Outsiders look at production by looking at development costs and production cycles.

There are endless budding games, and there are also games that cost more than billions. However, compared to Terraria, neither the size nor the production cost of the game can match those other games.

And there is a very key figure here, and that is this friend from his student days who has accompanied Ye Feng until now.

When the terrifying game production funds and game size of Red Dead Redemption were announced, it shocked people inside and outside the industry.

Terraria is so small in comparison.

Sprout's games are never bad, but after playing Terraria, everyone realized how much the old thief prefers this friend.

Before this, even the fans of Moya did not imagine that a 2D flat style pixel game could occupy a place in the hearts of players in today's world of 3A masterpieces such as Moya.

After Terraria went online, Songshan's project department quietly went silent, but Terraria has always kept its content updated.

People say that he can live a lifetime by relying on the dividends from that game project.

The old thief's preference is to give a real iron rice bowl, a game that will not be eliminated by the times.

And now, he's here, and he's here with his latest riddle!

"Damn it, I knew it!" Yinzi looked at this dynamic message, "How could someone like this old thief be willing to just make one game."

He stared at that sentence and carefully analyzed the few words.

"Lenovo to the original Terra, this game should not be large in size. Judging from that sentence, it should also be related to survival."

Find something to eat before dark. This sentence could not be too obvious.

"Do you think the old thief will have the same ending this time, like the long night?"

As soon as Yinzi said it, he slapped himself.

Because in just a moment, he came to an answer, it was impossible.

If it were another game company, it might be possible to use one routine to the extreme, but it is impossible and will not be possible for Sprout to do so.

Players often say that the old thief cannot count to 2, which also means that he will not renovate the same thing to fool players.

Fans laughed instantly when they saw Yinzi slap him.

‘Those people on the Internet don’t have to argue. The answer is simply impossible. ’

‘After Terraria, I couldn’t imagine how much fun this game would be! ’

‘There are really too few survival games on the market, otherwise we wouldn’t be so focused on how to make survival games. ’

‘The good news is that the textbooks are coming again, the bad news is that they are in their infancy. ’

‘Other manufacturers: they can’t learn it, they can’t learn it at all. ’

But the surprises given by Bu Ya did not stop there.

After Song Shan sent out the relevant news, Germination Studio also sent another message. This time the message was just a simple picture with a simple number on it.


"2?" Tuanzi looked at the number and didn't react for a long time.

"2 what 2? Does 2 have any special meaning?" Tuanzi rubbed the back of his head in confusion.

She had a vague guess in her mind, but she didn't dare to think so quickly. She only dared to look at the camera and quietly ask, "Do you think it's Tears of the Kingdom?" When he asked this question, his vocal cords couldn't help but tremble. .

There are no font modifications on the characters. It can be said to be ordinary Song font.

The font is black, the font is long and thin, and the text is black on a white background. It doesn't look like a guessing game.

But when everyone sees this number, they can accurately think of what everyone said before about the old thief not being able to count '2'.

‘Besides Tears of the Kingdom, what sequel can he make? ’

‘Grudge: Tears of the Kingdom, we have handed in the paper~ Player: Apart from Tears of the Kingdom, what else can you come up with? ’

‘What if it’s not Zelda! ’

‘Brothers, I just want to ask, is it still too late to buy a handheld console? ’

‘I am just a poor student. I used to dislike the fact that handheld consoles are too expensive. You have to buy the handheld console and the games separately, but now I can’t resist the temptation. What should I do? ’

‘Brother, listen to me, you may lose money on the computer, but you will definitely not lose money on the handheld console. The games on the handheld console really make people happy. ’

‘Hahahaha, I, the Great Demon King Link! again! came back! ’

'Everyone, listen to me, is it possible...not...'

Although Sprout released a picture, as long as it is not fully released, no one will dare to say that it is Tears of the Kingdom.

After all, the old thief has so many thoughts, who knows whether the final result will be what everyone thinks.

Everyone has no way to ask the old thief to make Tears of the Kingdom. Aren’t games just what the game manufacturers do?

A long time ago, you may have thought about asking the old thief to change your game settings, such as not starting over, or not setting the difficulty of the boss so high, and not being so abusive...

But then the person who made the suggestion became quieter, because he really didn’t listen, and the game was really fun!

Until now, no one can even say with certainty that this is Tears of the Kingdom.

"Is it possible? No?..." Tuanzi looked at a barrage and read it out. "I asked you, can you be bolder? What do you mean it is possible! It must be!"

"Can the old thief still fool everyone on this matter?" Her voice became smaller and smaller, and the barrage began to become silent.

"Brothers, I think this time, it's really true." She lowered her head and whispered into the microphone, but everyone could see that she lacked confidence.

‘The anchor doesn’t even speak hard, but he still wants us all to believe him. ’

‘Can the Riddler die? The Riddler is the most annoying person in my life. ’

‘Have you ever heard of a thing? I heard that hackers abroad made flash cards for handheld consoles, and they can play whatever games they want in the future. ’

At this time, a fan suddenly mentioned a recent incident, burning the card.

In the past, no manufacturer made handheld consoles, because they were all used to play games at home. Compared with consoles or PCs, the picture quality of handheld consoles, no matter how well optimized, was not as good as that of ordinary PCs.

So in the past, only PS and Weisoft took anti-theft measures, but for handheld devices, they were missed.

Tuanzi saw someone talking about this topic and immediately asked him to stop.

"Don't talk about this topic in my live broadcast. The old thief has made games until now and everyone has supported him. Although he is rich now, if everyone buys flash cards, even the old thief will be killed."

"What about next?"

Tuanzi is right. The moment flashcards appeared, it was a devastating blow to both manufacturers and players.

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