Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 524 Players who entered by mistake.

At the end of the day, Yinzi watched a lot of videos. He watched a lot of videos that broke the lower limit, but not a single video that broke the upper limit.

A tank requires three people to control it. Some new crew members drove the tank into a ditch and were scolded. There were also squad leaders who placed the GR in a very conspicuous place and were frantically fished for French fries by the enemy.

In countless video collections, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks gather together.

“After watching so many videos, I really don’t know what the old thief’s upper limit is.”

"I don't know if everyone can reach the upper limit mentioned by the old thief in the future." After the live broadcast, Yinzi couldn't help but sigh. "Sometimes I feel like I'm doing pretty well."

"But after watching everyone's videos today, I feel that my technical level is still above average."

"At this rate, how many years and months will it take for everyone to take control of the battlefield?"

In the next two weeks, it was difficult for Yinzi to perform the same operations as the first game when he continued to be the commander, and he could not gain much advantage when the commander issued orders.

What makes the commander most uncomfortable may be that the game is a global game and there are no partition servers. Players from all over the world can freely enter any server.

As a result, in a game, there are players from various countries, and it becomes a problem to issue orders better.

Therefore, most commanders can only communicate using punctuation and shortcut commands in the game.

People nowadays are really smart, as most parents often say,

‘It’s just a little bit of cleverness that doesn’t need to be used in studying. ’

Where everyone is interested, everyone learns extremely quickly. Players who don’t want to be commanders rarely get to the top. Even if they are soldiers charging into battle every day, they still have a lot of fun playing the game.

It feels great to not use your brain. The commander and squad leader can fight wherever they tell you. Not all players like to strategize from behind. Most players prefer to charge into the battle with a gun and feel the killing.

The commanders at the back also grew extremely quickly. Although some failed commanders would inevitably be scolded, it was under such circumstances that everyone could grow faster, and the game soon had its own command system.

Commanders constantly watch the tactical videos posted by others, constantly learn from others’ advantages in the game and use their own,

Time and time again, precipitation brings about time and time growth.

On the Tuanzi side, after watching Yinzi’s wonderful video, they kept trying how to use the commander to direct their teammates to perform more exciting and eye-catching operations.

But when the game failed, as the commander, she became the first choice to take the blame.

After the tactics failed, the accusations from teammates and squad leaders were overwhelming.

Not only her, but all the anchors on the Internet are now trying to hit the upper limit of the game.

But they found that most of the time, commanders are used to take the blame. To win, you need not only a deep understanding of the game, but also a set of military tactics.

As for most game anchors, few have their own opinions on military formations.

We have played many games with strong personal skills. If the player asked them to fight a harmless boss, they could survive the task for several days.

But if they are asked to replenish their knowledge of the art of war in a short period of time and become an excellent commander, it is almost difficult for anyone to do it.

Even among ordinary players, few can achieve this.

‘I’ve been playing for ten hours now and still can’t find the north. ’

"Don't worry, everyone. Nothing unexpected happens. We have played for 400 hours and still can't find it." ’

‘The truth is the sharpest knife. ’

‘I’m really curious, are the locked rooms in the national server not open to the public? They are locked at all times, and sometimes they are locked when there are not enough people. ’

As time went by, everyone's curiosity about those rooms did not decrease, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

At this time, an ordinary player is sitting on the edge of the chair playing with his mobile phone. He has been trying to use the password cracking script to crack these locked rooms.

The script to crack the password is not a plug-in and will not affect the player's gaming experience.

Who says netizens are impatient? There are always people who persevere in order to accomplish something.

While he was playing with his mobile phone, he found that his computer interface suddenly changed.


He found himself entering the game deployment interface, and without hesitation he directly clicked on an infantry team to enter the game.

At the same time, he turned on the game screen recording.

"MD, I want to see what you guys are playing at!"

He quickly entered the game, but the next second he was completely confused because he had never seen the map in front of him.

This is an abandoned modern unfinished building. The reinforced concrete building has been destroyed by artillery fire. What you can see are ruins and the remains of high-rise buildings.

"What the hell? Where is this?" He looked around with his gun in the game.

"The new ones will go to C5 and take cover. We need to strictly guard this point in the near future and cannot take a step back." The squad leader's voice came from the earphones.

He glanced at the map and saw that the point he had gathered was not far away, and that point was a dilapidated high-rise building.

Even though he didn't understand tactics, he knew that this commanding height must be captured.

The airdrop is slowly landing, and it seems that the commander has made plans to hold on.

He ran towards the point without saying a word, but he still felt a little unreal when he heard the orders in his ears.

When team members receive an order from the leader, they will respond with "received" instructions.

These teams are more standardized than the teams he has seen. Everyone has their own tasks to perform and occupy the defensive direction.

After he entered the high-rise building, he felt a little overwhelmed for a moment and moved closer to one of the team members, wanting to defend this direction with him.

"What are you doing?" The team leader noticed the confused member immediately. He took one look at his game name and immediately reacted, "Someone entered by mistake. Please vote."

The next second, the player who had just entered the match was kicked out of the game.

When he tried to enter again based on the password just now, he was prompted that the password was incorrect.

"Holy shit! What on earth are these rooms!" He jumped up from his chair in an instant. He looked at the game video he had just recorded. He didn't look carefully before, but now he saw that everyone's game names matched. Letters and numbers.

Each team member has his own number.

The ID he was wearing was particularly awkward inside.

"These people are really good at playing. Why haven't you seen their gaming videos online?" After just hearing those few commands, he felt that they were different from ordinary players.

Thinking of the players on the Internet who constantly refreshed the lower limit of the game, he couldn't help but smile softly, "With them, wouldn't it be easy to break the upper limit of the game?"

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