"Goose Factory is also going to release computer games?" Chen

Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the mobile phone that Luo Zhonghao handed to him.

On the screen is a group chat interface.

The group chat is called "The Strongest Game Designers of the Future."

Luo Zhonghao obviously noticed that the name of his group chat seemed a little arrogant, especially in front of his own President Chen, holding the arm holding the mobile phone slightly shrunk.

But considering that the more he seemed to care, the more embarrassed he was, so he finally stopped, endured his shame, and bravely put it in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng would not ridicule tastelessly, just skimmed it at a glance, and focused his attention on the content of the chat.

The top one was sent three minutes ago.

At the bottom of the chat box, there are more than 30 unread new messages.

The number of unread messages is increasing rapidly.

Obviously, the frequency of information updates in this group is very fast at this time, and it can also be shown that the people in this group are now very emotional

! "I lean! See, Goose Factory is going to release a new game, and it is still a computer game, the computer version of "Legend of Warriors"!"

Goose Factory is going to make a big move this time, and it has directly adapted a TV series!" "

It seems that Goose Factory fought with a game company last time, but it didn't fight, so it immediately adjusted its direction."

"This is also as it should be, we can all see that computer games will be a big market, how can

the goose factory not see it?" "Yes, but to my surprise, the goose factory is not at all like pushing a test water first, but directly swallowing the whole cake in a big mouthful!

VR end kills all directions, and even once went abroad, and now it is launching the computer version, is it not the explosion that it should be?""

Our company originally wanted to make a computer game to test the water, and now this situation... "Haha

, our company's stupid guy also took down the new game that was about to go online, and he seemed to be the best all day long, and now he is so scared that he is even soft when he sees the goose factory."

"Our company has also been withdrawn, this is too difficult, the goose factory really does not give people a way to live

!" "Anyway, I think there should be no new games during this time, and dare to release it!"


the founder and current leader of the computer game, Mr. Chen of the Platinum Company, can watch the goose factory jumping on his head


?" Luo Zhonghao did not reply to Aite of the group of friends, apparently as soon as he saw these news, he immediately came over to report to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng continued to glance down a few times, but did not see any other valuable information, and then immediately took out his mobile phone.

Just clicked on the bib, I saw that the opening screen advertisement of the APP was written with 4 big characters "Legend of Warriors"!

Next to it are followed by three small words "Computer Version"!

The entire ad page stayed for 5 seconds.

He just entered the home page of the software.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

As far as he knows, the price of this advertising space is very expensive.

Next to him,

Luo Zhonghao, who had a bitter face, swallowed his spit, hesitated for a long time before tentatively asking: "President Chen, should we also avoid the edge of the goose factory for a while, I heard that several companies that are recently preparing to launch games have just removed their publicity and game launch time."

This goose factory... After all, it is the first game manufacturer, full of heritage, if our propaganda collides with them, I am afraid that it will be completely crushed.

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked surprised: "Let's just do our own, what do others do?

It has nothing to do with us again.

Okay, you guys continue to be busy, I'll go see how the goose factory publicizes this time.

Chen Feng said, raised his mobile phone, and walked into the office.

His tone was very indifferent, obviously not afraid at all.

But even so, Luo Zhonghao's heart was still a little uneasy.


The goose factory began to officially put into publicity this morning, and the neck and other several hottest platforms on the Internet were overwhelming, all of which were propaganda advertisements of the goose factory.

["Legend of Warriors" computer version, about to be launched, Goose Factory's first computer game, the original inheritance of the VR version of "Legend of Warriors"!]

In addition, there is also the promotion of the "Legend of Warriors" TV series.

Countless popular stars and big directors have sent out neck scarves to promote the "Legend of Warriors" TV series and computer games.

Its popularity is so high that it occupies the headlines of most forums and websites on the Internet.

It is undoubtedly the most appropriate to describe it as pervasive!

All the advertising spaces that can be bought on the Internet, large and small.

Almost all of the goose factories were bought,

even though it was half a year before their planned launch date.

But Goose Factory is not worried.


Legend of Warriors" was originally an extremely successful VR game, and it originally had a certain traffic base.

Coupled with such a terrifying publicity power of the Goose Factory, it naturally makes the popularity of the computer version of "Legend of Warriors" increase rapidly.

It took almost less than a day to let an extremely large number of netizens know about this game!

Wait until the day the game is officially launched.

On the entire network, 780% of netizens who want to play games will probably know about this!

And the official website of Goose Factory has also launched a booking link for the computer version of "Legend of Warriors".

In just one day, the number of pre-registrations for the PC version of "Legend of Warriors" exceeded 30 million, and the data is still rising.

This data, almost sweeping everything!

All the game companies in the country are also like Chen Feng, paying attention to the latest news of the computer game Goose Factory Game.

At the same time, because of such a strong publicity of Goose Factory, the popularity of the game was hyped to the point that the whole network was known in almost a day.

Several games that were originally contemporaneous with the PC version of "Legend of Warriors" have delayed the release of the game.

It's like a pig farm!

At this time, the pig factory conference room.

Mr. Ding looked at the data on the screen in front of him, and his face was stunned.

Last time, the VR version of imitation "Legend" was found out by the Game Administration to borrow from "Legend", and it has not been put on the shelves.

Mr. Ding temporarily abandoned the VR platform and turned to computer games.

This time they made a computer version of the small-cost game.

A few days ago, the promotion has already begun, and I waited for the publicity effect to ferment for another half a month, and then the game was officially launched.

But now, "Legend of the Warriors", which has killed the goose factory halfway, instantly sucked all the traffic away.

All the publicity in the early stage has also been lost.

Looking at the news of the goose factory "Legend of the Warrior" that was overwhelming on the Internet, Mr. Ding was angry and helpless.

After a while, he shook his head and sighed, then waved his hand to the executive next to him and said: "Go, tell the publicity department, cancel all subsequent advertising investment, and postpone the game launch time."

Several executives also sighed, their faces full of helplessness.

"Goose factory is goose factory, such a background, which game company in China can fight?"

"Now Goose Factory has also entered the field of computer games, I am afraid that in the future... None of us will have a better time.

"Mr. Ding, this time we should wait until the game of Goose Factory is online, and then we will re-promote it, right?" Mr. Ding

shook his head: "No, at least wait for the game of Goose Factory to be online for a month or two, and then we will re-promote it." Several

executives were stunned for a moment, and then gradually understood.

Yes, the publicity of the goose factory is so strong, I am afraid that after the game is launched, the popularity will still be very high.

They had to avoid the goose factory altogether.

Looking at the various news about "Legend of the Warriors" on the screen, Mr. Ding secretly felt frustrated in his heart.

Last year, Goose Factory's "Legend of the Warrior" swept through thousands of armies and seized most of the VR platform market.

The whole market cake is so big, the goose factory family has a big share.

These companies can only fight and grab from the remaining small piece.

Fought for the head and blood, and in the end it was not as good as one out of ten of the human goose factory.

In the end, Goose Factory not only made a lot of money, but also won the Pangu Game Award, which has the largest gold content in China.

And the life of these game manufacturers is very difficult.

Last year, which can almost be called the year of "Legend of the Warriors" in the Goose Factory.

Now, it is hard to wait for the computer side, this new field that has just emerged.

Although there is a platinum company that dominates, after all, platinum is only a new company, and it is not large enough.

Even if they eat a certain market share, there are still large blank areas left.

These companies in their pig factories have turned to the computer side, wanting to carve up the remaining large blank areas.

But who knows, the goose factory is here again.

As soon as he entered, he was like a locust crossing the border, and under the strong publicity effect, I was afraid that he would once again monopolize the computer game market!

I'm afraid it's still the year of "Legend of the Warriors".

In the year of the computer version of "The Legend of the Warriors"

, Mr. Ding was physically and mentally exhausted, and shook his head helplessly: "Okay, after removing the advertisement, let everyone leave work."

From now on, there will be no need to work overtime until 9 p.m., and you can work normally until 6 p.m.

Later, everyone take a good rest and rest, and when the limelight of the goose factory passes, let's make our own game. The

other executives, although very reluctant, looked angry.

But in the end, I could only sigh helplessly, turn my head and go back to execute.

And scenes like this also happened in Daxia before and after, except for the platinum game company, almost every game company!

You know, some of these games may not be done well, but some games have been done well, and a lot of money has been spent on pre-publicity.

Delaying the release of games now will definitely be a lot of losses for these game manufacturers.

But even so, in order to temporarily avoid the edge of the goose factory, they still chose to postpone the launch.

They can accept that the publicity effect is discounted and they can suffer a certain economic loss, but they do not want to compete with such a behemoth as the goose factory.

Even if their game is excellent.

Their game is not the same as the Goose Factory's game, and it does not constitute direct competition at all.

But such a big move of the Goose Factory will undoubtedly directly absorb the number of players on the entire network.

And maybe even more.

If these manufacturers' games are still released on time, there will only be one end - all players are attracted by the goose factory, even if they do their games well, they are likely to be directly cornered in the early stage of release!

Of course, this is because he doesn't feel that this is a risk at all!

.... On the other hand, in order to help Chenxi make soundtrack songs, Zhong Qu specially entrusted the relationship and found an orchestra that is very famous in the industry.


is a very powerful orchestra, very familiar with Chinese and Western instruments, and can play anything.

And also very trendy, very proficient in electronic music.

It is the most famous and capable of rookie bands in recent years.

In the score given by Chen Feng, there are many songs that contain electronic music elements.

So Zhong Qu thought about it and found the Tianxia Orchestra.

If it

weren't for knowing that Tatsuishi was big, he had a deep relationship with Platinum Games.


know, the average popular star wants to find this band to compose music for them, accompany them to give concerts, it depends on the mood of the band leader Zhang Kai.

This time, the Tianxia Orchestra is willing to help Zhong Qu, purely because they owed Zhong Qu a favor at the beginning, and this time they should return the favor.

When I received the score, I saw that the byline was a nameless composer named "The Crow".

Zhang Kai, the manager of the orchestra, is more sure that this life is most likely a bad job.

How good can a new person write

, but in order to be able to return that favor, they will still do their best.

Zhang Kai also thought very clearly.

Even if they try their best to make these songs, I am afraid it will not take much manpower.

After all, how complex can a new person write?

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