'After watching this promotional video, the san value is crazy! '

'Who taught the old thief to play this way! ? Are you sure this isn't a horror movie? '

'It really has the style of Cthulhu, and the boundaries between humans and monsters have become blurred. '

‘Is this really not a horror game? '


Players who watched the video only felt creepy, but when they recalled it, they couldn't forget, was it blood and hunting?

Brother Yin was panting heavily. He couldn't describe his feeling after watching the promotional video. The whole promotional video was depressed and low, but when the corpses were all over the ground at the end, he was relieved.

'This time the old thief's stride in the game is really too big, and the impact is full! '

‘I’ll buy it, can’t I buy it? '

‘I have to say, this picture is too detailed, and this environment is too realistic. '

'This bloodbath is a whole violent aesthetics! '


Players have had mixed reviews for the trailer, as the visuals have a Victorian-standard aesthetic, but the reality is blood and carnage.

It's scary on first impressions, but the kind of horror that some of the details send shivers down your back when you turn off the video and relive it casually, thinking the game is nothing more than entertainment.

In the previous life, the release time of Bloodborne Curse was too early. When the pictures of the post-era are getting more and more refined, this game made in the early years looks a little blurry.

But even so, it does not mean that his production is not excellent, and it does not hinder its excellence.

This time Ye Feng made it to make up for the regrets of the previous life, portray it in depth, and refine the production of the picture.

In the promotional screen, the hair covered with dirt and condensed together is clearly visible, and the skinned hounds can also see the texture lines clearly.

Alvin had already boarded the plane back at this time, he closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, for some reason, this time his heart returned to an unprecedented tranquility.

He knew that this time, many people were waiting for him to go back and see his jokes.

Glancing at the time, it has been an hour since the promotional video was released, and at an altitude of 10,000 meters, he has no way of knowing the outside situation, nor the feedback from users and players.

But he was extremely at ease.

Before leaving, he just contacted Carter and learned that the other party had also received pressure from some people in the company.

It's just that the pressure Carter received was completely different from his own.

Since Carter submitted an application for transfer before, although he chose to cancel it later, as the reputation of Germination Studio became more and more famous, some of them had other thoughts.

"Our plane is expected to arrive at the destination in thirty minutes, the ground temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, 77 degrees Fahrenheit..."

Ai Wen listened to the broadcast in his ear, woke up and arrived in country M.

He opened his eyes and opened the baffle of the window beside him. Looking down from above, the city buildings turned into a familiar style again.

As soon as I got off the plane, the notification message on my phone kept popping.

A series of messages rolled down like a waterfall, he just glanced at the person who sent the message, and then smiled lightly.

There is already a dedicated driver waiting outside the airport, and the destination of this trip will go directly to the company headquarters.

From the moment Ivan got on the plane, the time of the meeting has been customized.

From arriving at the airport to returning to the company, there are special staff who pay close attention to the flight situation. As long as there is no accident during the flight, the meeting will start on time at the scheduled time.

Not a minute is wasted.

As soon as Ivan arrived at the company's conference room, the rest of his colleagues were already sitting in their seats.

"Everyone, it's been a long time. Everyone seems a little unhappy today?" Ivan pulled out his chair and sat down with a smile on his buttocks.

"Aiwen, look at what you've done!" Opposite Aiwen, a blond man snorted coldly.

"This is indeed a good thing. Don't you all think that this is a great thing for Weisoft?"

"Ewen, according to our collective vote this time, we think you should leave this position, maybe you are suitable for other places." Another brown-haired man nodded in agreement, which was the result of their discussion together.

"I think so too." Ai Wen nodded, "After working for so long, I also feel that I am not very suitable for this position."

"It's a pity that we can't watch our host get better and better." Ivan shook his head regretfully, "I am very happy to work with you in the past."

Everyone looked at Ivan in astonishment, his reaction was completely different from what everyone expected.

In everyone's expectation, after hearing everyone's words, he should have jumped into a rage and threw the table, and finally left the stage angrily and was expelled by the company.

"Before I leave, I will give a final debriefing."

"I took office not long ago, and it was the same time as all previous executives. Maybe my achievements are not dazzling, but I am very happy. During my tenure, the sales of consoles have increased by ten points."

"I wanted to make better results, but I have no time." Ivan sighed and stood up. He looked at the others present, shook his head and walked out of the conference room.

"Wait!" Just as he took a step, someone stopped him.

"Is there anything else? Don't worry, I will hand over the work perfectly to the next person." Ivan turned around with a half-smile.

"Console sales increased by 10%? Are you kidding everyone?" One person questioned loudly, they had never received such news.

"Ah... this? Maybe it's because the sales have just increased." Ivan recalled the scene in the company car.

After he got off the plane, he didn't look at the message sent by the company. Those colleagues taunted him and urged him not to look at any characters at all.

In the car, he first watched the feedback on the promotional video about the Curse of Blood.

The string of data includes the number of playbacks, reposts, downloads... and also, the increase in console sales during this period.

He has the confidence to come back like this.

In fact, before the release of Bloodborne, the sales of the console have increased by 3 points, all because of the two games Hollow Knight Azure.

When the game is released, the sales will skyrocket. In the beginning, he didn't take these things to heart.

Because a sudden increase of several thousand units cannot reverse the situation.

However, as the popularity of the game became higher and higher, more and more players started to buy the console. According to the final statistics, the sales volume increased by three points on the original basis.

At that time, he knew that no matter how much the outside world and the inside questioned his decision.

His performance is booming.

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