Rose is a slightly fat middle-aged woman, and her skin is not delicate.

She folded her hands on the table. She didn't know what happened recently, but it was definitely not normal.

"I heard that you will help the androids cross the border, will you help us?" Alice looked at the woman in front of her, and she prayed again for help.

Even though she was hurt by Zlaco, she would still choose to trust humans when she meets humans again.

As she said herself, humans are complex.

She couldn't read it yet.

The only feasible way to cross the border is to cross the river, but the river is frozen in winter, making it very dangerous to cross.

Rose said it would be safer to stay out of the spotlight at her house.

But Kara insisted on crossing the border, no matter the cost.

Alice needs a more stable environment and they must start a new life.

While the two were chatting, someone rushed over and called Rose away. In the next room, Mary's android in a corner had just stopped running.

Only then did everyone realize that in this small family, there were really countless androids coming here, asking for help.

The person holding Mary was another male android. The ring on his forehead was constantly flashing red light, but he did not show any aggressive behavior. He just kept jumping between red and blue colors.

After so long, no one regards this color as a simple malfunction or software anomaly.

With the color display, the emotions of the androids are more obvious.

Red not only represents malfunctions, but also represents negative emotions such as sadness and fear.

He held Mary who had stopped running and talked about how they always fantasized about their life after crossing the border together.

"I love her, love her more than anything."

"What will I do without her?"

The male android held Mary close.

The barrage in the live broadcast room became very quiet in an instant, and the empty screen seemed like the audience had never existed before.

Everyone only saw Kara saying that she wanted to protect her and that she wanted to follow Alice across the border to start a new life, but this was the first time that everyone heard the expression of emotions from another android.

Not joy, not anger, but something deeper.


In the days after hearing that the two androids had enjoyed crossing the border, these fantasies were more direct than the relationship between Kara and Alice.

Because in the experience that the players felt, Kara and others did not show their emotions so openly.

It's very obscure, with countless emotions welling up in the depths.

"So, this can be considered an independent life." Yinzi was silent. For humans, it is difficult to accept that a 'tool' is out of one's control and has its own emotions.

Bionic humans have more complete functions and settings than humans. When they become tools, they can already eliminate most humans. What happens after they have feelings?

This conflict between humans and androids ultimately does not distinguish between good and evil.

‘The old thief’s current game is no longer just about being a king. ’

‘The winter that even androids cannot escape. ’

'Rose is a pure good person. ’

'She doesn't care about the conflict between androids and humans, she just carries out the good in her heart. ’

For players who have experienced the story lines of the three protagonists, it has been too long since they have encountered such a pure good person.

Connor is a "corporate dog" in V's words, standing on the opposite side of the other two protagonists.

Marcus has been surviving on his own since he was abandoned, and has never met any good people.

And Kara encountered chases, escapes and moral dilemmas along the way.

The appearance of Rose undoubtedly became a key help for Kara to escape from the United States. The background of snow is a key part of shaping the characters.

Rose's son is different from her in that he doesn't understand his mother's behavior.

Because once the behavior of helping the androids is discovered, they will be caught and locked up by the police. In the end, they will only have one result, jail.

My son's view on this matter is the same as that of most people.

It's not worth destroying your family and your life for a group of machines.

But Rose still insists that this is not a bunch of machines, this is alive.

After just hearing one android say "love" to another android, or before feeling this group of androids, it is impossible to treat them as some emotionless machines.

"No one is right or wrong here." Yinzi sighed.

Fans also agreed, 'With emotions, there is life, but...'

‘There is nothing wrong with my son’s position. ’

‘There is no right or wrong in this matter. ’

Seeing that Kara heard the quarrel between herself and her son, Rose looked at Kara and others in frustration. She did not blame her son, but just told Kara and others helplessly.

"He's a kind kid."

Yes, it's just a different stance, but he is indeed a kind kid.

Luther still wanted to talk to Kara about Alice, but Kara still refused the conversation, saying that now was not the time.

"Kara must have realized it."

While everyone was talking, the police knocked on the door, which made most people panic.

Because there are too many androids in the room.

But by this time, Kara became stable.

She quickly packed away the things on the table and the items in the room, trying to repair all the flaws.

Luther took Alice upstairs and hid. After Kara did everything, she took a deep breath and stood at the door and opened the door.

She had taken out the energy-gathering ring on her forehead, and at this moment she didn't look much different from a human being.

Moreover, she has changed her hair color and cut it short. In this era where everyone is face-blind, if the policeman outside the door is not a bionic man, he will not recognize her just by meeting her.

She also doesn’t have that iconic little girl by her side.

Sure enough, after opening the door, the police outside asked politely.

"Hello, ma'am, sorry to disturb you, we received a report that a bionic man has appeared in this area."

"There has been a lot of commotion about abnormal androids recently, so we have to be cautious." The policeman stood outside the door for a long time, and his body was already covered with a layer of wind and snow.

Rose's son also stood behind Kara. In this situation, he still chose to stand on Kara's side because he didn't want to implicate his mother.

This is a kind child.

"Can I ask you a question, can I come in?"

Facing the police's question, Kara nodded.

"Of course, come in."

He was covered in snow and wind, and he was too embarrassed to refuse.

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