Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 606 Which direction should I kowtow to meet!

Seeing his movements, the players were also happy.

‘It turns out it’s you, kid, so I said how could the old thief find so many beauties. ’

‘Blind date? ’

‘Use power for personal gain, use power for personal gain! ’

‘This is so happy! Why am I not an old thieves brother! ’

The players were going crazy with jealousy, but then they saw another video posted on Song Shan's personal account. From the boyfriend's perspective, a girl's face was covered with notes, and Song Shan's hand was swinging from side to side in the poker in her hand. Her expression also changed because of his choice.

When you see someone trying to choose a card that is unfavorable to you, you will frown, and when you see someone trying to choose a card that is beneficial to you, you will grin.

The girl's expression couldn't be hidden from anyone, and the notes plastered all over her face were evidence that she had lost.

Song Shan never expected that the filming would be so smooth, so smooth that most of the plots were passed in one go!

Because they were all shot in segments, each plot was filmed very quickly, and repeated filming would not waste too much time.

After seeing the video he posted, everyone thought it was just a joke to be surrounded by beautiful women. But now they saw him playing poker games with beautiful women, and everyone was shocked!

‘Fuck! born! I am not willing to post so many notes to others! ’

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ’

‘What on earth are you doing! ’

‘This young lady is so beautiful! ’

‘What about the others, where are the others? ’

The short clip sent by Song Shan is a scene shot with the game character Zheng Ziyan.

In the entire script, his favorite two characters are Lin Yueqing and Zheng Ziyan.

There are six people in total, and the six beauties have completely different identities, different personalities, and different personalities.

Even if he knew it was a game and knew it was a plot, he would still be hit with emotional pain points.

Just by making constant choices, a novice in love can experience an immersive love relationship surrounded by six beauties for unlimited times.

Moreover, the plot of the game is too outrageous, so outrageous that it feels unreal.

But Ye Feng told him that whether it is a male or female emotional game, the emotional experience everyone can feel here is the most extreme.

This is an emotionally satisfying game, but it also has many product flaws, so everyone will think it is a ‘large-scale science fiction romance film’ at first glance.

After Song Shan finished filming that day, he found several actresses.

Although they were very happy during the past few days of filming, various agreements also needed to be signed.

"I had a lot of fun shooting with everyone during this time, hahahaha, it really fulfilled all the emotional wishes of a single like me." He laughed first and then chatted with a few people.

During this time, several beauties were also a little confused. During the filming process, they also roughly understood how the game would work. But would anyone really like such a surreal science fiction love game?

Do you think it’s a bit unrealistic?

"We have signed a contract before, and our budding fame is also in front of us. We prohibit everyone from engaging in various money-making activities." Song Shan said seriously.

"Rainya will pay everyone a salary. After signing the contract, everyone is a member of Moya. We do not prohibit everyone from hosting live broadcasts, but we do not want you to use Moya's fame to earn excessive gifts and rewards."

It is inevitable to give something as a reward. Their love for the characters will make the audience spontaneously give small gifts to the people they like.

What they prohibit is money-making in various PK series, as well as private money transactions.

Song Shan said, "Everyone can rest assured that the share of the game is enough to support a good life for a few of us."

For several main filming personnel, they adopted the method of bundling game dividends and interests.

Just like a TV show, if one person has a problem, the entire show will be affected. They get a share and they definitely want to run the game well.

Reputation is more important than anything else, and everyone definitely hopes to have the opportunity to cooperate with Moya in the future.

After listening to Song Shan's words, several people nodded obediently. They naturally understood what Song Shan said.

They also signed relevant contracts before this. At that time, several girls just thought that this game would have a small market. They did not know how much impact this game would have on the market, nor did they know that this game would actually have a big impact on the market. There is so much heat.

But even if you know it, you will not regret signing it when you see the contract in your hand.

No one is stupid, knowing the future is more important than anything else.

After the filming was over, it was time for post-production. Since it was a plot selection mini-game, the game went very smoothly.

It didn’t take long for Song Shan to appear on the official Weibo account of Sprout Studio.

[Everyone’s question not long ago will be answered at once today.

We bring you a love game. In the game, the player becomes the male protagonist Gu Yi, and uses a first-person perspective to immersively get to know six beauties with very different looks and personalities, and start a light and sweet love journey with them.

The charming witch, the innocent girl, the intellectual sister, the unruly young lady, the sexy mom, the cool CEO, it’s up to the player to decide who they will go to the end with! 】

When he posted on Weibo, the game had already been launched.

When he clicked to confirm going online, he couldn't hold back his lips. As the male protagonist, he was really happy during this period of recording.

The game was launched without any announcement. Only after the game was launched did everyone know why Moya found six beauties.

‘Oh! Love game? ! ’

'Sister Intellectual... Hehe... Sister Intellectual...'

‘Why is there a hot mom? What do you think of me? ! ’

‘Some people used to say that the old thief didn’t understand the players, but now look at it, he really understands the six characters! ’

‘Okay, okay, let me go and feel it for you first. ’

When Yinzi saw this game being launched, he was dumbfounded, "What else can I say? In one word, it's awesome."

He bought the game without saying a word, and the game with more than ten gigabytes was downloaded almost instantly.

Looking at the game, he got up and ran to the door of the room and closed the door, "We have to play this game secretly."

After he made sure to lock the door, he went back and opened the game. The first thing that caught his eye was the photo and video clips of several beautiful girls, various clever shots, flowers scattered in the sky, the confusing lights, and the mysterious With loving eyes.

Every girl has a different style. The only thing that is the same is her loving eyes.

"Hey! A big sci-fi romance movie! Which direction do I have to kowtow to meet it!"

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