Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 459 Arriving at Horseshoe Lookout! The game starts for free!

At the beginning of the game, everyone saw the so-called "most realistic" physics engine, but did not feel the so-called degree of freedom.

I just really feel the virtual and real scenes in the game. For example, snowflakes will melt on people's bodies, corpses will decay to varying degrees over time, and the protagonist Arthur will not tidy up his appearance for a long time, and his hair and beard will be a mess, looking like... The savages are no different.

If Arthur carries wild animal carcasses on his body after going out for hunting, his body will be stained with corresponding blood stains. If he does not clean it for a long time, his body will emit an unpleasant odor, and gang members will still smell it after seeing him. Complaining about why he didn't clean himself properly.

"If it's just like this, I really don't see what freedom is." Yinzi continued the game's tasks, which were nothing more than following the gang to rob the train or doing some gang affairs.

From all kinds of actions, you can feel the freedom of the game.

For example, the wine in the cabinet can be taken away, and all the letters, photos, and documents on the table can be opened and viewed. Every cabinet and drawer can be opened, and the body of the deceased can be searched for the clothes he wore on his coat. Pocket items.

Each room has different murals, different curtains, different room decorations, and even the patterns on the carpets are in line with the background of this era.

The snow that never melts all year round on the snow-capped mountains is already showing signs of melting from the bottom of the mountain.

"Just looking at the details of the characters, you can feel that he is very serious about this game, but I think everyone, like me, wants to see more in-depth things." Yinzi continued to do the game tasks until he started a The new mission requires you to move with the gang and go to Horseshoe Lookout.

On this calm day, after robbing the train, they prepared to use the wealth gained from robbing the train to move the camp to Horseshoe Lookout.

The entire gang was busy loading items onto the carriage, and a long motorcade started from the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

Years of wind and snow are like mist covering everything, and the snow particles are blown into sand by the wind and float in the air.

When a leisurely BGM played, everyone felt goosebumps rolling up. As they walked towards the bottom of the mountain, the slightly frozen river was already running fast.

The wheels of the carriage pulled out long tracks, and the wheels of the convoy pulled out the tracks randomly in the snow, revealing the originally black land.

"This background music is really amazing!" Yinzi felt goosebumps starting to appear. The last time he was infected by music on the road was in Death Stranding.

The coldness and loneliness of the road were clearly visible, and the music seemed to highlight the extraordinary future. He rubbed his hands and watched the wind and snow fade. The convoy passed through the ripples of the lake and through the swaying wind and snow.

‘The journey is nearing its end, and the moment of farewell is approaching. ’

'You fought through the war and it's over'

'You spent all your life'

'You tried your best'

‘It’s time to take a breather’

'It's time to rest'

The moment the song started, everyone was fascinated by this western style and couldn't help themselves.

When the green space appeared, there was still accumulated wind and snow on the top of the carriage.

The temperature down the mountain is much warmer than up there, and the snow on top of the carport is melting rapidly.

Along the way, the carriage where Arthur was sitting was chatting constantly. Everyone was chatting about gangs, interesting things, and unpleasant things.

'unhappy? How can you happily commit murder and arson? ’ One person said sarcastically.

Arthur just waved the riding crop in his hand, "We have no regrets, no matter what Dutch says."

At this time, Arthur was very loyal to the gang, and he believed that what Dutch said was right.

Due to an accident on the road, Arthur lost traces of the convoy.

Arthur asked doubtfully, "We are not going wrong, are we?"

"It depends... we are going west as planned." Another person said unhurriedly, as if he had seen the future of the gang clearly.

"Are we going to the virgin forest to seek wealth and peace? No."

"We need to run in the right direction and run down the mountain at all costs to get rid of the police who are following from the east."

"We're right near Valentine, the place for cowboys, outlaws, prostitutes, our kind."

Their gang was not just a group of men who burned, killed, and looted. Of course, they did do these things. Women also made up part of this small gang, and of course, there were children.

This man was sitting next to Arthur. He seemed to be talking about the future of the gang and his own future.

It also seems to be the last glimmer of gangs in the new era.

Until we came to Horseshoe Lookout, we discovered that there was a small town not far away.

[We descended the mountain and headed east, arriving at... the heart of the earth, a pretty beautiful place. We haven't been to a place this far east for many years.

Despite all the bad things we went through in Blackwater, I think we're all a little happier now. 】

Arthur was sitting on a long wooden bench writing and drawing in a notebook. He seemed to be writing in a diary, and he drew the surrounding scenery with just a few strokes.

The Arthur in front of him looked like a rough man, wearing an old khaki coat with a dark blue striped T-shirt underneath. Although his hair was neatly combed, his beard had already covered his entire chin and lips.

He frowned slightly and took a pen to record his life bit by bit.

He looks like a rough man, but he always maintains the habit of writing a diary.

At the Horse Palm Lookout, He Asi, a spirited little old man with white hair, was a robber when he was young. He met Daqi during a robbery, and the two cooperated to complete the robbery. From then on, he joined Daqi. The Vanderlin Gang became Dutch's right-hand man.

He is Dutch's best friend and the most senior member of the gang.

Hosea has a very high status and has a strong voice. He is one of the very few people who is respected by the whole gang. Of course, such an "old gunman" mainly plays the role of gang mediator and strategist.

He found Arthur and briefly talked about the current situation.

"Strauss came back with a weird smile on his face, and I must have had a lot of unlucky people... who were forced to lend money to him."

When the words "forcible lending" came up, Arthur smiled casually. This was another way of saying "loan usury".

When someone asked Arthur if this place was good, he gave the answer.

"It's a good place, there's plenty to eat, and there's something stupid to grab. As long as we don't stay too long, there won't be any problems."

After saying that, he walked towards the outside of the camp.

The camp is hidden in a dense forest. There are people standing guard around the camp. From the outside, the existence of the camp cannot be discovered at all.

Of course, if a stranger approaches, they will be dealt with by everyone.

There will be another chapter later

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