After reading the first message, everyone looked at the second one.

[The Stratosphere Challenge has officially begun and is now in the final preparation stage. The final safety test will be gradually tested by various national and budding departments. In addition, professional or non-professional fans will also be invited to participate in this safety test.

Sprout will announce the safety testing plan and methods and invite fans to supervise.

The challenger is ready@Dengqi, and Germination hopes to be able to watch the prosperous age below the stratosphere together with him. 】

If it was exciting before, then the day after tomorrow will make fans' hearts beat.

I had heard Mengya talk about this stratospheric plan before, but it had never been implemented. Everyone thought that the plan had been shelved.

After all, this plan is really dangerous.

Skydiving from an altitude of 39,000 meters, this altitude means crossing the Armstrong Line.

As for the maximum altitude that the human body can withstand, the general consensus is 9,000 meters. Human beings cannot survive above 9,000 meters. The extreme altitude of 9,000 meters is only speculation and there is no evidence.

The absolute altitude supported by theory is 19,000 meters. This is also called the Armstrong boundary. The atmospheric pressure above the boundary is very low, and you are destined to be unable to survive without a spacesuit.

At an altitude of 19,000 meters, water can boil at 37 degrees Celsius, which means that at this altitude, the liquid in the body will begin to evaporate.

So at an altitude of 19,000 meters, how high can a naked person fly without wearing pressurized clothing to protect the body?

There has been evidence before, and the answer is 13,000 meters. Since 13,000 years ago, people have jumped from high altitudes to prove the limits of the human body.

It was a summer in 1959. An American lieutenant colonel encountered a 1,000-meter lightning field while performing a mission. The aircraft needed to be higher than the lightning area, so he submitted a flight plan to an altitude of 13,000 meters, with a speed of 860 kilometers per hour and a journey of 70 minutes.

But when the plane was flying at 14,000 meters at a speed of 923 kilometers per hour, there was a loud noise from the engine.

The loud noise was caused by the fighter's only engine stalling.

The pilot pulled up the control column in an attempt to start the auxiliary power turbine and maintain the aircraft's basic electrical and hydraulic control systems.

Because of excessive force, the joystick was actually broken.

The pilot has only one last option left at this time, to eject and leave the aircraft.

The pilot expressed his feelings after landing during the 40-minute landing process.

"It was a horrible feeling, my stomach had doubled in size and my nose felt like it was going to explode."

"My wrists and ankles started burning and I couldn't feel my left hand anymore."

"Within seconds I began to feel frozen, my body suddenly decompressed, and blood began to pour from my eyes, ears, nose and mouth."

"My eyes seemed to be torn out of their sockets, my head was split into several pieces, and my ears were also split."

The height of the challenge this time was three times higher than the limit of naked human protection. Although protective clothing was worn this time, no one knew what the consequences would be.

Because of the free fall at an altitude of 39,000 meters, its maximum speed will reach more than 1,300 kilometers per hour according to calculations, and its speed directly exceeds that of a supersonic fighter jet.

The speed of a supersonic fighter is only 1235km/H.

After seeing the news clearly, fans were stunned for a second.

Everyone really thought that the project had really been abandoned because it was too dangerous because there had been no movement for so long.

In the past, no matter what projects the sprouts did, they were completed quickly. Only this project was delayed for almost a year.

"I originally thought that all the old thieves had given up, but now I see that it has been delayed for a year. This is indeed the style of the old thieves." Yinzi couldn't help but laugh, because the old thieves of the game can go online directly, and the game will at most have some hard-to-find bugs. , but this time the project is different, it involves life, how can it be a joke.

He clicked on the Weibo account called Deng Qi, where you can see his exercise programs and videos over the past year.

It wasn't until they saw the man in the video that everyone realized that Moya had invited many athletes to take the extreme challenge, but in the end he was the only one left to start the challenge.

"Do you still remember who he is?" Yinzi recognized this person at a glance.

Fans looked at his face and felt that their memories were a little blurry.

But this memory is not shallow, and everyone quickly remembered it,

‘Remember, the real Earth version of the challenger in the extreme challenge game video before. ’

‘So young! ’

‘I thought he was great before. ’

‘Sometimes I really don’t know if these challengers know the value of life. ’

'No matter how successful or not this time is, the money Moya will give him will be enough to live a carefree life for the rest of his life. ’

‘Don’t worry, everyone, this is just a game, this is the Earth OL version of the game. ’

Fans were a little sad and followed Yinzi to read the content on his Weibo.

Among the latest messages, there is a video of his latest full physical examination. He said that he is fully prepared and that his body and various conditions have reached their best.

Yinzi looked at them one by one until he saw the latest one.

[I have been listening to the warnings of nature, until one day I stood on the edge of the so-called danger and realized that everything is so involuntary.

I will be full of curiosity, waiting for the amazing scene under the edge. 】

Yinzi took a deep breath and looked at the content, "Who would have thought that this was just a game at the beginning?"

As he spoke, Yinzi hummed a familiar ditty,

"Everything has recovered."

"I have recovered from all cancers."

"I miss you round and round every day."

"Your faintly fragrant hair is the charming Li Yunlong."

Seeing him singing, fans rushed to Deng Qi's Weibo to leave messages.

[This is the OL version of Extreme Country Earth! 】

[Human evolution does not take me with it! I really wait for the day when the world ends and all the guys fly away one by one, leaving me running on the ground with my legs broken. 】

[This game is really the most valuable game I have ever bought. It’s great. 】

[Brother, come on! Brother, awesome! 】

"I'll also sign up for this security inspection. I'll also check to see if the old thief's work is in place."

Regarding this incident, the old thief announced all the data. He believed that the masters were among the people, that there was strength in numbers, and that players might discover their oversights.

Fans also laughed when they saw that he wanted to sign up for this safety test.

‘You have to sign up for this, so don’t run away from the anchor team! The Stratosphere Project still has a long way to go, and the one currently bearing the brunt is Dead by Daylight! ’

‘This is a horror competitive game, it’s great! ’

‘Sign up, boss, you don’t want your fans to not get rewards. ’

'This trick of the old thief is really cool. The old thief understands the effect of the program. It makes the fans happy and the anchors suffer. This activity is so cool. ’

Yinzi looked at the barrage, no, why can't this topic be moved?

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