[Penguin Games' hottest online game "Legend of Warriors" made a profit of 560 million yuan this quarter, breaking the world's point card online game sales record again!】【

Heavy rain launched a new VR game "Farming Simulator 3", with sales of only 2.99 million, fried cold rice has no future. 】

【Penguin Game Company is caught in a plagiarism storm, facing the complaint of "Kart Simulator" company, and then go to the Nanshan court!

】【Tudou Company launches a new VR game "Assassination Simulator 4"

...】【Lei Jun, president of Rice Company, announced his entry into the game cabin industry, threatening to bring cost performance to all electronic products...】【

Pig Factory New Tour confirmed that it will take a double charge of point cards + props, and the latest method of cutting leeks has appeared?】

[P Club "Volleyball Simulator" is expected to add adult content, which has been unanimously opposed by parents at home and abroad......]

Watch one headline after another on your computer browser.

Chen Feng shook his head, which was a little drowsy by the two memories, and looked confused: "I really crossed over..."

He came to a parallel world where science and technology exploded.

More peaceful, more advanced.

Technology is developing so fast that even humans themselves don't react.

For example, two or three years ago, movies and games and other things that needed to be felt by relying on the screen were just appearing.

After two or three years, VR technology matured.

To watch movies and play games, you must use VR, because VR is more immersive and more substitutionary.

For example, BB machines have only appeared for a few months, and mobile networks have directly iterated to the speed of 5G.

After that, the 5G signal began to be laid directly, and everyone began to use 5G mobile phones.


Because technology is developing too fast, many things in this world that should have appeared have not appeared.

Let this parallel world gradually evolve into a place where technology is powerful, but cultural entertainment is extremely weak.

Of all the entertainment industries, the most affected.


game industry in this world, following the pace of technological development, completely skips the console, computer, mobile phone... This

leads to two very serious consequences.


the VR technology of this world is mature, the sense of substitution is very strong, the picture is real, and the engine is extremely perfect, allowing players to get no less than the real experience in the game.


the beginning, it was completely 4399 mini-games, with very poor playability and scalability, but it was still a hundred flowers.

But later, after a company called Tudou launched a game called Assassination Simulator, the VR games of this world fell into the strange circle of various simulators!

volleyball simulator, car simulator, skydiving simulator, assassination simulator, sniper simulator...

It's completely strange, it's not like a normal game at

all! Second: it's the games of this world, all of which are charged!

There are only VR games in this world.

If you want to play VR games, you must have a supporting VR game cabin or game room.

But these two things, the cheapest ones also cost hundreds of thousands to get down.

And because the technical requirements of VR games are too high, they require a huge investment, so each VR game is either bought out of a single machine or charged by point card.

Even more unconscionable, they will even point cards and props for double charges.

So, in this world, games are something that only rich people can enjoy.

"To play a game, the starting price is hundreds of thousands... How not to grab ... It's really out of money to play you paralyzed.

Chen Feng was amazed, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The predecessor was so unthinkable that he took the dead end of game designers..."

Although the production of VR games is extremely difficult, generally only those large companies can complete it.

But there is no shortage of fools in this world who have dreams and are trying to die on this road.


of his enthusiasm for games since he was a child, his predecessor began to make his own games when he was in college, and successfully attracted investment with mood and established a company.

The first game was not a hit, but it was a small profit.

So the predecessor swelled, and pulled a large investment, intending to make a game that shocked the world and cry ghosts.

The end was an unexpected failure, and the failure was very complete, and the stall was too big to do with his ability.

Coupled with the rupture of the capital chain, the company is in crisis.

And in this case, the friend who started the business with the predecessor ruthlessly chose to betray.

With the idea of their new game, they went to Penguin in exchange for a good position and salary, and sat back and relaxed.

The predecessor passed away sadly in the pain of the company's collapse, huge money, and the core idea of the game being leaked.

Chen Feng: "..."Why

bother... Nothing is important to be alive... Isn't it just owed a thousand ...

Chen Feng glanced at his pale face in the mirror next to him, and for a moment he only felt that it was difficult to breathe, his organs were "failing", his heart was like a knife, and he was decaying before he was old!


What to do?

Online wait, it's quite urgent!




In the end, Chen Feng still did not choose to give up this hard-won new life.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary college student, and because of illness, he had to die early in his youth.

Before he died, his only wish was to play games.

So in the last two years, he spent almost all his time in various games.

"Maybe that's the real reason why I became a game designer

!" "Let's analyze my current situation first!"

"The company has gone bankrupt and has a huge debt of 10 million..."

500,000 yuan? The groove is quite rich, but compared with debt...

"So all my capital now is left with this office building that expires in half a year... And half a million yuan on the body, this little money... It's definitely not okay to make games... Completely inadequate.

"If I could make games... With the game level of this world, no matter what you do, it can definitely be completely crushed, after all, the two blue oceans of computer games and mobile games have not yet been developed at all.

"And the games in this world are all paid, I casually sacrifice a free game, or is it a kill?"

I won't..." After

thinking for a while, Chen Feng finally made a decision: "There's no way... It seems that it can only die..."

The industry where the host is detected is the game industry, and the strongest game system is activated

!" "This system will assist the host to make games, popular around the world, and reach the peak of life!"

"Ding! "


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