Automatic tracking!

By attaching an eyeball to a bow and arrow, it can become a self-tracking weapon.

Looking at the eyes inside the backpack, Yinzi felt very magical.

Because there are many creatures in Zelda that can drop eyeballs.

In previous versions of the game, eyeballs could be cooked with other medicinal ingredients to create completely different potions and recipes.

No one had ever thought that an eyeball carrying a bow and arrow would become an automatically tracking navigation weapon.

"Oh my god!" Yinzi looked at the thing in his hand, and he felt that his brain was almost climaxing.

He always felt that he was incapable of fantasy and didn't have that much imagination. When the game settings were placed in front of him, he suddenly realized that the game could still be like this!

"Huge improvement!" Whether it's the ultimate hand, the construction with leftover materials, or the battery string on the waist.

All of these have made earth-shaking changes based on the original Zelda.

In the past, it was not a novelty to make potions with eyeball frog fruits, etc., because in those fairy tales about witches, many inexplicable things were also added. The dark potions kept bubbling, and finally turned into items with magical effects.

The media has been following up on players’ Zelda game progress and striving to report on the latest content.

Before the initial article was sorted out, it was an eye-opener for them that bat eyes can be used as weapons for automatically tracking prey when attached to arrows.

At this time, an editor is writing his article in front of the computer.

He plays games while writing. Every time he plays a new thing, he can't wait to write the latest content on the computer and input his latest feelings.

[Just an ultimate hand can make me have a lot of fun playing. I am constantly rediscovering the joy of childhood. I took a stick that reached the sky until I couldn't take it off anymore. 】

[I just entered the game and I can no longer express my feelings at this time. I have already received the news and heard that every skill behind it is eye-opening. 】

[Ordinary words can no longer express my feelings at this time. 】

[Battery, he gave me the battery? I walked into the cave... There are many luminous flower seeds inside. You can throw them out or use arrows to shoot them to the destination. They illuminate a wide range and the light will not go out for a long time. I think the future is in the future. It will be very useful when exploring dark areas. 】

As he wrote, he found that it was difficult to describe what he had seen using words alone.

Each prop has its own use, and when mixed with weapons, it can produce other effects.

In the cave, he saw a mineral vein. He wielded his huge hammer and dug out a topaz in the mineral vein.

The attack power built with leftover materials is not high, but the description states that it contains extremely powerful power.

strength? Aren’t gems meant to be sold for money?

Thinking about it, he accidentally placed the gem on the head of his arrow.

The top of the wooden arrow turned into a yellow gem tied to it.

Instead of continuing through the cave, he exited and found a troop golem he had just encountered.

Hiding in the corner, he shot the arrow in his hand at the position of the army golem.

The army golem turned its back to him and did not notice his existence.

The bow and arrow in his hand flew away with the yellow gem, and he looked at the target expectantly.

The moment he shot the arrow, he imagined the corresponding scene in his mind.

It's nothing more than an arrow with a stone on it, and it hits like a headless arrow. After a plop, it annoys the army golem, and then starts a battle with the army golem.

Although it's not a very difficult enemy, you can take care of it in a few hits.

Just as he was thinking about it, the arrow fell on the body of the army demon statue not far away.

At that moment, a blinding golden light bloomed in front of his eyes, and the army golem also suffered tons of damage.

The golden lightning was still spreading on the army golem. When he looked at it again, the enemy had turned into a pile of scattered parts on the ground.

He originally wanted to describe this eye-opening golden light, this exploding lightning, and this extremely dazzling damage in the press release he was about to send out.

But in the end, he deleted all the words he described.

[Zelda, don’t listen to what others say. Some games are fun to watch others play, but there are some games that you can only feel the charm of by playing them yourself. 】

After writing this sentence, he clicked send.

After the manuscript was sent, he closed the lid of the notebook. As the lid of the notebook clicked shut, he looked at the handheld device in his hand again with a relaxed look on his face.

"Phew, you can play games seriously now."

Playing games and writing manuscripts at the same time, he just felt very tortured.

Especially when he couldn't enjoy such a game, he really felt it was a waste.

Just like when I was a child, I went out happily in the morning, but as soon as I stepped out of the room, my mother said, remember to write a diary when you come back.

At that moment, before the game even started, the good mood of the day had already been wasted. During the entire game, I always had a dark face, worrying about what I would write in my diary after the game was over.

Playing games and writing press releases at the same time felt as uncomfortable as writing a diary.

Now that he finally let it go, he immediately dropped everything and started having fun.

As for the industry being involved, he rolled his eyes and let those people get involved. He just wanted to play games now.

Not all players choose the digital version. The digital version and the cassette version are purchased at the same time. Except for anchors who want to collect and have a lot of money, most people can only choose one of the two.

Some people prefer entities, so while countless people are exploring Hyrule continent, they are watching the video and waiting hard.

‘Can everyone please stop posting, I’m really hungry! ’

‘This is the first time I feel that the germination speed is so slow. Why can’t the cassette arrive yet? ’

‘Brothers, I kind of regret buying the cassette. ’

‘This improvement is really too big, can the game still be played like this? ’

‘If these little editors wrote more, I would be more comfortable. The main thing is that they only wrote a few lines! I wanted to know more about it, but it didn't work. Watching the live broadcast, all the anchors were busy, and I was itching to watch it. ’

‘I just saw a small editor saying, ‘I won’t write anymore, you can write it. ’’

Most people who choose to work in game media like games.

Playing games is a normal thing. Only by playing them can you write the most appropriate feelings.

But now, countless game media, after just a few hasty explanations, have chosen not to explain any more game content.

There is simply no way to finish writing about the content in the game, or in other words, I have seen so many things that I don’t know where to start.

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