Hearing these words, Ye Feng immediately knew that he had really found the right person.

He looked at the resume on the computer. This resume looked ridiculous, but being able to write these contents also represented the sincerity of the other party. He wrote down all the things he had done before as experience.

It can also be seen that this person's emotional intelligence is not high.

But this may be a common problem among geniuses. While constantly mastering technology, they also neglect a lot of social experience.

For people of this age to be able to control such technology, a lot of things will naturally be lost.

It is said that geniuses do not have emotional intelligence, but it is also possible that geniuses do not bother to communicate with ordinary people. They do not need emotional intelligence.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, this person was undoubtedly a talent, and a talent that Germination needed.

From its infancy to the present, network security has been very negligent, otherwise hackers would not be invading and making flash cards.

They have information security people, but compared to the top experts, they are obviously weaker.

"Do you want to call me now to ask me to stop? Let me tell you, it's too late." There was a hint of pride in his voice, as if he was happy that his revenge was successful.

"Of course not. I still believe in my players when it comes to the sales of flash cards." Ye Feng said with a smile in his voice.

This is also the reason why he dared to release the game.

This is trust built over several years.

Players have believed countless times that he would not delay tickets, would produce more and more excellent games, and would successfully deliver the content he promised to bring to everyone.

He never made a mistake and never betrayed the players' trust.

So now, he feels that he can also trust his players. He believes in his trust and will not be let down by the players.

"No one can refuse free money, no one." Coren sneered. For more than 300 yuan, you can experience all the games on the handheld console. For players, it is equivalent to free.

"You're right, free is really tempting." After reading this person's resume, Ye Feng was sure that this person was not short of money at all.

He doesn't make flash cards for money.

"But we are friends." Ye Feng smiled lightly, "I'm talking about the players, we are friends."

"I have treated you all as friends over the years, and I believe you all do too." As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rare silence on the other side of the phone.

"It's useless. No one can stop me from what I decide to do, not even you." He seems to be constantly struggling with his own principles and the conditions of his favorite idol.

"I understand." Ye Feng nodded.

He never thought that he could deal with this person in just a few words. From the resume he wrote, it was obvious that this person was not an ordinary weirdo.

"I'm calling you this time to interview you, not to ask you to cancel your actions and things." Ye Feng grinned.

"Ah?" The other party was obviously a little surprised.

"Didn't you submit your resume? Now I'm calling you for an interview according to the phone number on your resume. Is there any problem?" Ye Feng asked back, "Mr. Ya will not interfere with employees' daily lives and behaviors, nor will they prevent employees from acting. It's just normal now." interview.”

"Ah, no... just... an interview?" He was completely dumbfounded.

"Mr. Colen, is everything you wrote on your resume true?"


"It can be seen that your technology is very good, but your information security is very weak. You are also the talent we need." Ye Feng leaned back in his seat. "For example, if the server of Sprout is attacked, the hacker will cause unimaginable losses to Sprout. As the information protection department of Sprout, how will you solve the problem?"

"I won't tell you, don't try to get anything out of my mouth." The corners of Coren's mouth raised.

"I'm sorry that you didn't pass the interview. Thank you very much for your submission. I wish you a bright future and everything goes well." As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other in shock, because no one expected to find the target right away.

I didn't even expect that the old thief would give up on people like this.

"Boss, are you going to let him go like this? Such a master should be hired directly by the company!"

"Although he has a weird temper, if he comes, I will tell everyone not to mess with him."

"With such a good general, why should we be afraid of burning cards in the future? Just recruit him!"

Everyone is very excited, because as long as this person is recruited, the problems that have troubled everyone for so many days will be solved.

The flash card started because of him, and it will naturally end because of him.

Ye Feng shook his head, "I just conducted an interview with him, and his interview has failed."

After hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone suddenly opened their mouths. Is this the end?

Such a master just gives up like that?

"According to the content of his resume, it is definitely not for gaming. First of all, the company should be placed in the information security department."

"Even if it is normal recruitment, this kind of problem is normal." Ye Feng waved his hand helplessly. The skills of his people are there. Even if he just said the solution, then his people can solve it. ?

"And, you see, the countdown to the pre-sale of flash cards has begun."

Ye Feng picked up his phone, and everyone took a look at the countdown on their phones.

Sure enough, there were only three minutes left before the pre-sale of the flash card.

"Then let's ban the player. This is the most convenient and direct, and this kind of precautionary measure will not be disliked by players."

"The program to ban the machine is already in progress and should be ready soon."

"I didn't expect that I would end up going this way." Everyone was chattering. Ye Feng didn't let the hacker into the company. They were just a little surprised, and then they stopped worrying.

This person's temperament is indeed too weird, and working in a company may not be a good thing.

Ye Feng didn't speak, he just looked at the countdown on his phone.

It seems like three minutes, but it is actually an accelerated version of three minutes. It takes less than a minute for everyone to talk, and the pre-sale has been completely unlocked.

Ye Feng did not hesitate and placed an order directly.

The number showing [Sold] on the right side of the pre-sale instantly changes to 1.

"Damn it, someone actually bought it!"

"Fortunately not many..."

"Oh, it's so uncomfortable."

"That's what I bought..." Ye Feng raised his hand and spoke with some embarrassment. He didn't expect that the first buyer of the flash card would be himself. "Let's do some research and see what this flash card is."

The number of items sold increased very slowly. A few seconds after Ye Feng placed the order, the number of purchases was only a few hundred.

Seeing this number, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone can accept a few hundred copies.

They can accept even tens of thousands of copies. What they are most afraid of is that most players choose to burn cards.

Now when I look at the sales volume, it’s really good. It turns out that the sprout has not been let down!

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