The heavy snow continued to fall, and the situation of the bionic people became more and more dangerous.

Since ancient times, winter has been a difficult time for human society.

If you can survive it, you will usher in the spring with grass and warblers, but if you can't survive it, there is a high probability that you will become a product of "survival of the fittest".

The story lasted only about a week, but the weather suddenly changed from late autumn to winter.

The flying snow piled up the road so hard that the original appearance could not be seen. As the weather got colder, the atmosphere of the three protagonists became more and more tense.

The fear of winter in the bones of human beings was cleverly driven and integrated into the plot in the game.

The country has been slaughtering bionic people and scrapping them.

After the evolution of countless events, it finally chose to remove bionic people from human life.

Humans today still cannot control another life that is smarter and more capable than humans. What everyone can do is to eliminate these things.

What bionic people want is simple, freedom.

But for humans, it is unacceptable to lose control of something they created.

If no bionic people can survive this, what freedom can we talk about?

In the middle and late stages of the game, Marcus finally came to "Jericho" by constantly searching for clues.

"Jericho" is a place where androids can live freely among the abnormal android population.

But as far as Marcus saw, the so-called "free land" was just a group of androids who had been cut off from their supply sources and were waiting to die in the dark and abandoned bottom of the ship.

Marcus also lit the firewood in the oil barrel.

He stared at the firewood, as if he was not lighting the firewood, but lighting hope.

Marcus still chose to have a last conversation with humans, a conversation about freedom, but he appeared and was likely to be killed.

Winter has different roles in different stories.

In the Marcus line, the raging android movement spread like wildfire.

A large number of androids stood on the streets and shouted loudly for the rights they deserved.

The meaning of snow is somewhat complicated. It is not only a concrete representation of facing difficulties, but also their audience and their witness.

Marcus and his followers are not afraid of the cold, just as they are not afraid of power. No matter how heavy the snow is, it cannot stop Marcus's fighting spirit.

At the same time, throughout the bionic revolution, snow has always faithfully accompanied the movement.

For "company dog" Connor, snow represents confusion and abnormality.

The first time the snow scene appeared, Connor faced a major choice.

Since then, Connor has been investigating and exploring abnormal bionics step by step. "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

No matter how strong Connor is, he is just a bionic man. It is impossible to completely eliminate the impact of abnormal bionics, not to mention that this change is beneficial to all bionics.

"There is no answer to this matter itself." Yinzi sighed. He knew that there was no right or wrong in this matter itself, only the position of race.

Just like humans have been killing each other for hundreds of years for the color of their skin, the gods they worship, and so on, they naturally cannot tolerate bionics, which are more powerful.

Marcus's lover gave him a remote control. An abnormal android threw a truck carrying radioactive cobalt. They made it into a bomb and hid it in the bottom of Detroit.

She gave the remote control to Marcus, and the meaning was very clear. If Marcus's negotiation with humans failed and humans defeated the androids, the androids would become extinct.

Marcus put away the remote control, "I hope we will never need this thing."

After the lover left, Connor walked in front of Marcus with a gun. He held the gun and looked at Marcus in front of him.

Marcus's expression was calm. He looked at Connor expressionlessly, "You are just a tool they use to do dirty work."

"Your value is more than that, our value is more than that."

"Join us, become our compatriots, and listen to your conscience."

As Marcus said one sentence after another, Connor's software became extremely unstable.

At this time, two options suddenly appeared on the interface of Connor controlled by the player.

[Become an abnormal android] [Continue to be a robot]

Yinzi chose to become an abnormal android without any hesitation.

There is no right or wrong in this war. Connor's identity destined him to be classified as a android.

'I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person. '

'Connor awakens, there are three layers of protection here! '

'Connor is also going to awaken! '


Connor tore through layer after layer of protection, and after the three layers of protection were completely broken, his eyes became visibly brighter.

Now he has something more.

It's called self-awareness and emotion.

The next second, the hum of the plane came from above, and countless soldiers fell quickly along the zip line.

Kara also heard the noise of the propeller, and she woke up suddenly while holding Alice, "We have to leave here quickly!"

The speed of the soldiers outside was very fast. Standing on the rooftop, looking at the androids of Jericho, there was no emotion in his eyes. He said in a steady posture, "Like a rat in a maze."

The androids underground also looked like rats, running away with their heads in their hands.

Players progressed quickly in the game, but this movie-like game also attracted countless discussions.

[Is "Detroit, Become Human" a new type of game, or has Blackstar run out of ideas? ]

[Detroit is a game, but it's more like a movie. ]

[The future direction of game production for Sprout Studio! Movie-style games and action games are history! ]

Countless public accounts have begun to discuss this type of game. The former "To the Moon" was also a story game, but the production volume of the pixel style was far less than that of Detroit.

This makes people wonder, is Sprout's future really going to stop here?

Yinzi was playing a game and saw the push news on his phone.

Since the launch of the game Detroit, such marketing accounts have emerged in an endless stream.

Everyone is rubbing the popularity of Sprout, because as long as they carry Sprout, they will get traffic.

Many marketing accounts seem to have grasped the truth of black and red, and they dare not smear, but only raise some doubts.

"The content of these marketing accounts is really annoying, but every time I see these contents, they will control me for a few minutes. I have to scold them before I can click in to read them." Yinzi was a little speechless. These marketing accounts really play control to perfection.

"It's so cheap to experience a futuristic movie adventure, what's the point of a bicycle?"

"These contents don't hurt much, and the control is quite strong."

I haven't updated for a few days recently. I'm really sorry for not asking for leave. I had a small operation to remove a gallstone. Before the operation, I was in so much pain every day that I almost thought I was going to die. As a result, I thought I was going to die and didn't have time to write a book. I didn't know I had gallstones until the test results came out. I thought I almost died. Everyone remember to eat breakfast and drink more water in the future, otherwise it will be really painful T^T

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