Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 729 The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage

Although the game is over, the popularity of the game is not over.

When everyone was still discussing different endings, Ye Feng was already anxious inside the company, "This time when Dead by Daylight is online, I plan to hold a score-rushing event."

"The reward for rushing points does not need to be too high, just reach bronze." Ye Feng did not ask for a ranking list.

His idea was not to screen out masters, "because I am afraid that some people will buy the game again to keep it in the bottom of the box."

When this was said, several managers couldn't help laughing.

They now know that Dead by Daylight is a game that combines horror and competition.

When they learned that it was a horror competitive game, everyone was also puzzled, because this was the first time they heard of the combination of horror elements and competitive elements.

Not to mention it is a 1v4 asymmetric competition.

This game almost avoids all conventional elements, like a combination of unpopular.

Everyone has felt the strength of the budding horror game, and the security booth simulator is no joke.

In the meeting room, "Let's set up a few reward nodes. There are high-score rewards for high scores, and there are junior rewards for junior players." One person raised his hand, "The junior rewards can be set a little bigger, and the high-score rewards should also try to make ordinary players have no regrets."

Ye Feng nodded, that's exactly what he thought.

"The junior reward is a commemorative prize for a game, and the senior reward can give players some prizes such as skins collected in the game."

The junior reward is also a general opening reward, and the senior reward is a commemoration of the opening for high-end players.

"I can imagine that the players are crying while playing, haha." They have played the beta version in advance. This game is scary, but very addictive.

You can't see the map in the game, but after playing a few times, although you still can't remember the map, the map is so big that you will feel familiar wherever you go, and you can find the place you want to go by running a little longer.

"Although I'm not afraid of the butcher after playing a lot, the heartbeat of the butcher approaching can be synchronized with the game character." One person said helplessly. After playing a lot, I don't think the butcher is scary, but I just think it's a bit ugly when hungry.

The appearance of the character model will no longer affect the player's psychology, but the psychological pressure during the repair process is really hard to reduce easily.

"I am old. Before, when I played with the young men in the department, I could only repair the machine. Now the psychological quality of young people is really good. Even the butcher can follow behind and escape the ghost slowly."


The more people talk about this asymmetric competitive game, the more excited they are.

Can horror games be addictive?

This is simply horrifying, but this game has done it.

It has found a balance between horror and competitive games, which will not make people afraid to play, and it can control the excited heartbeat very well.

"Brothers, let's say that if there are similar competitive games, don't hide them." One person pressed his chest, "Aren't you all pretending to be cool? Our own people are hiding it so hard."

"Yes, I just tried this game a few times, and I can feel its popularity. It is definitely not inferior to the previous competitive games."

Manager Zhou sat in the corner, his face unchanged, he knew that everyone was talking about him.

He also wanted to show off, and he also wanted to shock everyone with this novel mode step by step.

But he also knew that no shock was as refreshing as showing off a big wave.

He coughed twice, "Speaking of which, I don't know what games you are making."

Most of what everyone said was a good-natured joke. When they heard the other party asking about the game they were making, a group of people shut their mouths instantly.

"Hahaha, just kidding, I'm just envious."

"Yes, this is such a fresh type of game, asymmetric competition, I have never seen it before."

"Brothers, I really envy you, this will dominate the hot search for several months."


Everyone said envy, but their eyes were full of confidence in the games they were making.

Several people laughed and didn't mention the games in their hands at all.

The other party's game is very good, but everyone also believes that their own game will not be bad!

Manager Zhou rolled his eyes, and he knew it!

Everyone was playing and laughing, and this meeting didn't take long. In addition to some small talk, the budding meeting made decisions on various things very quickly, and they would act immediately after making a decision.

The atmosphere in the conference room was relatively relaxed. Ye Feng laughed. So far, there is no difference between the games of Mengya. 3A has its advantages, and Pixel has its unique style.

Every game has a very loyal group of players in the player circle.

This is also the reason why everyone is confident but not jealous, because the games in everyone's hands are good.

"In addition to the release of new games, there is another thing. The temperature has warmed up recently. The extreme sports department is ready. The previous young man Deng Qi also said that all his preparations have been done."

Mengya has also built a set of space suits costing 200,000 pounds.

The outside is all insulators. In order to prevent friction with the atmosphere and fire, many safety devices have been added inside.

Hearing the news of preparation, everyone was slightly stunned. Although they knew that the old thief could not just talk and not do, but there was no movement for so long, everyone thought that this plan would be stranded because it was too dangerous.

It turned out that they were just waiting for the weather.

"Why don't we prepare again?"

"It's not that I don't believe in Mengya, I just feel a little nervous."

"If you are ready, then start and complete the challenge in the best condition."


Some people support and some people agree. This is different from playing a game to make players roar and scream. This time, the plan will really make everyone's heart hang high in the air.

"Everything is ready." Ye Feng waved his hand. "The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage."

"What we have to do is to make all the preparations, carefully review, and prevent any non-accidental accidents from happening." The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, "What Mengya has to do is to respect anyone who pursues his dreams, do a good job, and make him successful."

He also advised Deng Qi before starting, asking him if he wanted to prepare again.

But Deng Qi still insisted that he had been preparing for this plan for a long time.

Just like Ye Feng dedicated his life to games, his life will also be trapped in the sports he loves.

"We understand." Everyone stood up from their seats, "We will complete all the preparations carefully."

The preparations for the stratosphere will be checked one by one by the state and various departments. If any department finds a problematic link, they will start preparations again.

Dozens of inspections are done to ensure that nothing goes wrong!

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