Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 697 A haven where you can take a breath

Sprout Paradise has newly divided a construction area and surrounded it with a large tarpaulin.

Fans and players were still immersed in the shock of the hero's landing. The blogger who broadcast the live broadcast of the Budding Park saw a new construction area in the park, which was covered with tarpaulin covers from all sides. This area was built in a closed manner. No content was disclosed to the outside world.

Sprout Ya did not ask this blogger to keep it secret, because the city is very big. In addition to this blogger, there are countless people on tall buildings in the distance who can see the construction scene inside Sprout Ya Paradise from various directions.

With the advancement of technology, even mobile phones can now shoot at ultra-long distances.

Therefore, there is no way to completely ban a person just by blocking him. Only by blocking him yourself can you prevent the leakage of information.

In the blogger's live broadcast room, he usually puts the equipment on the window and conducts unattended live broadcasts.

The direction the camera is always facing is the paradise in the distance.

‘Old Thief has released a new trailer, and new things will be added to the park. Let me guess which area these characters are placed in. ’

The moment they saw the promotional video, players quickly rushed into the unmanned live broadcast room.

The cold winter wind adds a somber look to the scenery in front of the camera. From this position, it is a bird's eye view of a large area.

The street nearby was clearer. Pedestrians were walking in a hurry on the street. Everyone tightened their collars and buried their faces in their scarf collars.

Today there were tiny bits of snow blowing in the wind, and when it fell below, it quickly melted into icy drops of water.

There are many people in the Germination Paradise. Even in the dead of winter, the entire paradise is in full swing.

The location of the park is quite far from the camera. Although the scenery in the distance is a bit blurry, the general scene can be seen clearly.

Some players on the Internet have drawn a map of the park out of thin air based on this unclear image.

At this time, everyone looks at the previously planned area. There should be no changes to the planned area. What everyone is looking at is the previous area where there has been no action for the time being.

At this time, I saw that, sure enough, construction had already begun at the original location.

At a glance, there was nothing visible except a piece of cloth.

‘? ? ? Damn it! ’

‘What about trust between people. ’

'Why? no? Isn't this for viewing? ’

‘I’m really convinced. I’ve seen the promotional video. Don’t you want to see the detailed content? Built secretly? ’

‘I’m really dark and twisted and crawling, has anyone gone and lifted the rag for him? ’

‘Are you afraid that people will come and cause damage again? ’

'He's so scared, I think he just doesn't want to show us. ’

After Yinzi watched the promotional video, his whole body was trembling, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Like all fans, he rushed into the blogger's live broadcast room immediately.

When he saw the black cloth, his eyes darkened.


At present, the only observation of Sprout Paradise is this one shot, but he thought that even if someone else started the live broadcast, they would not be able to see more content.

This old thief is really good at covering up!

"I really can't hold it back for a second, but this time the old thief won't release everything in the video, right?" After Yinzi saw the black cloth, he was silent for a few seconds and then nodded fiercely.

"Okay! This is him!" Yinzi raised his thumb, with a trace of unwillingness and helplessness flashing in his eyes.

Fans are also very helpless. The old thief's promotional video of the hero landing has ignited everyone's passion, but now they are so helpless.

Until now, everyone has watched Spider-Man over and over again.

After understanding the plot again and again, everyone also interpreted more and more content from the movie.

Some people even say that the old thief knows a bad Spider-Man!

Just like games, as long as the budding game is playable, the movie will be as watchable.

Now everyone is also looking forward to the release of new movies to fill their empty and silent hearts.

Because of his film works, it is also suitable for fans to watch again and again without getting bored.

There are many budding games. After everyone comes into contact with one game after another, they will stay for their favorite games.

Just like lovers, everyone will always be touched by a game, and then travel around the world over and over again.

Someone once asked this question.

Why do some players play a game over and over again, playing a second game after one game, or restarting the game and playing it over and over again?

They never seem to get tired of it?

Is it because the new game is not fun?

Or is everyone really so nostalgic and dedicated?

When the question was posed to Buya fans, the fans gave the answer after thinking for a long time.

When you are anxious, playing games that you have played many times before will make you feel extremely comfortable.

The familiar plot and content in the game can alleviate loneliness and create a sense of belonging.

No matter when, familiar lines of characters that can be memorized are heard in the ears, and the familiar plot is remembered in the mind, and the irritable mood will be soothed.

When the familiar music rhythm sounds, the protagonist's world journey begins to appear in the player's mind like a revolving lantern.

Some people say that they often try new games, but even if they are new to new games, the ones they play in their spare time are still the ones they have played countless times.

‘I know the protagonist’s development well. I know where to place an early-stage land reclamation artifact, and I can happily watch the protagonist make friends one after another in the game. I even know the weaknesses of each boss and understand their attack patterns. ’

‘Except for the NPC friends killed in the plot, here I can do my best to save everyone in this world. ’

‘I know this world well, I can feel the wind and rain and happiness here that are not available in reality, and only this world can make me feel at ease. ’

‘This is the sense of security brought by certainty. In life, I rely on these to relieve the pain of my soul, and I rely on playing games again and again during the break to walk through the chicken feathers. ’

‘This is a haven from the real world where we can take a breather. ’

After that day, no one questioned those players who played the same game over and over again, because no one knew whether this game had accompanied him through countless painful and difficult nights when he was in the most pain.

What everyone wants to know most is how to find the color that belongs to them in countless game worlds.

Many players just consoled themselves by saying, let nature take its course. If you don't particularly like it, just follow the old thief to experience each wonderful world and appreciate the scenery of many wonderful different worlds.

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