Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 521 I am the genius commander!

After giving orders based on the fans' words, Yinzi also started running towards the front line based on the fans' words. It was safe to stay in the rear and command, but some fans had just been suggesting that he should also participate in the front-line battles and survive. Then deploy relevant skills according to the specific terrain.

He refused at first, because the resources wasted by arranging wrong orders already made him very heartbroken.

If a commander dies and wants to be resurrected, the resources consumed will be several times that of an ordinary player.

The battle situation also relies heavily on the commander to integrate information and issue orders. If the commander dies and waits for resurrection, he cannot speak, which is equivalent to wasting one's own side for a long time.

But then a fan's words made him give up the idea,

"Never be afraid of trial and error in new games. I don't see the upper limit of the game. This game should be more than that." ’

From that moment on, he started running on the front lines.

Yes, he is the anchor, and he has the responsibility and obligation to show players different ways of playing the game. As a fan of the old thief, he also needs to have the courage to go to the front line and perform different operations.

While running, he began to lament that the half-track at the beginning should be reserved for him.

Not only him, but even fans are commenting that the half-track should be reserved for the commander.

After realizing this, Yinzi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This was one of the answers he got while heading to the front line.

He opened the map and took another look, but this time he couldn't help but frown, because he saw that the GR (team resurrection points) established by his teammates were far away, and it was a waste of time to go to the battlefield after fighting the enemy and resurrecting them.

Only 8 GRs can exist on a map, but only the captain and commander can dismantle and build them.

The squad leader can only dismantle the GR built by himself, while the commander can dismantle the GR built by the entire team.

The journey is too long, and the battlefield is constantly advancing.

He saw that it was a waste of time for the team to run forward. At this moment, he made a bold decision. He decided to dismantle the GR closest to him and then build it forward.

He didn't know whether his behavior was right or wrong. He simply felt that running to the resurrection point was too tiring.

The old thief always used this method to torture everyone in the past. At that time, playing a soul-based game, coming out of the resurrection point and then running to the previous position was the most annoying time, especially if you died in the middle and couldn't find your soul. That was absolutely crushing.

GR generally does not demolish buildings casually, because placing GR requires supplies. Placing GR in your own area requires 50 supplies, and placing it in the enemy area requires 100 supplies.

But what he is thinking about right now is that no matter whether he wins the game or not, first of all, it is a happy and joyful thing to not have to run to a long resurrection point.

I once suffered hardship myself, but now I want to hold an umbrella for everyone.

"These captains don't realize that the GR they built is torturing their own people." Yinzi watched this group of soldiers rushing to the battlefield. Everyone seemed not to realize it, or maybe they had been used to running after following Mo Ya these days. Resurrection point.

‘Damn it, the boss’s idea is incredible! I really didn't think that I could change the resurrection point. ’

‘Although resources will be consumed, this should be a positive use of resources. ’

‘I’m really used to PUA by the old thieves, I think it’s appropriate to run the map...’

‘This group of soldiers who are working hard and posting pictures don’t have a single first glance, they are budding fans who have been ten years old. ’

‘I can’t imagine how excited these people will be when the boss sends the resurrection point to the front and back! ’

Listening to the exaggeration of himself in the barrage, Yinzi was also secretly happy. He made this bold decision, so he definitely didn't want to see anyone's criticism. Fortunately, everyone approved of his behavior.

Everyone had the same idea as him. The moment he pulled into the resurrection point, it no longer mattered whether he won the game or not.

The feeling of torture is reduced suddenly, and the feeling of happiness is greatly increased!

"This is the importance of running on the front line. The old thief gave the commander the skill of demolishing strongholds, which means that this is what the commander should do." Yinzi said seriously. He felt that he had begun to become proficient in the position of commander. .

I gradually started to understand the game.

He followed the team and ran towards the battlefield. Just when he was trying to place the GR, a shell fell right behind him.

A huge explosion sounded behind him, and his ears were a little deafened at this moment.

In an instant, he saw mud and flesh splashing forward from behind, and the brown mixture fell on the land in front of him and slowly infected the earth.

On the land in front of him, stumps and pieces of flesh and blood mixed with soil could be seen everywhere.

The fragments belonging to his teammates were lying quietly in front of him. The black, red, and green colors on the arm were mixed together.

The grass-green military uniform on the arm still had traces of flames, and the tear on the broken surface was stuck to the ground with wet blood.

"Ugh!" Yinzi immediately retched with nausea. Water filled his mouth, and stomach acid kept surging inside his body.

He stayed there for a long time before gritting his teeth and rushing forward. The sound of stepping on the soles of his feet became muddy and heavy, and the sticky blood was constantly pulling him into this place called hell on earth.

After an explosion, the corpses of his teammates could be seen everywhere, and he could even feel that his back became wet and hot after the shell.

"I'm so impressed! The flesh and blood exploding in the promotional video is real! This game is so realistic!"

The audience who watched the live broadcast were also shocked. In the promo video of Moya, they saw flesh and blood all over the ground, but they were not surprised when the flesh and blood spattered in reality.

Because sprouting games are about reality!

In most games, not long after a monster dies, their corpse disappears from the map.

Even Battlefield 1 is the same. You can see the tragic appearance of people dying one after another, but this appearance will soon disappear.

Players all understand that in a game like Battlefield 1, the attacker's troops can be infinitely resurrected by the defender, and at least thousands of corpses can be found all over the ground in a game that lasts for tens of minutes or even an hour.

If we don’t clean up the corpses on the map, won’t there be only corpses left on the battlefield? Corpses everywhere or corpse simulator?

But not in this game. You can often see the stumps of previous players lying on the roadside and being trampled upon halfway.

Half-length corpses and body parts can be seen everywhere.

Here you can feel that war is a feast of death even more than in Battlefield 1.

Every time he saw a corpse on the ground, Yinzi walked past it quickly.

The barrage also started to lament,

‘Normally I would joke about the hero fragments everywhere, but this time I really can’t say anything. ’

‘I watched other anchors’ live broadcasts. They didn’t play commanders, but infantry. The companions around them were directly bombarded into pulp. The md anchor stood there for a long time. ’

'The trench was filled with corpses just now, and this trench has become higher...'

Yinzi glanced at the barrage, lowered his head and continued running towards the main battlefield where they were fighting. At this time, he was silent, but he was whispering in his heart that only the old thief could make the players feel uncomfortable for the sake of the game.

He is the commander, he needs to do something for his team members,

He looked at the map and chose where to place the GR. He didn't plan to place it too close, but it would definitely be much more convenient than before.

His eyes were a little dry. After opening the map and finding a suitable and safe place to place it, he put down the GR again.

After being re-deployed, team members continue to choose to respawn at the pulled-in resurrection point.

They were obviously a little surprised to see them so close to the resurrection point, but they quickly chose to come over.

A swarm of team members emerged from the newly established GR, and they were so excited that they sobered up their heads in the joy of being pulled into the resurrection point.

In the nearby voice channel, Yinzi heard ordinary team members talking for the first time.

"Damn it, our commander is so smart!"

"I rushed. They were so close. I wanted to kill them again."

"The explosive speed of this group of people is almost the same as ours. Hahaha, it turns out that their stronghold is quite far away."

"This commander is quite good as a tool."

"This time I am confident that I can capture the enemy's stronghold in front. Push forward!"

After a burst of noise, the group of people continued to rush forward with guns in hand.

Yinzi stayed where he was. He did not continue to charge with everyone. He had clearly realized that he could be a tool to bring convenience to the team, but he should never charge with the team. He still had a lot to do.

The game map is divided into many square grids, just like an Excel table, with letters marked on the top and numbers on the left.

It is also very simple for them to report points. In areas without features, they report the area where the corresponding table is located, such as the grids represented by C3 and D4.

In this game, in order to make the victory of the game visible, both parties involved in the war fight for the war zone. At the beginning, in addition to our war zone and the enemy war zone, the map also has a neutral war zone in the middle.

Once the neutral war zone is occupied, two active war zones will appear on the battlefield, namely friendly and enemy war zones adjacent to each other.

The war zone farther behind the two sides is locked. Only by occupying the front can the war zone behind be activated and unlocked.

A black shaded circle will be displayed on the map of the occupied area, and the four grid areas around the black shaded area are called occupied areas.

Only if the number of heads exceeds that of the enemy, the occupation will be considered successful after the game is over.

Yinzi pulled into the resurrection point. If the enemy team leader or commander did not adjust the position of their team's GR, then Yinzi's side would have an absolute advantage.

Or the other party sends someone over to destroy their GR.

Now, Yinzi's team members who quickly entered the black circle have a greater advantage in returning to the battlefield. The squad leader's excited voice kept coming from the earphones, "MD's GR performance is absolutely amazing!"

He shouted excitedly that they had gained an absolute advantage.

Each squad leader was not stingy with their praise at all, and Yinzi was also a little carried away by the praises, "I'm really a genius commander!"

"Assistant, hurry up and save the highlights. I will post the highlights after the game is over!" Yinzi's voice was high. The more he thought about what he had just done, the more he felt it was the hand of a god!

"This collection is sent to the old thieves. He will be amazed by my decisiveness in that moment!" Yinzi watched his people quickly occupy the stronghold and fight off the intruders.

Not all teams can maintain their high morale after repeated setbacks. After constant deaths, the opposing team also begins to lose ground.

Yinzi also continued to master skills and began to deploy. His deployment did not have much strategy, it was more like a snowball, taking advantage of the new game's different understanding of the game.

There is no unexpected victory in this game. The game has just been launched and there is no fixed game strategy or complete tactical system.

In the first game, the competition is to see which side's commander is enlightened first and can be the first to know how to operate his own commander's skill commands.

Even if it is a simple application, it can bring great benefits to the team as long as it is used correctly.

The rest depends on the players' personal gaming abilities. Those who can play this game for the first time are undoubtedly players with rich experience in FPS games. Most of their individual soldier abilities are quite good.

Yinzi quickly exited the room. His excitement had not yet calmed down, and his restless heart was still beating at a high frequency.

His victory is not a surprise. As a streamer, as long as they are not particularly authoritarian, most streamers will consider the suggestions sent by fans in the comments.

In the past, anchors in games always came up with all kinds of weird ideas, most of which were bold suggestions from fans.

In this game, he has fans to plan the direction of the game, and countless people to help him analyze the battle situation and guide the layout. Three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang, not to mention that he has countless fans to come up with ideas.

At first, there were many people talking, but many orders could be arranged at the same time. He only needed to arrange everything everyone said.

"It's really difficult to be a commander, but it's really fun!" Yinzi sighed again. In the previous game, the reconnaissance plane detected the main force of the enemy's troops, and he also informed the information in time.

This operation laid a good foundation for their victory.

In the end, when I saw the team win according to my own command, the sense of accomplishment was even better than getting five kills.

He didn't continue playing the second game because he was sweating profusely from the game just now.

His brain was drained and empty at this moment, and all he wanted to do was chat with everyone.

The barrage did not encourage him to start the second game. At this time, fans kept posting barrages to review the game just now.

'Boss, the game just started was really bad. He just stood there and did nothing. He threw airdrops at the beginning and was seen by the enemy. ’

‘But the wave of reconnaissance planes after the awakening was really good! ’

‘The next wave of stronghold placement is the beginning of the snowball. ’

‘I’ve learned that before we rush into the black circle, it’s best to deploy the location of the resurrection point. ’

‘I feel like I should drive and move instead of running all the time. ’

Yinzi raised his head slightly while reading the barrage, and the pride in his eyes did not disappear at all because of everyone's criticism. He followed everyone to review the mistakes in the game and the areas that needed improvement.

Seeing everyone's criticism of him, he did not feel ashamed. Instead, he looked at the barrage with pride.

"Although this command is not perfect, everyone should have seen the signs of the genius commander in me, right?"

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