Cucumber Xixi: "..."

I don't know if it hurts to hit someone in a pan, but your words really make my egg hurt!!

Oh, I'm out of eggs, that's all right.

Cucumber Xixi's heart is broken, but because he is on the live broadcast, he can't say a lot of things directly.

She could only collapse secretly, and then forced a smile on her face.

Cucumber Xixi: "Hehe, the little brother is really humorous."

Then, in order to avoid Liu Yu on the opposite side answering indiscriminately, Cucumber Xixi directly turned to the fans on the screen and said: "Brothers, my light function is a little bad, the little brother on the opposite side is a big god, the operation is very fierce, this wave, we follow him to do camp tasks!"

Look, he's right in front of PK right now, I'll be there right away!

At that end, Liu Yu finally didn't answer again.

Strangely, the sound of his head tapping on the keyboard also stopped.

And Cucumber Xixi finally ran to the position of Liu Yu and the human PK, but when he got to the place, he did not see Liu Yu's character, only saw a player character from the hostile camp, who was meditating back to blood.

Then, the player set his eyes on Cucumber Xixi and slowly stood up.

Cucumber Xixi: "??? The

player drew his sword and walked towards the cucumber cise.

Cucumber Xixi: "!! "

What's the situation!!

Cucumber Xixi panicked, and while running back, he quickly asked: "Little brother, you... What about you, this man is going to kill me!" "


The player on the opposite side uses a skill to knock the cucumber Xixi directly into the air, and then a set of combos takes her away.

Cucumber Xixi, pawn!

At this time, Liu Yu said methodically: "I didn't hit him, I died, are you also dead?" "

Cucumbers and Xixi people are stupid.

I ran behind his ass for a long time, finally ran to the place, and then sent a head to the opposite side?

You said it earlier, you died! I said I wouldn't come!

Die once to lose experience, big brother!

Staring at his pitch-black screen, Cucumber Xixi's chest kept rising and falling, and he wanted to curse.

But finally thinking that she was still live broadcasting, she could only forcibly suppress this anger, and then helplessly whispered: "You are dead, why don't you tell me, I just ran over, and I was killed by the other side..."

Liu Yu: "I thought you could beat him." "


A series of question marks appeared in the head of Cucumber Xixi, big brother, where did you see that I could beat him?


Cucumber Xixi sighed and said softly: "Well, I forgot to tell my little brother, I'm a rookie, I play very badly, do this kind of camp mission, I can't beat other players." Saying

so, Cucumber Xixi was actually a little unbearable, he planned to find a reason later, so he lifted Lian Mai and played by himself.

At this time, the barrage of Cucumber Xixi's live broadcast room exploded.

"Groove, this Nima, a real straight man of steel?"

"Brothers, this brother on the other side is really fierce, torturing our sister Xixi to death."

"Hey, you guys are too simple, this buddy is definitely a veteran of the love scene, his set of operations has made our Xixi sister have a deeper impression of him, which is clearly the highest realm of puff girls!"

"Don't think so much, I came from the live broadcast room over there, that anchor is a strange straight man, and several female anchors have been tortured and run away by her before."

Cucumber Xixi turned his head and found that in his live broadcast room, there were more barrages.

Looking at the number of viewers again, it has reached 80,000!

You know, when Cucumber Xixi was live broadcast in the past, the number of viewers did not exceed 50,000 when it was the most.

This time it actually exceeded 80,000!

Is it because of the effect of the show that he and the little brother on the opposite side have attracted so many viewers?

Thinking of this, Cucumber Xixi gritted his teeth and immediately had a smile on his face.

Forget it, since there is such a good program effect, no matter what the other side does or says, he will endure it!

She quickly adjusts her mood and then controls her character to revive at the resurrection point.

At this time, Liu Yu on the other end also said lightly in the voice of the team: "Are you coming?" Abandon the previous task and take on a new one.

Cucumber Xixi nodded and said with a smile: "Here, I came to find you, it's okay, our current level is not too high, it doesn't matter if we can't do camp tasks, we can take individual tasks to do." Saying

that, Cucumber Xixi controlled the character and ran to the location where Liu Yu was.

Looking at it, Liu Yu is talking to the camp task NPC and taking on the new camp task.

Cucumber Xixi: "Little brother, we are... Continue to do camp quests?

Liu Yu's face was expressionless: "The last one can't be beaten, the next one can be beaten, you can just follow me, is the task ready?" "

Just died, why do you have to do camp missions and PK with others???

Let's do some tasks, find some romantic, warm places to take pictures, unlock some loving actions, isn't it good?

Why do you have to go to someone PK?

Cucumber Xixi was very broken in his heart, and subconsciously refused.

But turned to look at the crazy growth of viewers in the live broadcast room, and the barrage that surged like a tide.

Then she squeezed out a smile very stiffly on her face, as if resigned to her fate, and said weakly: "Okay."

She immediately followed behind Liu Yu and took on a new camp mission, still the same as before, to kill a player from the opposing camp.

Liu Yu was still the same as before, after seeing the successful task of Cucumber Xixi, he directly stepped on the light work and flew away.

Cucumber Xixi still followed closely, stepping on the light work.

Then, like before, he flew halfway down and ran after Liu Yu....


"Anchor, are you selling cute on purpose?"

"Is this going back in time? How do I feel like I've just seen this scene in front of me a few minutes ago?

"Is it the streamer or am I stuck?" Brothers? "

The streamer is really good at playing this show."


The barrage of water friends made Cucumber Xixi want to cry without tears.

She would rather not have this show effect.

To her surprise, this time, Liu Yu finally stopped a little and waited for herself.

Instead of rushing over and sending people heads like last time.

Well, it can be regarded as being able to live and die together and make progress!

Cucumber Xixi complained in his heart.

And at this moment, Liu Yu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth and asked again: "By the way, what is your last name?" Cucumber

Xixi had a faint smile on her face, yes, this kind of communication is right, know more about girls, care more.

Let's talk about life, even if you die in the game.

So Cucumber Xixi said happily: "My surname is Chao." The dynasty of the twilight. Liu

Yu's character stayed in the distance, waiting for the cucumber Xixi while removing the hoe and digging up herbs next to it.

Digging herbs is a life skill, and herbs can be used to make dark tools and make poison.

Then expressionlessly replied to Cucumber Xixi: "What trick?" Kill a trick that doesn't move?

Cuckussie: "..."

She simply remained silent and did not answer.

But Liu Yu seemed to have found his rhythm, and while waving his hoe, he continued to ask: "Where are you from?"

Cucumber Xixi took a deep breath, looked at the number of viewers in the live broadcast room again, and squeezed out a smile: "I am from Luzhou, and I am the Luzhou in Luzhou Laojiao." Liu

Yu's character is bending down to collect herbs: "Lu Zhou? Why is Lu Zhou called?

Cucumber Xixi: "It's not called, it's Luzhou Old Cellar!! Liu

Yu saw that the cucumber Xixi was about to arrive, put away the hoe, turned around and stepped on the light work and ran, as if he was afraid that the female player who leaned over was poisonous.

While running, he asked, "Then why is Lu Zhou called?" Cucumber

Xixi: "!! "


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