Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 557 I am Johnny Silverhand, V I am 50!

And what they are about to do is blow up Arasaka Tower!

In this memory, everyone saw their carefully planned actions, saw their team fighting all the way inside, and saw Silverhand hacking into the subnet alone after they planted the bomb.

Everything went smoothly on the road, but this series of processes made everyone a little nervous.

Is Arasaka Tower so weak?

But soon, Arasaka's security captain Adam Heavy Hammer came out belatedly and killed him.

Chased by Adam Hammer, Johnny Silverhand failed to board the helicopter, and his body was shot to pieces by Adam Hammer.

When he was dying, he saw Saburo Arasaka, who was carrying his silver hand and asked in confusion.

"Why do you do this?"

"To end the madness you brought!" Johnny Silverhand roared at the top of his lungs.

Saburo Arasaka didn't care about what Ginkate was saying, he just talked to himself.

"The dead are too noisy and are not born to lie. The words of the dead...are attached to the ears of those who hear them."

He implanted the Soul Killer into Johnny Silverhand.

After that, there was an endless virtual world. Johnny Silverhand did not die, but his consciousness was uploaded to the chip.

The building built with endless data is full of traces of Johnny Silverhand's existence, but there is no one else here.

When Yinzi discovered that Johnny Silverhand was still alive, his face looked a little weird.

Living in Night City, he receives a lot of spam ads in his mailbox every day.

"Holy shit, Johnny Silverhand is still alive!"

The faces of the fans in the live broadcast room were also a little weird, because everyone remembered that Yinzi read to everyone the emails received by the characters in the game.

Like Death Stranding, in an era of advanced technology, there will be a lot of interesting content in the character's mailbox, such as a message from a certain character, potential missions, or some other news.

Living in Night City, the biggest feature in your mailbox is scam emails.

For example:

[Dear well-wishers, my daughter is seriously ill and she is still deaf and mute. I hope to show my little daughter the world. Please do me a favor and donate a small amount of money so that I can buy a new Qilushi prosthetic eye. This way I can The little angel can see her mother and sister for the first time. 】

[Hello, thank you for your long-term support to Qilusi. You have won a grand prize in the lottery held by our company. Please reply to this email within ten minutes to claim your prize! 】

Of course, there is another piece of content that makes people laugh the most, I am Johnny Silverhand, V I am 50!

[Hello, dear user! I am Johnny Silverhand, I am writing you from hiding, not dead, now being treated for radiation sickness, and have been hiding from Arasaka Corporation for 50 years, attacking Arasaka Tower is very good, stealing 100 million euros and making a huge profit Success, now I want to build a retirement home for the Legend of Night City in a secret location, I need it to be hidden and cannot withdraw it myself, help me withdraw the euros, I will give you 50%! 】

When they saw the content, everyone was still joking,

‘The old thief has really kept pace with the times. ’

‘Do you believe Johnny Silverhand is still alive, or do you believe I am Qin Shihuang? ’

‘Hahahaha, a new type of night city fraud! ’

‘The staff at Germination really worked hard to compile these emails! ’

‘I just said that buying a game is not just about buying V’s story in Night City. ’

But now looking at Johnny Silverhand in their consciousness, everyone suddenly came back to their senses. This thing is really alive!

Just why is this legendary memory on V?

He then lost consciousness until he regained consciousness and found himself in a garbage dump.

Mountains of electronic waste covered the world, and drizzle fell on the ground, making a loud slapping sound.

Pushing away the electronic waste weighing on him, he has now returned to 2077 and the present.

After the fat black man killed him with one shot, he threw his body in the garbage.

"But didn't he hit me in the head with that shot? He didn't kill me." Yinzi frowned.

You must know that whether it is the content shown in the game or animation, no matter how much the transformation is, if the brain is gone, there is nothing.

Even Adam's Hammer only transformed 96%, presumably the remaining 4% is the remaining brain.

But in the process of climbing out, he saw Fatty Hei again and Zhucun who was following Fatty Hei.

The fat black man wanted to beg for mercy, but before he could finish his words, Zhucun shot him in the head.

Takemura looked at V lying on the ground unable to move, and began to report to Yorinobu,

"Lord Arasaka, I have found the murderer of your father."

After hearing his words, everyone rolled their eyes.

‘Why is Arasaka’s bodyguard acting like an idiot? ’

‘It’s a coincidence that I happened to steal the chip just when someone was killing my father. ’

‘Taking the blame, taking the blame again, open your mouth and tell him. ’

But when escorting V back to the Arasaka Building, Takemura was also pursued by Arasaka Yorinobu. He temporarily decided to cooperate with V. As the killer of the Mantis Blade was shot in the head, the chase finally came to an end.

He was sent to Victor's prosthetic shop, and after asking Victor about his physical condition, he received a very bad reply.

This was the first time that everyone saw Lao Wei in such a panic. He sat on the chair in frustration, covering his face constantly, his eyes full of loneliness that he couldn't hide.

"This is the first time I've seen you panic like this." Yinzi chose this dialogue.

It was indeed the first time that he saw Lao Wei panic like this. In the past, no matter how serious the injury was, he felt that Lao Wei could repair it, and he was not as helpless as he is now.

He pressed his head and said, "You... uh, you don't have much time left."

He wanted to say a sad thing in a better way, but no matter how he said it, he couldn't stop V from going to destruction.

"Silver Hand's consciousness is covering your consciousness, and he will gradually occupy your body, and one day you... will disappear."

Everyone could feel the suppressed choking and reluctance in Lao Wei's voice.

‘Using a female V is really immersive, and it feels like Lao Wei really treats V as his daughter. ’

‘Ah, I’m still thinking about paying back the money in the last minute. ’

‘I can’t keep anything, but I can pay back the money I owe Lao Wei. ’

After being hit in the head by the fat black man, although relic repaired the fatal damage, it was also gradually swallowing up V's personality.

The RELIC chip is their target for stealing this time. It is an experimental project of Arasaka Company, which stores all the information about people during their lifetime into the chip. In a virtual world, people can communicate with the dead. To be precise, Communicate with the chip.

Johnny Silverhand's consciousness is stored in it.

And now, his personality is constantly being devoured, which means that Johnny Silverhand will be reborn in this body soon.

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