Some time ago, although Chen Feng had always insisted on suing Oriental Entertainment for plagiarizing "Xianxian", Zhang Wuhua was even more rushing around for this matter, but without legal support.

There has still been no news about the lawsuit.

After all, the law is not strict enough, plus the other party has not admitted that it is their own plagiarism, how can there be any reason?

It can only be dragged all the time.

If nothing else, Chen Feng's lawsuit will be like those screenwriters who have also been copied before.

Never come to a conclusion, never wait for any compensation, and never think of an apology!

But in the past two days, after the incident between Goose Factory and Oriental Entertainment.

Zhang Wuhua, who had been on the other side of the court, suddenly called, saying that the editors who were sued had confessed their guilt!

Zhang Wuhua, who was directly contacted by the other party's lawyer, wanted to settle the matter in private and was willing to pay great compensation.

At the same time, he also said very sincerely that if Chenxi couldn't get angry, he could continue to fight the lawsuit, and when the next trial started, they would absolutely instantly confess.

And whether it is public or private, they are willing to choose to apologize in various online channels when paying compensation!

For the other party's plea for mercy, Chen Feng did not pay any attention at all.

He directly chose to refuse these people's peace, and still had to divide the victory and defeat with these people in the form of a lawsuit.

The money that these people should lose, not a single point will be less.

The punishment that should be received will not be less than that!

Although he lacks money, he will definitely not lack money to that point.

And the bib that Chen Feng released before was also due to the victory declaration made after determining that these screenwriters would definitely pay the price.

Of course, he knows the truth of forgiving and forgiving people, but that also requires the other party to be talented!

Moreover, now that "The Legend of Sword and Immortal" is about to be launched, he can also use this bib to stir up another wave of heat!

After all, after the last online war, many netizens already know that Chen Feng, president of Platinum Game Company, has an excellent relationship with the author of the online novel Chenxi.

As long as he forwards this bib with his Chen Feng's big number at that time, and by the way, he can suck up a large wave of heat!

With the popularity of this time, maybe the number of pre-registrations for the game can be mentioned again!

He and Goose Factory have also been holding grudges for a long time, and they can take this opportunity to calculate a good account, and the results of the game "The Legend of Sword and Immortal" are his biggest weapon!

While sitting and waiting for this bib to ferment on the Internet, Chen Feng suddenly received a call from an unknown number in a foreign country.

He frowned and answered the phone.

An anxious and helpless voice came from the other end: "Hey, hello, is it Mr. Chenxi?" I am a screenwriter prisoner.

Chen Feng's eyebrows were raised, of course he had an impression of this person.

Oriental Entertainment plagiarized "Qixian" and made a "Ask Immortal" out.

The screenwriter of "Ask the Immortals" is this prisoner!

And this person is also the key defendant target in the lawsuit that Chen Feng is fighting with Chenxi's identity!

Because this person is really copying too much, it is simply making up!

At this time, the other party called, and the purpose was naturally undoubted.

Chen Feng smiled, with mockery in his tone: "Prisoner? Which prison? What's the matter with me?

Although Chen Feng laughed at his pen name, the screenwriter prisoner over there did not dare to resist at all, and his voice was almost full of crying: "Mr. Chenxi, I am the screenwriter who copied your "Xianxian", it was indeed wrong with me before, but I was also deceived by Oriental Entertainment!"

They said the copyright was in their hands, let me change it to a script, I was all scammed, Mr. Chenxi, can you help and withdraw the appeal? I'm still young, I don't want to go to jail, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The

prisoner said the back, and they all began to cry, looking very remorseful.

But Chen Feng sneered and was not moved at all.

Scammed by Oriental Entertainment? Who to bluff, before Lao Tzu posted a neck bib on the Internet several times, causing such a big sensation, you didn't come out to respond, now the East Window incident, began to regret, came to apologize?

What about cheating on three-year-olds?

"I'm sorry, I really don't understand what you're saying, prisoner... Shouldn't this kind of thing stay in a cell?

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the other party and hung up the phone directly.


The screenwriter prisoner made several more phone calls after that, but they were all hung up by Chen Feng, and even blacked them out directly, not giving the other party any chance at all!

Sorry, if useful, what else do you want the police to do?

And as time passed, the bib on Chenxi's account also made the plagiarism incident that had just finished arguing not long ago warm up again! Countless Chenxi's book fans and righteous people have left messages of support under this bib.

The attention of many netizens also quickly shifted their attention to those screenwriters who had stood on the side of Oriental Entertainment and scolded Chenxi and plagiarized.

All stand up and constantly put pressure on these people!

"Oriental Entertainment's "Ask the Immortals" is really plagiarism? Shouldn't you apologize to the screenwriters who stood up one by one to the Oriental Entertainment platform?

"These people must have copied it too!" Send them directly in with that prisoner!

"Yes, strictly investigate them, they are the same as that prisoner!"

"These screenwriters who like should all be banned! @于歪! "

These people are smart people, too.

They know that the state will punish this aspect vigorously, and they will certainly not be able to escape.

Although the things that have been plagiarized before, they may not suffer too much punishment, after all, it is all a long time ago.

But...... They still have to mix in circles, or do they have to continue to be screenwriters.

Naturally, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the policies of the Arts Authority!

Therefore, these people have long begun to review their previous works, where they copied which people, and immediately prepared to contact those original owners, either to acquire the copyright or to compensate.

Of course, it is natural to meet some original creators who are not willing to be private, and for such people, these screenwriters really have no choice, and can only painstakingly ask for forgiveness.

Now the initiative is in the hands of the plagiarized people, and now they can't care about face at all!

Because once they are caught as typical, in addition to being discredited, they will definitely even ruin their subsequent screenwriting careers!

Some faster screenwriters also used their accounts to issue apologies that evening to explain to the majority of netizens.

[Sorry for taking up public resources, here, I want to issue an apology statement, the wrong remarks that I came out to say before were all because I had shallow knowledge and were guided by people with intentions, but the mistakes I made, I should admit, here, to Mr. "Zhenghua" who was copied by me before, to Mr. "Chenxi" who was attacked by me, and to the vast number of cultural creation workers, sorry! ] As

soon as this bib came out, more screenwriters began to apologize on the Internet.

The apologies of online screenwriters finally put an end to this plagiarism incident.

And although these people really did something wrong, but now after apologizing and paying compensation, there is really no way for them to go out to prison with the prisoner who just hit the muzzle.

In this regard, many controversial netizens and screenwriters are naturally dissatisfied.

But there really is no way.

In any case, the winner of this incident about plagiarism.

Naturally, it completely belongs to Chenxi and the original literary and artistic workers.

The losses they had suffered in the past were recovered one by one, and afterwards, those who had hurt them and copied them also came to their doors one by one and apologized to them.

And after this thing.

Chenxi, an online author who has just written a book, has suddenly become a core figure in the screenwriter's circle!

Especially for screenwriters who have been plagiarized.

In the past, they were infringed and plagiarized, and most of them would choose to endure silently because the other party's strength and connections were too strong.

Even if you want to file a lawsuit, you can't get a result.

But now, Chenxi has come forward and really solved this matter.

Although discerning people know that this is definitely not the credit of Chenxi alone, and it is likely that Chenxi just bumped into this opportunity.

However, the times need heroes.

People too!

Even if many years have passed, many people in the art industry such as literature, music and games will know and remember.

It is because of Chenxi that the art circle in this country has really begun to attach importance to copyright!


The plagiarism of "Xianxian" on the Internet finally came to a perfect end.

However, the arts authority's crackdown on plagiarism continues.

And among all the companies, the hardest hit, except for Oriental Entertainment, is the pig factory in the game circle!

Because of this copyright law re-tailoring event.

The pig factory spent a great price and built a large-scale VR game with heart, but it was also stuck!

For nearly half a year, the pig factory has hardly released any new games, but has focused most of its energy on this big VR game.

Intend to do a big vote!

But now, their wishful thinking is almost completely collapsed!

Because their large-scale VR game is a copy of Platinum Games' "Legend"!

Although there are some original parts, they are plagiarized after all!

Because their original purpose was to move "Legend", an extremely popular online game on the computer side, to VR games!

They thought very well before, copied "Legend", and moved it to the VR platform.

One is a computer game, the other is a VR game, and the Game Authority will definitely not be able to watch it.

And after the previous failed plagiarism incident, they did not dare to change it casually, they could only copy it intact!

But now.

Don't say it's a big vote, this game can be released, and God is already blessing them!

Ding Zong, the leader of the pig factory, looked at the latest VR game "True Legend" on the computer screen.

Some of the fat faces are full of bitterness.

They invested too much in this game to give up.

So now, the only way to put it in front of them is to change the plagiarized content and try to make the game a reference.

But the latest copyright law stipulates.

Even if it is borrowed, borrowed from the content in other people's games, to different platforms, it cannot be casual.

It must be agreed by the original owner, and it must also promise to give the other party a share of the proceeds.

After thinking about it repeatedly, Mr. Yu sighed, so he had to pick up the phone and inform the secretary outside: "Help me answer Mr. Chen of the platinum game company." Soon

, the call came.

Chen Feng answered the phone.

Mr. Yu had a good attitude and said respectfully: "Hey, hello, is it President Chen Feng?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, because he received more than a dozen calls almost every day because of the recent strict investigation of copyright.

There are some small companies that copy "My Name is MT" to make card games, and there are those who copy "Diablo", all kinds of things.

Chen Feng also took the trouble to do so.

The voice on this phone is clearly another call from a certain company.

Chen Feng was not prepared to listen to him more, and directly flicked a sentence lightly: "I copied our company's things, right, I won't agree to settle, that's it."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

That head Yu Zong was dumbfounded, he is the Yu Zong of the pig factory, others didn't even listen to what he said, so he hung up directly....

But...... Thinking that the investment in making this VR game is really huge, the investment has reached nearly 10 million, if he gives up like this, he is really unwilling.

Therefore, after gritting his teeth, Yu Zong had to notify the secretary and call Chen Feng again....

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