Li Ming nodded as if understanding.

"I won't go into details. After all, this is a game project designed by you. Too much intervention will make the game lose its own color."

Ye Feng comforted him for a few words and hung up the phone.

Li Ming was sitting in a dark office, with only the computer screen on the desktop in front of him shining a bright white light.

He got up and walked to the door and turned on the light in the room.

Bright lights filled the entire office. He looked at the waste papers thrown on the ground and bent down to pick them up one by one.

The scrap paper is full of the manuscripts of his plans. Every time he drafted the paper before, he felt like there were thousands of thoughts and he didn't know where to start sorting them out.

Now, he opened it one by one, and then laid all the waste papers flat.

Looking at them one by one, his head still had a headache due to the chaotic thoughts, but this time, he endured the pain in his head and slowly began to sort out the content written above.

If the old thief can do it, so can he.

When he started making his own, he realized how tedious these things were.

Li Ming didn't want to find any colleagues in the company. He started to organize the files and sort out all the information by himself.

After getting everything ready, he felt that his mind was getting smoother and smoother.

After Li Ming started to retreat, people in the company would unconsciously discuss in low voices every time they passed the door of the small room in his office.

Li Ming began to arrive early and come home late. There was also a camp bed in the office, and he sometimes slept directly in it.

Except for Li Ming, no one else was seen entering or leaving the office.

Some people with good relationships formed a private group chat, and everyone would chat and relax in the group during work breaks.

‘Is this kid really planning to make his own game? Not recruiting anyone? ’

‘Maybe it’s because the production volume of the game is small, and many games can indeed be completed by one person. ’

‘Isn’t it really a project given to him by the old thief? Is it really his own project? ’

‘Indeed, he himself said that it is his own game, and Moya has also organized a special evaluation team, and the bosses of each department will regularly check the production status of his games. ’

‘When Zai Ya plays a game by himself, does he think he is an old thief? ’

‘Could it be that his idea was really good, so the old thief agreed to his request? ’

'good? I've heard that it's just a stitching game, and I plan to stitch together various gameplays. I don't know how the old thief would agree to it. ’

Everyone in the company is talking about Li Ming, some are envious, some are disdainful, and some say he is arrogant and arrogant...

There is anything to say, but the biggest topic in the whole sprout right now is Li Ming.

News about Li Ming even spread outside.

There are too many employees in Germination, and this is not a game content that must be kept secret. Everyone will discuss it with their friends after dinner.

"What? Someone in Moya makes a game by himself? Or is it alone?" Yinzi's eyes widened when he heard the news.

"The old thief also approved him to make games and allocated funds?"

"What kind of invincible boss is this? This is great." He held his face in his hands, his eyes filled with indescribable shock.

The popularity of Sprout has always been high. As a company at the center of the incident, Sprout has always been the object of everyone's attention.

Fans naturally know this.

'To be honest, I really admire this brother. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to give up the step-by-step wealth. ’

‘He should also be able to see that the old thief wants to train some people to design independently. ’

‘The old thief has been really tired in the past few years, but I still want to say that I will work hard until I die. ’

‘I can’t imagine what the gaming industry will be like after I retire, it’s so uncomfortable. ’

‘He is really brave. Isn’t it good to follow the old thieves in making games and projects? After wasting a year or two, can he really follow in the footsteps of everyone in the sprouts? ’

No one within Sprout is optimistic about his project, let alone the players.

Everyone admires his courage. Maybe he is a genius, but Germination is always a place where geniuses are buried.

"After he finishes the game, I still plan to give it a try." Yinzi said seriously.

He did not deny it directly, "Even if it is designed by himself, the game plan that can be approved by the old thieves will have his advantages to some extent."

He said this, but fans didn't buy it.

‘It’s just a stitching game, just like the original diver Dave, who stitched many kinds of small games, but this kind of game...’

‘Let’s learn to sew first,’ this may also be what the old thief means. After all, it’s a bit too difficult to be purely original. Just like everyone copied when they were young, sewing first is also a good choice. ’

‘Okay, if he sews for fun, I will reluctantly go and have fun. ’

‘I just don’t know what elements he stitched. ’

‘I heard that several of Sprout’s more classic game elements have been stitched together. ’

"You don't even think about it. If this game doesn't work, will the old thief still let him do it?" Yinzi still firmly believes in one thing, if the game is produced by Germination, it will be high-quality.

Even if a game is independently designed by the employees of Moya, if it does not meet the requirements of the old thief, it is normal for the project to be interrupted.

"Maybe he won't even make it to the day the game is completed."

"But if he does it, then this person is really amazing."

"It is a great thing that the stitching game can meet the standards of the old thieves." Yinzi confirmed his opinion.

There are intermittent discussions in all major live broadcast rooms. Li Ming has entered the public eye for the first time.

The person at the center of the topic was frantically typing on the keyboard to determine the code.

Bu Ya's supervisor has a food delivery service. He hasn't been to the cafeteria for a long time. Meals are ordered on the app and delivered to him by a dedicated person at the door of the office.

"Ding dong——"

The doorbell rang outside the office. Li Ming put down the keyboard and stood up. He rubbed his sore fingers.

He felt that it was the same whether he was a supervisor or not, there was no difference in power, and there was no one he could control.

Oh, the only good thing is that someone delivers the food.

Li Ming thought so.

Li Ming opened the door a crack.

The aunt who delivered the meal looked curiously at the person in front of her through the open door.

Delivering food to Li Ming has become a popular job, and their canteen staff line up to compete for the daily food delivery service.

Everyone wants to see this budding topical figure.

The lights in the room were very bright, which was different from what other people had said before. People who had delivered meals to Li Ming had said that the room was dark, and Li Ming looked pale as if he had been dead for seven days.

Now, she looked curiously at the man who took the lunch box from her hand.

This young man has no unkempt beard and is dressed neatly.

Except for the messy hair, he doesn't look like a homeless man at all!

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