The first thing to determine is one thing.

Gaming competitions, and eSports, are not a concept!

It's not a world without game companies that have competed.

On the contrary, as Luo Zhonghao said.

In this world, there are many games that have been engaged in competitions.

Including a VR fighting game that Liu Yu liked to play very much before, he often held competitions in the game.

But in the eyes of the game companies of this world.

The game is just an addition, the only role is to be able to do more activities in the game during the game to increase the stickiness and activity of the player.

You can charge more players for point money and item money.

Other than that, it doesn't do anything!

In this parallel world, there is no concept of esports at all!

Not because these game companies are stupid.

It's that this world was only VR games before, which led to all this!

But the main reason is not that these VR games can't engage in esports!

On the contrary, when Chen Feng inspected the market, he really found some VR games, which can easily embark on the road of e-sports.

But in front of these games, there is a huge problem.

That's the number of users!

In layman's terms, that is, the number of players!

If you want to do esports, enough money, and the right games, it is really important.

But the most important thing is that the number of users is large enough.

The number of players in a game is limited after all, and if you want to make a game a game esports, you first need a large audience.

And there are enough viewers who know enough about this game!

These spectators must be able to understand the game, love the game enough, and be full of blood in their hearts.

These huge audiences are the biggest part of esports!

Like basketball and soccer, it is impossible to thrive without that large number of spectators.

But the world is mostly VR games.

Born to limit the number of players.

Hundreds of thousands of VR game warehouses and thousands of VR single-player games are simply not affordable for ordinary people.

That's why there has never been a sign of esports in this world.

If you want to build an e-sports system, you must have a sufficient number of players.

Even in this world of more advanced technology, it can only be achieved by relying on the computer!

And e-sports is also Chen Feng's biggest goal next!

Making a game naturally has to be divided into several directions.

And e-sports is definitely the king choice of one of the directions!

In Chen Feng's previous life, the e-sports of domestic and foreign games was relatively perfect.

Esports of a game.

The benefits brought are completely unimaginable to people in this world now.

A well-known professional player can even be worth hundreds of millions!

And the number of views of a well-known game match can even reach billions!

In addition, there are also the cost of film and television adaptation of the game, the sales cost of the game's peripheral products, and the product endorsement advertising fee of the game competition, etc., which are all a very considerable income!

Therefore, Chen Feng, in fact, has been thinking about engaging in e-sports for a long time,

and his positioning of his own game company in the next 5 years is to go to e-sports first.

It's just that the game "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is really not suitable for e-sports, after all, this is just an ordinary fairy RPG game.

In this game, daily tasks, game plot and player socialization are the focus, and the proportion of competition is very small.

Moreover, if you want to do esports, the amount of money you need to invest is extremely large, and today's platinum game companies are not so large.

That's why Chen Feng didn't want to waste this time and energy.

After all, he has launched the concept of computer games in this world, and game designers and people in the game industry in this world cannot all be fools.

In order to avoid being overtaken by other game companies, Chen Feng had to focus more on the right path.

The first is to make money to expand the scale of the company and build an economic foundation for building an esports empire.

The second is to gradually control players' needs for games, and cultivate players' demand for esports through game after game.

Let players fully feel the attraction that games such as esports can bring them.

And nowadays, the most important thing is naturally to make money.

Chen Feng at least wants his platinum company to reach the point where it is not much worse than the goose factory.

In the gaming circle and the entire market of the game, it has a certain right to speak.

Today, although Platinum Games has made money very quickly.

I think that the data of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", which has just been launched, is very good in all aspects, and it is gradually growing, and its income is also very good, which is much higher than "Legend".

Because there are more and more computer games, the revenue of "Legends" is no longer at its peak, after all, the depth and playability of this game is indeed limited.

Even if there is a group of die-hard fans, the number will definitely not be too much.

These two games, together with the mobile game "My Name is Mt", are amassing wealth at a very fast speed.

There is also the money earned by the game Diablo.

People who listened to their subordinates reported that in one month, the first quarter of the account will be received.

That would definitely be a fortune!

And the company does not have any special expenses, at most it is the salary of employees.

Because Chen Feng has a system, even if the salary of the employees in the company is already very high.

But because there is no need for research and development, the expenditure on wages is still very small.

The only relatively large expenditure is Chen Feng himself.

Some time ago, Chen Feng moved.

After all, the current platinum companies have already made a name for themselves in the circle.

And as the boss, Chen Feng has been living in the previous rental house, which is really not like words.

He had wanted to move for a long time, but he had never found a good place before.

This time I found a good villa area and moved in, he was busy moving for the previous two days.

It is worth mentioning that when he bought a house, he bought the villa next to it for Zhang Mengyao by the way.

The beautiful name, the quarterly reward for Zhang Mengyao...

And, because I saw a good piece of real estate.

So Chen Feng still thinks that after a while, the company will also be moved.

He naturally didn't want to continue to see things like Li Yaolong happen.

In addition, Chen Feng also spent a lot of money on the system lottery.

Before the lottery was drawn here in the system, a lot of good games were drawn, so Chen Feng gradually developed the bad habit of drawing lotteries every day.

Basically, if he doesn't smoke three ten-lien every day, he will be uncomfortable.

Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood or in a good mood, I'll smoke it many times.

In the system, Chen Feng did not know how much money had been spent.

He didn't count the quantity either.

But this amount must be huge!

Sometimes, he even wondered if his system was made by a goose factory....

This is also too much money!

Not bad intentions at all!

Completely unworthy of the nickname of philanthropist given to him by players.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but open the system interface again.

I almost forgot, today there is no unpretentious and boring 10 consecutive draws.

"Ding! Draw a fragment of the "Flooded Seven Army" game, ding! Draw a fragment of the game "Three Thousand Beautiful Ladies in the Harem..." Listening

to the continuous broadcast sound from the system, Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

Today it's the Air Force again ....

The reason why he smoked this every day was because Chen Feng wanted to quickly draw out "League of Legends".

After all, this game is Chen Feng's past life, and he has been the most successful in e-sports!

But so far, not even a fragment of "League of Legends" has been drawn.

Chen Feng shook his head and put these unrealistic thoughts to the back of his mind.

Although he did not draw "League of Legends", Chen Feng has already drawn two games in advance!

He turned off the lottery space and instead clicked on the game space in the system, where there were two golden complete games.

"Dungeons & Warriors" and "Warcraft 1~3"!

Dungeons & Warriors!

This game, in Chen Feng's previous life, was one of the most profitable online games in the world.

And this money is earned for more than ten years!

It's like an evergreen tree!

Its popularity and commercial success can be seen!

When he pulled out this game, Chen Feng was so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

Because this game can be said to be a cash cow!

As long as this game is made, Chen Feng believes that the company's size and economic strength will definitely be improved in a short time!

Another game, Warcraft, is only a story-oriented single-player game.

But it can also be regarded as a very influential game in a past life!

This game gave birth to "World of Warcraft" and "Hearthstone" through the plot!

Through the map editor, moba games and tower defense games were born!

So this also shows how awesome the existence of "Warcraft" is.

Two games.

One is used to make money, make a big profit!

The other is used to lay out the overall plot and setting of the Azeroth continent.

At the same time, it also gives players in this world a dream called e-sports!

It was precisely because of these two games that Chen Feng just refused Luo Zhonghao's suggestion to do the game so firmly.

After all, he didn't want to make "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" a competition in order to make a little money, and affect his big plan to regularize the e-sports empire!

Of course, neither of these games can directly help Chen Feng realize his dream of an esports empire.

Everything depends on whether he can draw from the system after the size of the company is raised, which can help him fully display the game of esports!

Chen Feng's gaze moved slightly on the two games.

The "Warcraft" trilogy is a whole three games.

And the players are most impressed by Part 3.

However, for the overall plot integrity, parts 1 and 2 are equally important.

If Chen Feng wanted to do it, he had to perfectly integrate these three parts.

With the main body of the third game as the bearer,

the core of the first and second steps, as well as the essence of the plot, are fully displayed.

This is undoubtedly a relatively large project.

He still needs to use his brain a little.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng temporarily put aside the "Warcraft" trilogy.

Clicked on Dungeons & Warriors, and then quickly started to load up the game stats for Dungeons & Warriors.

To do esports, the main thing is to ask for money!

It is necessary to be a huge company size.

Coupled with the "Warcraft Trilogy", it is necessary to use his brain, and Chen Feng has to do some extra work by himself.

So...... The next game, Dungeons & Warriors!

In the following period, Chen Feng basically locked himself in the office.

Quickly code the data for Dungeons & Warriors.

In the office area outside, Luo Zhonghao passed Chen Feng's meaning to other employees.

The other employees were very surprised after hearing this.

"President Chen refused to do the competition?"

All the employees were curious and discussed it in a variety of tongues.

"Now that the data of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is so good, and the players' voices are so high, let's do the game directly, and we can make money and earn fame, why not do it?"

"Yes, and now that the game is online, the updated version has long been prepared, and we are relatively idle now, and doing something like this can be regarded as something to be busy."

Listening to the discussion of the employees, Luo Zhonghao pouted and smiled, and said with a look of disdain: "You understand a fart, President Chen sees it much farther than you!"

Immediately, he told what Chen Feng had just said to the employees outside.

Everyone immediately exclaimed.

But they also thought of a question, and said curiously: "Listen to what Mr. Chen meant, there should be other arrangements next, let's not do the competition, what will we do next?" Brother Ro, you know what? It's a little embarrassing to keep fishing like this!

Luo Zhonghao touched his chin and said with a look of course: "In fact, everyone doesn't need to be embarrassed, just fought such a victory, the face of the goose factory is swollen, next, it must be a good vacation!"

Even if you want to make a game, it should be a mobile game, after all, Mr. Chen's brain is also a human brain, it must be a good rest, how can it be so fast, and take another game out?

Everyone immediately understood: "If you want to do a mobile game next!" Our department can indeed relax for a while! Although a little embarrassed, it is still good to have a holiday!

"Yes, it just so happened that a woman kept asking me to go to the movies the other day, and I thought I didn't have time to refuse, but this time I just asked her again."

"Comfortable, some of the leisure in the back, I can play "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" with peace of mind..."

At this moment, the door of Chen Feng's office opened from the inside.

He held a U disk in his hand and said lightly: "In the next few days, everyone will work hard, this is the general structure of the new game, understand it as soon as possible, we are going to start making the next new game!" "


A series of question marks appeared on the heads of all employees, and then collectively turned their heads and looked at Luo Zhonghao, who was standing in the middle....

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