phone and when she saw the word sprout, she covered the screen.

How could such a coincidence happen?

Did someone find out that you just said bad things about someone?

She slowly moved the phone screen away, and then she realized that this was not the case. It was a promotional picture of a new game in the bud, and when she opened it, it was a dazzling bright red.

[To me, nothing is more important than our group. 】

[I am willing to kill for this, I am willing to die for this. 】

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