Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 714 When androids have emotions

In this rainy night, he took the little girl away, followed by Todd's crazy and angry roar.

There are many endings to this choice, whether it's killing Todd or escaping.

On the way to escape with Alice, the two encountered many difficulties. First of all, they had no money. They could neither change their wet clothes nor find a place to stay.

The heavy rain kept falling, and there was no one on the street at night. The lights on the street were not extinguished, and the bus stops were able to take shelter from the rain.

Yinzi found an abandoned house that was uninhabited.

The outside has been sealed with iron wire and iron sheets, and you can see that the inside is very dilapidated. The abandoned small building looks a bit eerie.

Although Alice was scared, there was nowhere else to go but here.

The two found pliers from the side, and after cutting the outer wire, they sneaked in.

This is a closed room, with no one inside and no light visible.

After finally opening the iron fence, after entering it, I found that the windows of the house were also sealed with wooden boards. While I was still trying to figure out a way to get in, I saw Alice being held at gunpoint by an android hiding in the house.

This bionic man looked very dangerous. He was wearing very shabby clothes and was also soaked by the heavy rain, but he didn't care. The ring on his forehead was always glowing red.

The sharp blade in his hand also means that he is very dangerous.

As soon as he saw this person, Yinzi's hair immediately stood up. The red light that was constantly emitting from his forehead on a rainy night made people's hair stand on end.

He was forced to have no choice but to escape with Alice. Although Kara's forehead would also glow red, she was still normal most of the time.

The redness also means that he will take dangerous actions that are beyond the running program of the android.

He turned his head and looked at Kara, his eyes slightly downward, without any emotion.

"There are so many abnormal androids in this place." Yinzi frowned slightly. From playing games to now, he has actually seen many abnormal androids. Machines with high IQs began to have their own thoughts and emotions, and when they were hurt or When humans want to destroy them, they will begin to choose to resist.

In this place, humans are hostile to androids, and the androids also begin to resist under the oppression of humans.

"Leif doesn't like visitors! They are bad! They might hurt Leif!" The android in front of him held a sharp blade in his hand, but he said something to protect himself.

Even a little girl, in his opinion, would be dangerous if she went out and revealed his whereabouts.

After telling Leif that he was also a bionic and only wanted to stay here for one night, the bionic in front of him gradually put down his weapons.

"Visitors are dangerous, they will hurt Leif." The android in front of him said that he turned his face and showed the other half of his face to the player's field of vision.

It could be seen that the other half of his face had scars that damaged the face and skin.

"Please forgive Leif, Leif often cannot control himself well because of fear."

"Leif is just afraid that it will fall into human hands again."

He has a lot of bad memories about humans.

After he finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

I originally thought this was a dangerous android, but I didn't expect that it was also the product of human persecution.

He may be dangerous, but what he did was just to protect himself, and most people couldn't tell what was right or wrong about this.

The barrage is all filled with silence that hesitates to speak.

Some people want to say that androids should not hurt humans no matter what, but after seeing the scars on his body, they can't help but think about it.

When a species has emotions, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages seems to become a biological instinct.

Seemingly seeing his fellow bionics, Leif put away the weapon in his hand.

"If you want to stay, you can stay. Leif will not hurt you." When he said this, his expression was still very deep, but after Yinzi confirmed that he chose to stay, he changed his expression in an instant. face.

He enthusiastically invited the two of them into the house. He almost jumped up with excitement and told him the reason why he was hiding here.

He has been hiding here since he escaped, never going out because he was afraid that someone would discover him.

"Humans sometimes come in, but Leif avoids them."

"He talks quite cutely." Yinzi listened to him introduce his dilapidated house while being filled with uncontrollable joy in the voices of the guests in the house.

Follow him towards the house, with a smile in his voice,

The players couldn't help but be happy when they saw such a huge contrast between him.

'At first I thought who he was talking about Leif, but I didn't expect it was him. ’

‘A little brother with a cold face and a warm heart. ’

"What is a knife with a sharp mouth and a soft heart? Just hide it when you are happy to have guests at home." ’

"Let's treat it as our own home. Leif wants to stay with you, but Leif has his own things to be busy with." He said and entered the room inside.

The light in the room was slightly brighter, and the scars on his face could be seen more clearly. The broken face revealed the scorch marks of the scorched metal lines, and the cold light of metal shone under the lost skin.

At this time, the ring on his forehead had returned to its normal blue color.

When the two woke up, Leif had no idea where he was.

Yinzi controlled Kara to go upstairs. He wanted to see what was upstairs, but when he was in front of the mirror, a cross-dressing operation occurred.

"Yes, they are wanted and are on the run. If they remain the same as before, they will be easily caught." If only Kara was okay, she could hide in an abandoned house like Leif.

But she has Alice and has to go out and make a living.

I found a piece of clothing and a pair of scissors in the cupboard upstairs.

"It's just changing clothes and cutting hair. I feel like there's no way to disguise it." Yinzi frowned in confusion, because he felt that cutting hair would not have a big impact on his appearance.

As soon as he said this, he saw Kara looking at the mirror, and with a thought, the color of her hair changed accordingly.

He chose gold.

After changing my hair style and hair color, although I still look the same as before, my face does feel much softer than before.

But soon, he saw an unusual operation by Kara.

She picked up the scissors on the table and pried them towards the blue halo on her forehead.

The forceful prying off caused that part of her skin to shine with a cold metallic light, as if it was constantly undergoing damage and self-repair.

There was a click,

A blue light slipped from the corner of his forehead.

The blue halo slid into the sink and made a crisp sound.

The skin on her forehead quickly returned to normal.

Without the ring, she looked just like an ordinary human being.

After doing all this, Yinzi turned around. There was a curtain behind him. He was in the bathroom. As expected, there was a bathtub behind him.

In order to interact with everything that could be interacted with, he opened the curtain behind him.

What he saw was a black and rotten corpse lying in the bathtub.

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