Yinzi continued to operate the character to analyze the situation in the house. He inspected every part of each room and analyzed it carefully.

With Connor's powerful intelligence processing function, everything is turned into useful information, and the most practical thing is the ever-increasing success rate.

Until he walked into the little girl's room.

There is a tablet on the little girl's desk, and there is a video on the tablet.

Slide your hand across it to unlock it.

In the video, the little girl is hugging a bionic man and smiling very cheerfully.

"He's Daniel, the coolest android in the world! Daniel, say hello!"

The little girl happily introduced the android to the camera, and Daniel smiled brightly and greeted the camera.

"You are my best friend! We want to be together forever!" The little girl's voice penetrated from the tablet.

Watching this video, players also get the name of the outlier, Daniel.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was depressing and scary, because it was different from the malicious kidnapping that everyone thought.

They are friends.

Still very good friends.

The coolest man in the world kidnapped his best friend.

Walking out of the bedroom, there was a body outside.

It was the body of the girl's father.

If everyone feels depressed after seeing the video on the tablet, nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a good friend turn against one another.

But the moment they saw the dead body of the girl's father, everyone felt only uncontrollable anger.

The little girl considered you a good friend, and you turned around and killed her father?

Whether it's an abnormality in the android's system or something else, now everyone just wants to put this android to death.

At this moment, everyone could suddenly understand these people's hatred of androids.

If sincerity cannot be exchanged for sincerity, what is the difference between these things and white-eyed wolves?

‘No, if you don’t mean it, these things shouldn’t have feelings. ’

‘This is really the problem of the century. No wonder humans are always worried that AI will want to replace humans after it becomes intelligent. ’

‘I stand with humans on this point. AI should not have its own intelligence and emotions. ’

It's just that Connor's ability is too strong. Based on the position and posture of the girl's father's body as well as the objects in the surrounding environment, he can deduce what the girl's father was doing before his death and what posture he maintained before his death.

In Connor's deduction, the girl's father was sitting on a low stool, leaning over the tablet in his hand.

But then in the scene simulated by Connor, the girl's father heard a noise from behind him. He stood up in panic and looked behind him. Then he fell on his back and lay in a pool of blood under the impact of several bullets.

As for the tablet in his hand, it fell to his side.

Walking towards the tablet on the side, after unlocking it, I found that an order for a new android had been registered.

This time the android is a female, and her model is taller than Daniel's.

This means that Daniel is about to be replaced.

"But that's not a reason to shoot the girl's father." Yinzi shook his head immediately. He killed the man just because he wanted to be replaced. Then he felt that the android should indeed be replaced.

There is a pool of blood on the ground, which is blue with a bit of gray. This is the blood of the android.

There are many information points in the room. The more you explore the information, the higher the success rate of the mission display.

These information points can be turned into factors for successful negotiations, and relevant information is still being broadcast on TV at this time.

This incident has attracted much attention.

[This android is rumored to have killed at least one family member and a police officer. If the news is true, this incident will be the first intentional homicide by an android.

About an hour ago, a little girl was abducted from the rooftop of this building in downtown Detroit. 】

Yinzi controlled Connor and walked towards the terrace. Before entering, he saw the abnormal android holding a gun in the hand of the little girl and pressing it against the temple of the little girl.

The little girl was held in his arms, and the gun never moved away from the girl's temple.

As soon as the door curtain was opened, Daniel on the edge of the terrace fired without hesitation. Blue blood instantly bloomed on Connor's side, dyeing the door curtain into a purplish blue.

The moment he was shot, the blue halo on Connor's forehead flashed red for a few times, but soon returned to a steady blue.

Turning his head to look at Daniel, who was standing on the edge of the terrace at the top of the building, the halo on his forehead was already continuously red.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll jump off the building!" Daniel was almost crazy.

The muzzle of the gun that had just been moved quickly returned to the girl's temple.

He was standing on the edge of the terrace, with only the front half of his feet on it and the back half of his feet already hanging in the air.

But he was not worried at all. It seemed that such a high-risk action was not worth mentioning in his opinion.

The advantages and disadvantages of humans and androids have been revealed at this moment. The androids can control their bodies very well and will not fall accidentally due to their psychological quality.

The police force has begun to be deployed frantically around, and the first case of android murder has received special attention.

A helicopter flew over the top of the building, and the huge wind rolled up the benches and benches placed on the top floor all over the floor. Daniel was still standing steadily on the edge of the terrace.

Just because of this helicopter, the success rate displayed on Connor's data panel suddenly dropped. It seemed that the arrival of this helicopter made him more vigilant.

The roar of helicopter blades kept coming to his ears. Looking at the four options in front of him, Yinzi couldn't help but frown.

"Calm down", "release the hostages", "pacify Daniel", "sympathize".

"At this time, we definitely can't let him release the hostages or calm him down or anything like that." Yinzi said thoughtfully, "We are here to negotiate now, not to provoke conflicts. We are bionic people now, right? Try choosing sympathy.”

Yinzi makes choices based on his own inner thoughts. What he likes most about the game is that when playing the game, you only need to stick to your own heart, and no matter what the final outcome is, it will be a hearty game. experience.

And only when he played it for the first time, he felt that the choice was the most real and in line with his heart.

Later, when you go through all the endings and all achievements, the choices you make are actually not in line with your heart. In the fun of this time, knowing all the achievements and knowing the all endings will have a little more weight.

The strong wind from the propeller swept the green plants on the roof, and the leaves were constantly being blown away. The swimming pool on the roof was also rippled, and the blue stagnant water was trembling rapidly.

"I am an android, and like you, I can understand your feelings." When Connor said this, Yinzi even had to cheer for his choice.

Before he even uttered the word "perfect", he saw that the probability of success began to drop again.

"So what if you're an android? You're on the same side as them. You can't possibly understand how I feel!" Daniel's voice contained a cry of despair.

Yinzi cursed immediately when he saw the reduced success rate.

"How come this android is more awesome than me!"

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