Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 655 The scenery is beautiful, but lonely

After throwing a large log inside and extending the time to more than an hour, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The temperature of his body was slowly warming up. Feeling the comfortable temperature, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the goals given by the current game,

【Sleeping in a cave】

【Make a fire】

[Use first aid to stop bleeding]

[Try to climb out of the ravine]

He had just wrapped the bandage he found around his left hand, wrapping it around the shocking wound.

He tried to get out of the cave, but the temperature outside was horribly low. The temperature would become extremely low at night in the ice and snow. In real life, no one travels at night, and the same is true in the game.

At this moment, standing by the fire, his only choice was to lean on the haystack next to him and sleep through the cold night.

In order to prevent him from freezing to death at night, he also threw a few pieces of wood into the fire, hoping to prolong the burning time of the flames.

After doing all this, he fell asleep quietly next to the fire.

The night when I fell asleep became quiet, and all the sounds in my ears seemed to disappear.

When he went to sleep for the first time, he was even worried that he would die inexplicably on the first night, but luckily he didn't.

When I woke up, the fire around me had been extinguished, the night had dissipated, and the sky outside was not so clear. What was better than yesterday was that the icy wind had stopped howling.

The huge flames caused by the crash have long since disappeared, leaving only some black charcoal buried in the white snow in the outside world, indicating that the fire that continued to burn last night was eventually extinguished by the heavy snow.

At first glance, he noticed the character's status displayed in the lower left corner. Although the temperature had warmed up a bit and his energy had fully recovered, he was already very dehydrated and his hunger became more intense.

"Astrid didn't come to me, which means she can't come to me...because she's injured...or worse!"

Astrid was his ex-wife, and the two of them were killed on the plane together. If he was seriously injured, the other party wouldn't be too well either.

Yinzi walked out of the cave. It was not as quiet as inside the cave. The moment he walked out of the cave, the sound of the wind became extremely loud, beating his eardrums.

The feet were covered with burned debris, and the boundless whiteness covered the world. It was obviously a peerless beauty, but there was no chance for people to appreciate it at this time.

He had been collecting things nearby, and lighting a fire last night had shown him how rare things were to burn. Now he just wanted to collect a little more and survive the difficult night.

Yinzi quickly decomposed the things on the ground, but every time he saw the time required for decomposition, he couldn't help but frown.

When you decompose a small thing, what is displayed in the game is only a moment, but what is marked is more than ten or twenty minutes.

His body was getting thirstier, but he felt that he didn't waste much time. He just dismantled a lot of wood, which showed that he spent more than ten minutes.

He walked down the road, picking up whatever he encountered along the way.

On the way, he picked up a wild fruit called "rose hip". The small rose-red fruit was wrinkled and wrinkled. When he saw the prompt on the screen, he realized that the old thief was already quite friendly to everyone.

[Rose hip: The fruit of a wild rose, which can be used to make tea to help relieve pain. 】

"I can see that the old thief is already very friendly." Yinzi looked at the small fruit in his hand and felt like crying.

"At least he told you that this fruit can be eaten, and then he also told you how to eat it to be more useful."

When rose hips are collected, an item introduction is also given, and a tip is given that rose hips can be used to make tea.

But the more he said this, the more horrified fans felt.

‘So I think the game will be incredibly difficult! ’

“When a hardcore game tells you all the details of the game, it means that even if you know that these things are edible and how to eat them for better results, you still won’t survive. ’

‘Good news: The old thief has released goodwill towards players, bad news: he has released a lot of goodwill. ’

‘This reminds me of other survival games. Only after you eat it will you know whether it is good or bad, whether it is poisonous or whether it will cause diarrhea. ’

‘Suddenly I felt that before I played the game of life, here it is the game of survival. ’

Yinzi has been collecting rose hips all the way and is going to make rose hip tea later.

He walked along the path that led to nowhere in the valley, one foot deep and one foot shallow. In the snow, the audience could only hear the protagonist's voice talking to himself, as well as the sound of the wind whistling in my ears and myself. A labored gasp.

The snow crunched with each foot, and he didn't know how long he walked until he found an open space.

On the white snow, there are dark black tree stumps everywhere. It looks like a lumberyard.

The uncertain weather in the game has changed again. The snow particles flying in the air gradually obscure the view, and the sound of howling wind gradually comes to the ears. The wind is getting stronger, and the body temperature drops very quickly.

He clicked on his information panel. At this time, he was facing the risk of hypothermia.

His temperature is very low, and if the hypothermia persists, he will suffer from hypothermia.

As the body temperature dropped, even the heartbeat in my ears became clear and rapid.

Under the stimulation of low temperature, the heart beats more powerfully and consumes more calories in the hope of maintaining body functions.

Yinzi picked up some branches and wanted to make a fire to keep warm, but this time, the wind outside was too strong, and he wanted to use the combination he used in the cave to make a fire again.

The smoke rose in front of me for a long time, but finally I failed to make a fire.

After trying again, the fire was successfully lit.

The fire didn't burn long, only about half an hour.

But if he wants to obtain water resources, he has to melt the water, and melting snow takes twenty minutes.

Under the water resources, there is a mark under the water that has not been completely boiled. If you drink it at this time, you may get sick.

His heartbeat became more and more obvious in the low temperature. At this time, he could do nothing except sit next to the fire and wait for the snowdrift to melt.

Time passed by minute by second, and the sky slowly became darker. He stared at the flames dancing in the snow and became distracted.

The sound of burning branches could be heard in my ears, and there were occasionally a few wolf howls in the distance.

At this time, he could see the sky in the distance that was already stained with light green light and shadow particles.

When he was motionless, he could only admire the scenery quietly.

The body's continuously decreasing values ​​made him realize that as a living creature, he actually still has needs for survival: water, food, warmth, maintenance of heat, adequate rest, the need for timely treatment after injury, etc., whether in life or in other situations. Things that can be ignored in the game...

The biggest threat here does not seem to be powerful monsters, but ordinary things such as nature, temperature, and weather that cannot be predicted and controlled.

This world is beautiful, very beautiful.

But when he looked at the distant scenery, he felt a little lonely.

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