Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 649 Penalty Station Simulator

The people he called in the group were a little confused, but they still clicked into his live broadcast room.

At that moment, I saw a screen full of 'I'm sorry' floating across the screen. The group message beeped rapidly.

‘What did you do! ’

‘Oh my God! The pressure is on! ’

“I don’t feel any pressure when a player scolds someone, but my blood pressure rises immediately when a player apologizes. ’

‘Have you missed something important again? ’

"Everyone, please stop discussing. I have to go find the leader." He replied quickly, and then directly liked the department leader in the group.

Leader: Hiss - this matter, ha... The old thief said that if you encounter urgent matters, you can directly report to him.

The leader didn't know what to say at this time.

The barrage is also urging frantically,

‘When can I convey my apology? ’

‘There should be no overnight feud between us. Please resolve the misunderstanding immediately, okay? ’

‘How many days do you submit your information? When will everyone’s appeals be heard in heaven? ’

"Now, I'll go now." The employee grinned and called someone to replace him, and then quickly ran towards Ye Feng's office.

The replacement employee looked at the barrage and said with some confusion.

"I don't know what happened, but someone really put a knife on your neck?"

"If you are kidnapped, you will deduct 1"

After hearing what he said, the player quickly said 2 speechlessly...

The leaving employees had quickly rushed to the door of Ye Feng's office. Outside, he could see through the blinds the boss and the bosses of other departments.

He waited quietly outside and registered the reason why he was here with the secretary standing outside. After the people inside left, the secretary motioned for him to come in.

The moment he opened the door, he was still a little nervous, but soon the secretary followed him in and led him to sit down on the sofa next to him.

Secretary Chen brought a glass of water and placed it in front of him and whispered, "Don't be nervous, just treat him like a normal leader."

The employee who entered the door nodded sharply. He thought he would face it normally.

But until the moment they met, he didn't know why everyone was scolding Tom.

Excitement, excitement, fear...all kinds of emotions are mixed together.

Ye Feng stood up and changed from his chair to sit next to the visitor.

He looked up at the employee in front of him, still holding the phone in his hand, very anxiously.

"I have read the general situation you reported. The main reason is that I don't know why everyone is apologizing, right?"

The employee nodded fiercely. The players' sudden guilt made him very stressed.

Ye Feng scratched his head, he didn't know why.

"In this way, you can describe what happened from beginning to end." Ye Feng wanted to sort it out. After all, he had been scolded all the time, and the player's initiative made him a little frightened.

"It's like this... At first, everyone was still complaining as usual, but a group of people suddenly came into the live broadcast room, and then everyone started to apologize."

"During this, I also asked everyone why they were apologizing, and everyone said there was no need to say anything."

Ye Feng picked up his phone and opened the live broadcast room.

The players were still saying guilty things, but none of them said why.

"Help me connect to the live broadcast room. I'm asking." Ye Feng became more and more confused as he watched.

Everyone only said it was wrong, but didn’t say what was wrong!

How is this different from a graduation defense?

Just answer without defending and apologize like crazy.

The young employee in the office nodded quickly. The live broadcast room in his hand had anchor permissions.

He immediately invited Ye Feng into the live broadcast room and prepared to join the live broadcast.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room saw a prompt that the microphone was being connected appeared on the screen.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate and connected directly.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Ye Feng."

When Ye Feng's voice came out from the live broadcast room, the constantly floating barrage instantly fell silent.

"I saw everyone's apology..." Ye Feng was silent for a moment, "I just have a little doubt, why are you apologizing?"

"ˉWhat's wrong with sprouting?"

Ye Feng knew that sudden emotions often meant leaving.

Have you been abused too much recently?

Ye Feng thought about it and realized that it was really possible. It was really painful to walk so much. He also left a message with him saying that he had lost five pounds after hiking for several days.

This time he felt he needed to apologize to the players.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the players were silent. What a good designer!

"Here, I also want to apologize to everyone..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, he saw the barrage scrolling wildly.

‘Brother, you are right, it is us who are wrong. ’

'Good brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have encouraged my uncle. ’

‘Uncle is a good man, I am the bad guy. ’

‘A fisherman never gives up! Unless you release the game...'

'What I'm saying is, it's not your fault this time...'

After chatting with the player for a few words, Ye Feng realized what happened.

It turns out that the phone call made by my father was made at the instigation of everyone.

"Awesome, after doing this for a long time, everyone wants to go fishing, right?" He said with a half-smile.

‘Yes, yes, please, I, the fisherman, have never begged anyone in my life. ’

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have encouraged uncle! ’

"Oh...? Do you know what the fishing game I want to make looks like?"

"From the beginning of the idea of ​​developing this game, our team has been committed to creating an environmental water environment where you can explore the survival of various fish, and you can use any fishing gear shop game you want."

While Ye Feng was speaking, not a single barrage disrupted his rhythm.

Everyone was listening attentively as he drew the pie. Of course, this pie could be eaten quickly.

"Among them, time, weather, temperature, wind speed, wind direction... are all accurately reflected in the game."

"In addition to the hard-core weather system, it also has hundreds of fishing equipment for you to choose from. Mainstream playing methods such as lures, sea rods, and floats basically simulate real fishing rules. Fish migration, fish mouth changes...

As in real life, fish behavior can vary depending on changes in weather conditions, time of day, and other factors…

Let you truly feel: You can’t catch fish in reality, and you can’t catch fish in the game either. "

After Ye Feng finished speaking casually, the barrage was suddenly shocked!

‘Damn it, did you spill the beans! ’

‘Okay, okay, you can’t catch it in real life and you can’t catch it in the game, isn’t this even more exciting! ’

'shock! A well-known game designer revealed the core ideas of game design in a live broadcast. ’

'I always firmly believe that what is said casually is the truest. ’

‘Okay, okay, let’s play like this! ’

‘It doesn’t matter if you can’t catch it, just set it up for smoking, otherwise it won’t taste good. ’

"Of course, it's not just that." Ye Feng laughed, "The most important thing is that fish that can't be caught in reality can't be caught in the game. Fish that can't be caught in reality can be caught in the game!"

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