This...... Something is wrong.

Could it be that among the people he has been killing in the game, he also has his own sister?

Liu Yu's heart was surging, but his face was expressionless.

However, after a moment of hesitation, he dismissed his idea.

Not likely!

Although he did kill many people from the Heavenly Gate, there were not many female numbers inside.

The only one is that Mo Li.

As soon as he thought of that Mo Li, Liu Yu felt a pang of disdain in his heart.

Mo Li engaged in online dating with the gang leader of the Heavenly Gate, showing affection in the game every day, and was a complete pair of dog men and women.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have killed those two people the most.

My sister is so beautiful, and there are countless people chasing in reality, how can I do that kind of thing?

At this time, Liu Nan complained softly: "Hey, that person is lewd and cheap, like a dog skin plaster, and has been pestering us."

The game "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is actually quite fun, but unfortunately the players are so unfriendly, it makes me want to play "Fairy Simulator" a little.

Upon hearing this, Liu Yu was completely relieved in his heart.

The person who killed my sister is lewd and cheap, and it is definitely not himself!

He is a "ruthless drop killer", arrogant and handsome.

It's not at all related to obscenity.

So Liu Yu put down the worries in his heart, walked over, patted his sister's shoulder, and comforted him softly:

"Sister, you don't have to play "Xian Xia Simulator", that game, at the beginning, it was okay, but now it's cold."

And it's really not as fun as "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", so, you tell me, who is the person who killed you, I will help you avenge.

I also play this game you played, and I'm very good, and I haven't met anyone who can't be killed yet.

Liu Nan was overjoyed: "Really? "

In fact, for the game "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", Liu Nan really likes it.

If there is a brother to help, solve the dog skin plaster.

She is naturally willing to continue playing.

"Then of course, how can a younger brother not help his sister?"

Here, Liu Yu has entered his account password on the computer interface and logged in.

The game is reading the bar at the time.

I heard my sister Liu Nan next to me say viciously: "That person is obscene and annoying, brother, you broadcast live every day, you must have time to deal with him, help me teach him a good lesson." At

this point, the game character screen is about to pop up.

Liu Nan also put his head together, looked at his brother's computer screen, and said at the same time: "That person's ID is called 'Heartless Drip Killer'" The

game character screen popped up.

Then there was a stutter, so that the selection interface was not clearly presented.

Liu Yu, on the other hand, seized this opportunity and directly pressed the button to adjust to the computer desktop with the speed of his hand that has been single for more than 20 years.

Then he quickly used the shortcut key to exit the game.

Then he reached out.

Expressionless, he slid down, and at 0.01 seconds, he pressed the shutdown button of the console.

The computer screen went black all of a sudden.

Liu Nan looked at his brother's operation, full of question marks: "??? What happened?

Liu Yu pretended to pat the computer casually: "Gee, there is a problem with the computer, just suddenly stuck?" Recently, this computer has been having problems, and it has to be restarted after each jam.

Forget it, let's not play today.

Saying that, he turned his head, took a long breath, looked at his sister with a serious face, and said very solemnly: "Sister, in fact, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is not particularly fun, or you should play "Fairy Simulator".

Liu Nan: "??? "


And at this very moment, the goose factory.

In the conference room.

All the employees, as well as the head of the game, Xu Chen, and the big boss Ma Zong sat on the chairs.

Looking at the data briefing on the big screen, his face was extremely dark.

They started with nearly 10 million players to less than 2 million today.

And the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" in the same period, in terms of data, has almost surpassed them several times!

And it's still growing at an incredible rate!

Xu Chen, who was sitting on the left of Ma Zong, had his unkempt hair and looked haggard.

Since the player data began to decline, Xu Chen has hardly returned home, spending every day in the company.

Every day, I do user profiles to find ways to improve the game and stop players from abandoning the pit.

However, no matter what he did, it was in vain.

Player data has been falling, rarely rising, and today, it has fallen to the bottom!

Even fell to make Ma always pay attention.

That's why they got together for this meeting.

On the one hand, it is to report to Ma Zong, one month after the release of the game, the overall results and problems faced.

Of course, more importantly, their solution!

Mr. Ma sat silently on the first place, with no joy or anger on his face.

But anyone can feel this oppressive breath in the conference room at this moment!

A moment later, an executive suddenly got up and said: "Mr. Xu, although our data has been falling, from the perspective of point card sales, our game is not too bad!"

After all, we are doing VR games, for the sake of game players, the number is not much, our results are already very good! Several

people around also echoed: "Yes, in fact, from the overall data, our game is not bad, and the money that should be earned is still earned."

"After all, not every game can break point card sales records like "Legend of the Brave"."

"The data dropped so badly in the later stages of this game may even have something to do with the fact that we have been constantly changing the game mechanics, and we have been changing it this way, which has long changed the game beyond recognition."

"I also think that we don't need to change it, it is better to restore the game to the way it was when it first launched, so that players can have the original experience."

"Even if some players are sucked up by the platinum game, the red one.

But we also need to know that there must be a large part of players who still want to play VR games, and that part of the players can only come to play our games! "

Yes, yes..." Listening

to the comments of the executives, Xu Chen frowned, although he was very heavy, he also had to admit that what these executives said made sense.

In fact, his own "Xian Xia Simulator" is really not a street!

Judging from the results at the beginning, the data of "Xian Xia Simulator" is even a hit.

Even if the player data declines later, there is no way, after all, it is a fairy game, a complete innovation.

Crossing the river by feeling the stones is naturally not easy.

Plus there's also the Platinum game that added fuel to the fire.

It's great to be able to maintain this level today!

Moreover, even with the current results, in all the games that Goose Factory has done over the years, this "Xian Xia Simulator" can be regarded as midstream.

It's not that bad at all!

But why is Xu Chen so worried about the results of this game?

In addition to the habit of going up and down the goose factory, that is, watching others make money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

Another more important reason is.

Long before the game was launched, Mr. Ma had already given him an ultimatum.

This VR fairy game will be his last chance in the company.

He guarantees that the game will definitely achieve excellent results.

It also guarantees that the game made by Platinum Games will definitely not be too good.

But now, neither guarantee has been delivered!

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Xu Chen's quick success.

But if he keeps this state, then he may really not be able to continue to stay in the company!

Thinking of this, Xu Chen's heart palpitated, and he couldn't help but raise his head and quietly glance at President Ma, who was sitting on the main throne without saying a word.

Xu Chen sighed and said helplessly: "You are all right, this game is really not that bad."

But we're a goose factory! The game made was actually defeated by a small company like Platinum! This...... I can't accept this!

We definitely can't just give up so easily, I think our game still has a lot of potential!

I believe that if I give me a little more time, I will definitely be able to raise the grade!

Xu Chen seemed to be answering the words of his subordinates and executives.

In fact, it was on the side, reassuring the horse in the conference room.

Mr. Ma has been in a high position in the goose factory for a long time and has accumulated great prestige.

Even a manager like Xu Cheng must be careful when he speaks.

Xu Chen said while secretly observing Ma Zong's face with the corner of his eye.

Seeing that Ma Zong did not respond, he was about to continue to say a few good words, when he made a military order.

Suddenly, Ma Zong, who was sitting at the top, raised his hand and tapped the table a few times.

Knock knock!

These two strokes seemed to have hit Xu Chen's heart, he breathed heavily, immediately closed his mouth, and did not dare to speak again.

And in my heart is full of thoughts, and I am already afraid to the extreme!

Mr. Ma has said before that this game is his last chance.

Right now...... I'm afraid I'm going to expel myself....

Thinking of this, Xu Chen couldn't help but look dead for a while.

But at this time, President Ma suddenly got up, slowly walked to Xu Chen's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a little encouragement: "Don't worry, who said we lost?"

The executives were stunned.

Xu Chen was also stunned, raised his head, but saw that President Ma was not angry, but with a faint smile.

Mr. Ma looked at the group of executives, exuding a calm and reliable temperament.

He spoke lightly again: "This time, our goose factory did not lose at all!" It's the VR platform that loses!

This time the game, although the results are not good enough, but... It also gives us a very important warning!

In fact, since the advent of Platinum's computer games, I have been observing the viability of computer games as a platform, and... VR platform or computer platform, which is better!

Speaking of this, Mr. Ma paused and stretched out his finger to the data on the big screen: "Now that the experiment is successful, the results are already obvious!"

The era of VR games has passed, let's start to change direction and enter the field of computer games!

As soon as Mr. Ma's words came out, the executives of the entire conference room widened their eyes and their faces were full of shock.

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