Because the difficulty of creating "Ask the Immortals" is too low.

Oriental Entertainment, a screenwriter called Prisoner, is completely copying the plot of "Xianxian".

Therefore, Oriental Entertainment did not need to wait at all, and even the script was not fully written, so they started shooting early.

In addition, their shooting naturally could not be very careful, so it didn't take long to finish shooting.

And some of today's post-production and special effects production basically does not take much time.

In just half a month, the entire "Ask the Immortals" work has been fully produced!

And after the production is finished.

Oriental Entertainment also immediately couldn't wait to start the "Ask the Immortals" TV series press conference.

The press conference was held at the Olympic Stadium in H City.

As the news was announced, hundreds of media outlets flocked to the news.

The popularity of this first fairy tale TV series in history is naturally extraordinary.

And hundreds of thousands of fans on the Internet signed up to participate in this conference, but because of the large number of people, the Olympic Stadium could not accommodate it.

So in the end, only a thousand fans were drawn from it.

In addition, this press conference was also attended by a group of actors from the "Ask the Immortals" TV series, as well as executives from major TV stations.

They came here mainly to contact the executives and employees of Oriental Entertainment directly after the press conference to negotiate the purchase of TV series copyrights.

The press conference starts at 6 p.m.

After the host introduced the entire TV series, the leading actors came on stage one by one for interviews.

Wu Yang wore a brand new suit today, and as the starring actor of "Ask the Immortals", he naturally received the most attention.

When he took the microphone and gave an interview, the fans below were cheering and screaming in unison.

The host asked with a smile: "The TV series "Ask the Immortals" is on fire on the whole network, and it is rumored that the copyright of the TV series has been snapped up by dozens of online video companies, and seven large TV stations also intend to buy.

Mr. Wu Yang is not only the starring actor of the TV series, but also one of the producers of this TV series, should know the operation of this TV series very well, excuse me, are these rumors true?

Under the spotlight, Wu Yang held his head high and was proud: "Yes, these rumors are true!" The

host immediately gasped, and the executives of the major TV stations and film and television platforms in the audience also showed surprise.

Sure enough, the results of "Ask the Immortals" are really good.

After the host celebrated a few polite words, he immediately asked: "Many netizens said that the fire of "Ask the Immortals" is inseparable from the hot controversy in the screenwriter's circle some time ago, what does Mr. Wu Yang think of this?

Although the host did not explain, he actually asked Wu Yang what his opinion was on this plagiarism incident of "Ask Immortal" and "Xianxian".

Wu Yang, as a popular student, has received countless interviews, is very experienced, and he also knows how to say the best, so he said: "Ask the Immortal" is an excellent work created independently by a well-known screenwriter prisoner, prisoner screenwriters rarely pay attention to the situation on the outside network when creating, I communicate with him more, only understand that in the current screenwriting circle, there are indeed some people who like to grandstand.

And...... I really don't want to discuss the author of the book "The Immortal" because he... I even thought about quitting the entertainment industry for a while, if I don't have so many fans to support, I'm afraid I won't be in this circle, and this excellent TV series "Ask the Immortals", I'm afraid I won't be able to meet everyone! Speaking

of the back, Wu Yang's eyes were even slightly red.

The host's eyes lit up: "Mr. Wu Yang, do you mean that the well-known Internet writer Chenxi is a grandstanding person?"

Wu Yang smiled with difficulty, turned around and waved to the fans in the audience.

Immediately caused the fans in the audience to scream and cry, feeling that his brother was bullied.

Therefore, the host did not dare to ask more questions in this regard, and after hastily asking Wu Yang questions about the plot in several TV series, he ended the interview.

And Wu Yang's comments on Chenxi were naturally recorded by some journalists who like to catch the wind, and the editor posted it on the Internet.

[Oriental Entertainment signed an artist, the popular student Wu Yang, at the "Ask the Immortals" TV series press conference, bluntly said that the Internet god writer Chenxi only knows how to grandstand, and even said that he was almost forced to withdraw from the circle by the author of "Qixian"! ] As

soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted a large number of netizens' attention.

Originally, because of the plagiarism incident of "Xianxian", the relationship between Oriental Entertainment and Chenxi was very awkward.

And now, at the press conference of "Ask the Immortals", such news came out, which naturally triggered a large number of netizens to dispute.

"Hehe, is Genima faceless? Plagiarize yourself, and say that others are grandstanding?

"What plagiarism? Do you have proof? Is there a judge, did the police say that this is plagiarism? You are slander!

"Fart, this silly TV series, even if it comes out, it will pounce!" Plagiarism dogs must die! Grass! Wu Yang is also a big fool, damn zombie face also filmed TV series, shoot Nima!

"Seeing these comments, I tremble with anger, the weather of more than thirty degrees has made my hands and feet cold, and I sweat cold, you slander Brother Wu Yang so much, won't your conscience hurt?" Do you know how hard Brother Wu Yang works? "


For these scolding battles on the Internet, Oriental Entertainment has not come forward to respond.

It wasn't until the next day that Oriental Entertainment released a message.

[Thank you to all David TV, the support of major online video platforms for the "Ask Immortal" TV series, and have signed a first broadcast authorization with Mango TV, a week later, please lock Mango TV Station and watch "Ask Immortal" together! ] Subsequently

, many people in the industry broke the news.

This time the data of "Ask the Immortals" caught fire, and Mango TV spent 300 million yuan in order to seize the exclusive first broadcast license!

Coupled with the acquisition of copyright fees by other David TV and major online video platforms, this "Ask Immortal" TV series has earned at least 500 million!

This is even in the entire history of TV series sales, it can be ranked!

And as one of the producers, Wu Yang can have 30% profit dividends!

After the official broadcast of this TV series, Wu Yang can naturally join the shareholder side entertainment and become one of the real bosses of Oriental Entertainment!

And with these revelations, those Wu Yang fans on the Internet are naturally happy and proud.

And those fans who support Chenxi and other copied screenwriters are very angry.

Seeing these plagiarism dogs making money with a high sound, they are naturally unhappy in their hearts.

Many fans have posted news on the Internet, denouncing that the "Ask the Immortals" TV series is adapted from a plagiarized script, such a film and television drama should be taken down!

There are even some fans of "Xianxian" who jointly appealed, suing "Ask Immortal" for plagiarism and canceling their TV series broadcasting rights.

But no matter how hard they tried, they didn't achieve anything in the end.

Chenxi, who was plagiarized, was only unable to fight the lawsuit, and there was no progress in the entire lawsuit at all.

Although the plagiarized entries of "Ask the Immortals" always rush to the hot search.

But for this situation, it still does not help.

Even, some of the entries were even bought by Oriental Entertainment itself!

In other words, they don't care about this rhythm at all, but have been using this rhythm to maintain the popularity of their TV series!

All the people who are not used to it, it seems that they can only watch Oriental Entertainment's "Ask the Immortals" be so popular and rush to the top position.

Even if they did a lot of wrong things.

But it was as if nothing needed to be paid.

There is even a faint look of being unstoppable!


Time passed quickly, and tomorrow is the time when "Ask the Immortals" is officially launched.

The whole network pays attention, and the popularity is extraordinary.

Mango TV has even put an advertisement for "Ask the Immortals" on the homepage of their satellite TV.

But on this morning, a piece of news suddenly came out on the Internet.

[Won the lawsuit, lost face? Goose Factory and "Kart Simulator" Company went to court over the plagiarism case, and after several months of litigation, the final judgment ruled that Goose Factory did not involve plagiarism.

It is reported that many foreign netizens call our game company in Daxia Country a plagiarism company, and even call our Daxia Country a plagiarism country! This

news really did not receive much attention, after all, Goose Factory has indeed fought a lot of plagiarism lawsuits all along.

And it will win every time.

The name of Nanshan Pizza Hut also came out in this way.

So, at the beginning, the popularity and discussion of this news was all ridiculously low.

But just over ten minutes after the news was released.

Suddenly, it rushed to the hot search!

There is naturally no need to say more about how much traffic the hot search of the neck is, even if this news only stays in the hot search of more than ten places.

But almost immediately, it caused controversy from many parties.

And the plagiarism and scolding war in the screenwriting circle, which has been pending before, and the problem of goose factory's "Xian Xia Simulator" plagiarizing "Xianxian ", has also begun to be noticed again because of this news!

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