Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 563 There is no living legend in Night City

This was the best sleep Xiao Shen had had in a while.

When he knew that he had a more reliable backing behind him, he completely let go of his guard.

After only eight hours of sleep, he had already woken up. When he came to the work hall outside, Ye Feng and others were sitting in their previous positions and continuing to work.

"Boss..." Xiao Shen looked at Ye Feng and called out.

"Why don't you go take a rest first? We all have a rest." He pointed at himself and the employees who had just taken a break.

"What's this?" Ye Feng waved his hand.

"Yeah, it's nothing. You came to Germination late. If you had come earlier, by the time we were struggling hard, you would have known that this single strength is trivial." Another project team boss waved his hand in dissatisfaction. care.

"Keep working. We have almost solved most of the bugs." He said and released the latest debugging results.

Xiao Shen looked at their progress this night, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. Many of them were things that he found difficult to solve, but they had already been solved at this time.

With the participation of Ye Feng and others, the efficiency of fixing bugs has become extremely fast.

There are still a few minor issues that need to be resolved. It is foreseeable that after the next game update, players will have a completely new feeling.

Not only that, Xiao Shen also discovered that the old thief had set up a peace zone in the area where Qiansi Fox was located, where weapons and violence were prohibited.

If the player wants to use force here, they will receive a prompt.

[Put your gun away, kid, only his mother can teach him a lesson. 】

Seeing this sentence, Xiao Shen couldn't help but become moved. He just wanted to put the character model in the game, but the old thief made the character full of emotions with just one official hint.

He couldn't help but think of a line in LoL that everyone selected as his favorite not long ago. There were many lines with a score of 9.9.

But there is only one line that Shifen has, "I love you mom, see you tomorrow."

There are many lines in the game that are engraved into the soul, but only this one goes straight to everyone's heart.

There is a comment under the rating that has also received many likes and is ranked first.

'You buy leather clothes for Wan Hao, and Wan Hao is very happy, because he has new clothes to wear. If you use the money to buy skins for Wan Hao to buy clothes for your mother, Wan Hao is also very happy, because like him, you love Mother. ’

But now, looking at the dark-haired and yellow-skinned man who worked in the prosthetic shop and carefully played with the prosthetic equipment, Xiao Shen turned his face and wiped his tears.

Before updating the game, Cyberpunk's account posted an update. There was no text or description. There was only one picture. It was the old thief they took with the initial budding studio employees working hard together with everyone.

In the photo, you can even see some tired employees taking a nap on the table. The coffee on everyone's table has piled up. It is obvious that the sky outside is as dark as ink, but the sprouting office is still as bright as day.

Among the crowd, there were also administrative staff passing through carrying late-night snacks.

The picture was just released and instantly caused a great response in the gaming circle.

‘Ahhhhh, seeing this scene really makes me cry, this is the real Germination Studio! ’

'Who said the old thief doesn't pay attention to his projects? When something goes wrong, we should all take the responsibility together, okay? ’

‘I usually call them Moya Game Company, but seeing everyone standing together, I called them Moya Studio. ’

'What I miss in my heart is still the small studio where we were crowded into a small room to make games. I also like the current Mo Ya very much, and hope that Mo Ya will go further and further! ’

‘It seems that this time the bug entry is not only sweating for Xiao Shen, but also for the old thief. ’

‘Ahhhhh! Looking forward to the update being completed! You can always trust the old thief! ’

Two days later, when everyone logged into the game again, they saw an update prompt.

"Awesome, this update alone has 10g of content." Yinzi laughed when he saw this update prompt.

After he clicked Confirm, he watched the game download content quickly.

‘This size is equivalent to publishing a small game. ’

‘It can be seen that this bug really made the old thieves sweat, and they even played in person. ’

‘With this size and such a short time, it can be seen that all departments worked together to complete the project. ’

‘This is the kind of sprout I like, there’s no intrigue, there’s not too much complexity. ’

The downloading speed was very fast, and Yinzi downloaded all the content quickly.

When he entered the game, it was obviously still the same cyber world as before, but now, he felt that the picture had become smoother and the light and shadow had become more vivid.

"The live broadcast has compressed the picture quality. I can't explain the feeling, but it is indeed much better than before."

"Let's first check whether some of the previous bugs are still there, and let's experiment with medical miracles first." As he said this, he drove the car and followed the bug information found online, preparing to experiment one by one.

But while walking, he came to Dog Town, which is the new content added in the dlc Shadows of the Past.

In the updated information, he saw that a new body doctor was added here, and he was going to come and find out more about it.

There are not many prosthetic doctors in Night City, and it is very important to know the location of each doctor.

"First find the location of the prosthetic doctor, and then look at other content." Yinzi controlled his character and walked towards Dog Town.

He was already familiar with most of the scenes here. When he came to the new prosthetic doctor, he was a little stunned.

"This prosthetic doctor looks so familiar..." He murmured softly.

Fans immediately expressed doubts,

‘It looks really familiar. I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before, and who’s motion capture model is it? ’

‘Not like a celebrity, this appearance is a bit too ordinary. ’

'Wait, I'm about to remember, give me a second. ’

‘Senji Fox, this is Senji Fox! ’

When one person started to exclaim, the image of Senji Fox immediately broke into everyone's brains and began to overlap with the prosthetic doctor in front of them.

Yinzi habitually scanned the prosthetic doctor in front of him. He was fiddling with the equipment behind him and working seriously.

The corresponding data appeared in front of Yinzi.


[Scan result: Thousand Temple Fox]

[Affiliated organization: No affiliated organization]

Yinzi looked at Qiansihu beside him with his mouth half open. He stared blankly at the barrage and began to murmur to himself, "There is a new person in Night City, and there is a new prosthetic doctor in Night City." …”

He started talking to Qianjihu, listening to him tell some short stories, watching him work hard, and watching him constantly playing with his tools and equipment in front of the workbench.

There are no living legends in Night City, ah... have you heard?

A new person has recently arrived in Night City. He is an Asian. His name is... Qiansi Fox.

He is a prosthetic doctor. He will talk to customers about some stories about people in East Asia. He also said that his mother manages his shop there in East Asia. He sometimes says to some customers who are leaving Night City:

"Hey, friend, if you can see my mother, please tell her that I am too busy working here and cannot go back to see her. If you can, please help me say to her, I love your mother. "

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