"From today on, you will be in charge of the production of "Cyberpunk 2077."" Ye Feng looked at Xiao Shen and motioned for Xiao Shen to sit next to Zhu Wen.

"You will also participate in future progress meetings."

Zhu Wen didn't say anything, but looked at the junior who took his place with an ugly expression. Xiao Shen was very young, at least much younger than him.

This young man is full of hard work. From the time he joined the company to the present, he was quickly promoted because of his endless passion for games.

However, if he wants to lead and host a game, he still lacks a lot of experience.

This is an experience that needs to be accumulated over time. Xiao Shen also knows that he has reached the end and needs to study for a long time.

Xiao Shen looked at Ye Feng in surprise, and then quickly cast his eyes on Zhu Wen. Confusion and surprise appeared in a contradictory person.

Xiao Shen was still a little scared when he entered the conference room. He knew that today was the time for the company's senior management to have a regular meeting, and he didn't know what he was looking for.

In recent days, Zhu Wen has been telling himself some things to pay attention to when going up to the next level. There are some rumors in the company. Some people say that Zhu Wen has changed jobs, while others say that Zhu Wen is going to be promoted to a higher level.

Compared to the former, Xiao Shen believes in the latter more.

He didn't know where the project leader would be one level up, but he believed that no fool would choose to leave Sprout.

Based on his current understanding of Cyberpunk 2077, this is really a game with great potential.

"You have to work hard and don't let down the boss's trust in you like a certain person." Wang Tao coughed twice.

"Xiao Shen is here, let's start today's progress report." Ye Feng interrupted Wang Tao.

Xiao Shen suddenly turned his head to look at Zhu Wen, and it turned out that it was just as rumored!

You're so damn job-hopping!

He really wants to make progress and control the project on his own, but he also clearly knows how much he has and needs to learn for a while.

"Boss, I... I still need to study." Xiao Shen waved his hands, the opportunity in front of him was fleeting, and he knew that if he didn't work hard, someone else would take his place.

But as long as he's budding, there's always an opportunity to spearhead a project.

"I've read your information, and you've done very well since coming to Sprout."

"Everyone needs to grow, and Sprout is willing to pay for your growth."

"2077 is a game that needs serious polishing. The game can be launched slower, but you must grow." Ye Feng doesn't care about the speed of game development. There are many games in Germination, and most of them require queuing.

Zhu Wen lost all his strength. He pressed his back against the seat cushion and stared at the bright incandescent light above his head for a long time. His eyes were dazzled by the colorful glow, which made him feel like he had returned to the world of cyberpunk.

That world was just like modern times, with thrilling dramas taking place every second. Some people chose to be unknown in this city, while others aspired to become legends who would go down in history.

But no matter what he chooses, just to survive in Night City has already exhausted all his strength.

Zhu Wen smiled bitterly. He felt that to a certain extent, life in this game was no different from the situation he was in now, and it was even truly terrifying.

The game reminds him all the time: 'When you think you have gained something step by step, life will also make you lose something in unexpected places. You think you have a choice, but in fact There are a lot of things you can't change at all. ’

Perhaps because of the influence of the game, he felt that he could change his destiny. Especially after seeing the rise of civilization, at that moment, he felt that he would make better things in the future.

It's a pity that he regarded the game as reality, and he thought he was the protagonist in reality.

He gave up on Cyberpunk 2077 in exchange for not being able to make games for the next five years.

To be able to enter the bud, his ability must be in place. People like them want not only money, but also fame, success, and being known to the world...

"I will work hard." Xiao Shen glanced at Zhu Wen.

He has always respected other seniors in the company, but now that he saw Zhu Wen choosing to change jobs and leave, the taste in his mouth changed in every way.

During this regular meeting, many people in charge began to report on their progress. When it was Zhu Wen's turn, he was a little distracted and didn't get to the point for a long time.

No one urged him, they just looked at Zhu Wen who was stagnant in his position with dilated pupils.

Everyone could understand his feelings of collapse and did not rush him.

"Xiao Shen, you will follow up on the progress of the game later and get to know more about it with your subordinates." Ye Feng glanced at the next person and motioned for the next person to skip Zhu Wen and continue to report on the progress.

"Can I try to report it?" Xiao Shen said with some anxiety. Zhu Wen had explained some things in the past two days, and he also understood some things himself.

"Okay, let's just pretend to be familiar with it in advance." Ye Feng looked at Xiao Shen with a smile. His personal information specifically noted his strong execution ability, which is also the reason why he has risen all the way.

The budding employee evaluation never only asks leaders to evaluate their own employees. In addition to leaders, surveys will also be randomly sent to employees to let an employee make their opinion on a certain person.

Put aside your worst personal biases and take people's most honest opinions and put them together into an employee profile.

Zhu Wen suddenly raised his head and looked at where Xiao Shen was. At this moment, he realized that these people were really working hard all the time and were following up on all the details of the project.

It turns out that Sprout really never lacks a 'leader'. Under this operating model, if one person leaves, the next person will immediately take over.

Everyone is always moving forward, the only difference is an opportunity.

"The general plot of the game has been produced, and the rest is polishing the bugs and other details. During the test, we found many problems that still need to be fixed."

Xiao Shen quickly raised several issues discovered during the production process.

Ye Feng nodded. These problems were some of the most disappointing things after the release of Cyberpunk 2077.

In the previous life, everyone had been looking forward to the game for a long time, but after playing it, they were filled with disappointment.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can call me directly." Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"If you do it well this time, there will be new and better projects for you to take responsibility for in the future."

"You can think of it as a test."

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, Xiao Shen's breathing became rapid, his face and ears turned red, and his young and immature face was a little at a loss.

At this time, he only felt that he had encountered the biggest opportunity this time, that is, he could call the old thief at any time.

Zhu Wen was even more frustrated because this opportunity had always been his.

Recommend a book, "The Game Just Invaded Reality, You Kidnapped the Empress", there will be another chapter later

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