Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 662 It’s just so charming

# A different survival game. After playing "The Long Night", I felt that the games I played before were all life games. #

# There is no other world except towering trees and stones. There is a magical power that makes people play carefully. #

# I am still alive, living well, and will continue to live. Of course, I am talking about me, not the protagonist of the game. #

# After enough time, everyone's chance of survival will become zero. #

The top trending searches are all filled with news about this game. Although the topic is hot, underneath it all is despair.

‘Wolves and black bears will not show any mercy to players, but they are not the biggest enemies. ’

“The most deadly thing that leaves no trace is the snowstorms that become more and more frequent as the climate decays and the thick fog that envelops people without warning. ’

‘After hundreds of days of hunger, cold and depression, I finally died in loneliness. ’

‘Please, old thief, let’s play some normal survival games. I just want to have endless fun and don’t want to self-destruct in loneliness. ’

Ye Feng and Song Shan were sitting on a pony by the river, with two fishing rods placed in front of each of them.

"Recently everyone is saying that the only ending of the long night is death, so in survival games, is death the final solution to the game?" The two stared at the floats on the lake. The four floats were motionless, and occasionally the wind blew by. Swim slowly with the float.

"Of course not." Ye Feng shook his head, "Every survival game has its own gameplay, and feeling lonely is also a gaming experience."

Each game naturally has its own characteristics, and death is not the end of all survival games.

"Recently, because of this game, many survival games have forcibly changed the ending of BE." Song Shan said about the current situation on the market, "But most of our BEs are plot kills, rather than really letting players end themselves. game."

Even some fans have begun to feel that survival games are impossible to survive if they are taken to the extreme.

People say that physical and mental health has become a false proposition in the survival game.

Many times, Sprout is the benchmark in the gaming industry, and almost all similar games are trying to move closer to Sprout's production direction.

These manufacturers followed the trend without thinking, and even Song Shan was confused. Is this how survival games must be?

"Definitely not." Ye Feng shook his head, "The feeling of being truly alive is what people pursue."

"The long night has worn away the will of mankind in the endless long night." Ye Feng paused for a second, turning the survival game into a fatal game was not his intention, "Okay, since everyone has said so, Then let’s make another survival game.”

"This time I will make a more interesting one that can be played online. You farm the land and I cook. You fight monsters and I build a house. We laugh and build a small home together."

"You were in charge of Terraria back then, and now you're in charge of this game, too. You've also got experience."

"Let players explore experience through constant death. For example, only when they are killed by demons in the dark can they know how to light a torch. Only when they are killed by cows during exploration can they know not to mess with cows. If we really want to distinguish, this game The game is more about exploration than survival." Ye Feng saw that Song Shan was fascinated by what he heard. He saw that the float in front of Song Shan had begun to shake, but he didn't seem to notice.

Ye Feng did not say anything, but continued, "Similar to Terraria, when a game encounters problems and searches for strategies online, a large part of the fun of the game will be lost."

"So we are making a survival game with more gameplay, just like Terraria, to keep players interested in playing it repeatedly and conquering the world they have already conquered."

Ye Feng said, and Song Shan also became energetic.

He does have experience in Terraria production, and his department has been constantly updating game content to this day.

Each project department of Sprout produces games, and each department has the latest dividend rewards every quarter.

It was then that he realized how much Ye Feng took care of himself. Just the future sales of a game could make him earn enough to not have to worry about money in the future.

It has been so long since the game was produced, and the most amazing thing is that after surviving the initial popularity period, old players are still playing it, and new players are still getting into it.

After players of each game have played it once, few start it a second time.

But Terraria is a game that people play over and over again, and every time players cheer for new content. .

Ye Feng looked at the float in front of him, shaking up and down rapidly. After Song Shan listened to his words, his attention was not on the lake at this time.

Song Shan closed his eyes and lowered his head to think, and soon he heard Ye Feng say again.

"Survival, of course, cannot be smooth sailing. There can be changes of seasons and attacks by hounds, so players cannot live a self-sufficient pastoral life early, but this also happens to push players to find more and stronger equipment."

"Similar to Terraria, it takes hundreds of hours to feel like you can get started."

After his float stopped moving completely, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud, because the float on his side started to move, and he finally caught a fish!

Ye Feng picked up his fishing rod and kept pulling with the big fish in the water.

"Of course, in addition to some infrastructure and survival, there should be a lot of frustration." Ye Feng took a deep breath and dragged the fishing rod in his hand.

"This fish is so strong. I'll catch it later. You pick up the net and help me catch it." Ye Feng felt that the fish in the water had lost its strength, and the net was next to Song Shan. How far away is it, just pull the fish close and pick it up.

Song Shan was fascinated and heard Ye Feng suddenly change the topic.

"Tell me, why don't you continue talking?" Song Shan bared his teeth. He wanted to hear more things, such as how to torture players.

"Air Force Immortal, we are out to play today, let's talk about it when we get back, don't be in a hurry." Ye Feng rolled his eyes at him, he only had a limited amount of rest time, and he cherished this rare rest time now.

Song Shan scratched his head. Only after making Terraria did he realize how fascinating this game is.

It's obviously a game where newcomers don't know what to do when they enter the game, and they can only slowly figure out the rules of the game by dying over and over again.

On the first day, I learned to make a light source, on the second day, I learned to eat wild fruits, on the third day, I learned how to make a backpack, and then I continued to explore all the way to try to live longer.

Novices can only try it over and over again, and this process is far more painful than learning the mechanics of the game itself.

But it's just charming.

Happy New Year to everyone! In the new year, I wish everyone all the best! ! !

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