Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 542 Are you sure he is not building a city?

The promotional image has been released now, and the promotional video will be released in a week.

Before the promotional video was released, Ye Feng once again summoned the staff of the publicity department.

"The game is about to be released. At this point in time, I want to give everyone a realistic cyber shock." Ye Feng walked to the conference room and turned on the projector, and colorful lights and shadows were projected on the white curtain behind him.

This is a screenshot of a cyberpunk game. Colorful neon lights are flashing in the dark. After night falls, the city also begins an artificial day.

The advertising lights and neon lights on shopping malls and hotels are dazzling and dazzling.

Some strong beams even shot straight into the sky, and the light even became a little distorted.

"The promotion of the game also needs to be carried out. Just like last time, I want to see posters and game videos spread all over the world, and various cyberpunk videos on every electronic screen in every city on the day of release." Ye Feng suggested. Eyebrow said, when the Spider-Man movie was released, Gerrard did the same thing.

Hearing that Ye Feng wanted to launch another big operation, the propaganda department called him away. They could only stand there and keep rubbing their hands, "Make sure to complete the mission!"

"Guaranteed to make everyone feel the cyber shock!" One person put the palm of his right hand straight to his ear and saluted straightly.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Ye Feng waved his hand downwards, and those who had stood up just sat down again.

"In addition to external publicity, we also need to make arrangements internally."

"You go to the Equipment Department to apply for holographic equipment. From today on, every time Suiya releases a game, Suiya's factory area needs to be changed to the same style."

"Scenes that cannot be built are holographic. The necessary appearance needs to be changed. A series of things like flying cars are placed using holographic equipment." The construction plan of the entire factory area was projected onto the screen by Ye Feng. The next second, the factory area was displayed. The buildings are covered with a layer of fantasy color.

The people sitting in the audience were slightly stunned. The sprouts have grown so far that the urban area can no longer accommodate their continuous expansion and development.

Sprout has moved itself to the suburbs and built a factory of its own. The factory is very large, with its own community, shopping mall, and its own playground.

In addition to various employees, there are also children of various employees in the factory. A shuttle bus is sent to the nearest elementary school every morning, and they are also responsible for picking them up after school.

In addition to the work area, there is a large living area.

Except for the lack of schools, everything here is there.

But compared with the main city, this place still lacks a bit of urban atmosphere. There is no neon and no color. Although there are some model buildings of game characters everywhere, it is still a bit too monotonous.

Only the living area has some smoke smell.

But this is normal and no one thinks it's wrong because this is where work is done.

But now, if we really do what Ye Feng said, there will be more worldly fireworks here.

"Improve the environment and make everyone feel more comfortable."

"Secondly, this is also a result of my discussion with Wanda. The park is still under construction, and Sprout is considered a pilot project."

"Our goal is not to give people who come to the park the same experience. The result of our discussion is to make the theme of the park come alive with the new games."

"When Sprout releases a new game, the park will follow suit and change the theme environment."

"Boss, will we follow up on the park in the future?" the head of the publicity department asked boldly. The park has not yet been built, and Sprout has not arranged anyone to follow up on the project.

"Of course, this is a trial in advance. After you get familiar with the work, you will be responsible for the work there. If there is a shortage of manpower, just talk to the human resources department about recruitment." Ye Feng nodded. The reason why he arranged this was because the Propaganda Department His supervisor has come to talk to him many times.

He felt that his job was too easy. Each department had its own ideas about its own promotional videos, which made their department seem somewhat dispensable. Apart from the placement work, they could not contribute at all to the production and promotion.

It's not that the salary is less, it's just that I'm afraid that I will waste myself in this kind of environment that is always improving.

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, everyone in the Propaganda Department secretly clenched their fists under the table.

Everyone in the world says that Sprout's promotional videos are unparalleled in the world, but only they know internally that very few of those promotional videos were produced by them.

Almost all the promotional materials were taken care of by various departments, or the boss had someone make a movie as a promotion.

The name of Germination is the best publicity!

Their presence throughout the bud is extremely transparent.

"Boss, does this transformation need to be publicized to outside players?"

"Will it be open to players?" The Propaganda Minister remembered something. He heard that after Moya moved to the factory, players would occasionally come to visit the factory. Spruya would not refuse players who came to visit out of curiosity.

After registering them, they will be allowed to play in the living area and open area for a while, and players who return from Bud will be shocked and secretly Aite Cui Chang.

Because this factory area is different from what they imagined. Everyone is sitting at their workstations, busy working, and the large amount of work makes everyone breathless.

After visiting Sprout, oh my god, they actually have a shopping mall here! They even have a gym! They even have a free shuttle bus! They even have a park! They actually still have...

There is an Internet cafe outside and a game cabin here. Family members and employees can experience various games at any time and write down their own suggestions for the games.

After this trip, everyone was a little tired, and everyone kept saying At Cui Chang,

‘Please, please be more careful. ’

'You thought he was building a factory, but actually he was secretly building a city! ’

‘md, before I went there, I thought it was just a small game factory, but after entering, I was shocked for a hundred years! ’

‘Is there anyone in charge? You said this is a game manufacturer? ’

‘It’s bigger than my small town. ’

‘You don’t need to buy a house to work in Sprout, and there is a free shuttle bus within the factory...’

‘At this moment, I really regret that I didn’t study hard and join Sprout. He is really building a city! ’

"Not open to players." Ye Feng shook his head. This is still a work area after all. He did this mainly for pilot purposes and to improve the working environment. Players coming to disturb him will definitely not work.

"But after our park is set up, we can shoot the video and show it to everyone as a preview of the park."

After the meeting, everyone in the Propaganda Department quickly retreated. There was unconcealable excitement in everyone's eyes. They wanted to see who would dare to call them trash in the future!

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