At this time, Chenghui Group.

Li Chengguo is sitting in the office, and on his computer, it is "Legend" that is hanging up.

After playing "Legend" for a year, Li Chengguo has long been familiar with the various game contents in it.

Although the game is still being updated.

But except for the siege battle inside.

Lee doesn't have much interest in other game mechanics.

After all, no matter how fun a game is, if you play it every day and keep playing, there will always be a day when you get tired of it.

So on weekdays, Li Chengguo basically hangs "Legend" on the machine.

When there was a siege battle, I went online and interacted with my old friends in the guild to have a few words.

Of course, the professional game division established by Li Chengguo in his company has always been very profitable, so this is why Li Chengguo still insists on playing "Legend" every day.

But recently, because the equipment market of "Legends" has stabilized, the profitability of Chenghui Group's game studios has also begun to decline.

So Li Chengguo is also thinking about whether to change a game to enter.

Games have a lifespan, and many games have a lifespan of just one to two years or even less than a year, and Legends can undoubtedly last longer.

But because of the gameplay, there is certainly no way to guarantee the benefits.

Just as Li Chengguo was thinking about these things, suddenly, a message popped up on his computer.

"The platinum game company you follow, Mr. Chen, released the latest bib

!" "Mr. Chen sent a bib again?" "

Could it be that the platinum company has released any new game"

Li Chengguo's eyes lit up and immediately clicked in.

Because of "Legend", Li Chengguo has been paying attention to Chen Feng, and even hopes to have the opportunity to cooperate with Baijin in the future to expand the Internet industry.

But since Legends.

The other new games released by Platinum failed to impress Li Chengguo.

I have never found any opportunities for cooperation.

This also made Li Chengguo a little helpless.

At this time, seeing Chen Feng releasing a new bib, he naturally hurried in.

[The world's first free computer game: "Dungeons and Warriors" is about to be grandly launched, another online game masterpiece of Platinum Game Company! Nine professions, passionate fighting, the magnificent epic of the Arad continent, waiting for you to compose it! "Dungeons and Warriors" is a forever free side-scrolling fighting computer online game! As the president of Platinum Games, I promise that this game will be free forever! Unlimited play! Until the day we close down!]

Then I was stunned for a moment.

After sitting in front of the computer for seven or eight seconds, he came back to his senses, sat up on his butt, and almost stuck his entire face to the screen.

Carefully checked the bib account first, and determined that it was Chen Feng, president of Platinum Game Company, and Chen Zong himself.

Then look at the timing of the bib release.

Just a minute ago, yes!

I read the contents of the neck bib at the slowest speed in my life.

Li Chengguo can swear that in his life, he has not even been so slow to see the speed of the biggest contract.

Read it word for word.

Li Chengguo let out a long breath.

It's not fake....

A successful businessman after all.

He is also the first Sand City Lord of "Legend".

There is still a statue of him standing in Sand City.

After such a buffer of time, Li Chengguo had almost completely calmed down!

He had already begun to think about what Chen Feng's neck represented

... Free forever game....

Forever free online game....

Free games like Legends, even, more fun than Legends....

Free forever....

Li Chengguo couldn't guess Chen Feng's thoughts.

But even before Legends, he didn't have much exposure to games.

You can all feel how earth-shattering the four words "forever free" are

! This is something that has never appeared in this world!

It will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention.

But it will also make everyone think about the question, that is... How do you make money

with a completely free game?

It's impossible to play a free gimmick, but in fact you still charge, right?


is impossible to really use games for charity, right?

Even if Li Chengguo wanted to break his head, he didn't come up with an answer.

This...... Mr. Chen of the platinum company seems to be playing a big chess game....

Li Chengguo didn't know what kind of game it was, and he didn't even listen to the promotional photos and propaganda songs.

But at this time.

The four big words of free forever have made him extremely interested in this game.

As a player, he wanted to see what the world's first free-to-play game looked like.

And as a businessman, he wanted to see...

In any case, he has decided that when this "Dungeons and Warriors" comes out, he must play it himself!

I set my sights on the promotional video again.

With just one glance, he was attracted by the ghost swordsman played by Zhang Jiafei above.

"Groove... This is really a little handsome!" In

an instant, Li Chengguo's interest in this game became even stronger.

After appreciating all the materials released by Chen Feng.

Li Chengguo clicked into the neck and looked at the comment area.

Since knowing that this was a free game, Li Chengguo was sure that Chen Feng's neck would not be calm.

But what he didn't expect was.

At this time, there were already nearly a thousand comments in the comment area

! You know, it took less than five minutes for this bib to be sent!

Seeing this data, Li Chengguo was stupid even if he had expected it.

Before Mr. Chen sent a neck bib, he definitely couldn't have so many comments

, but at the same time, he also knew that this meant that his expectations were not wrong....

There may be only one reason why it can attract so many people's comments!

That is, the free game

!! Li Chengguo continued to look down, and the first comment that came into his eyes was also the most popular, with more than 700

likes: the second item of "???????????????", and more than 600 likes:


the third article:

The comments in front of "?????????????"

are almost all a series of question marks, as if there are more question marks than whom.

But these question marks one after another also fully prove how shocked netizens are in their hearts after seeing this bib, how ...

Although the Internet these days is basically full of advertisements for Goose Factory's "Legend of the Warriors".

But that was due to the propaganda strength of the goose factory.

No matter how many ads you have, even if I can see them a hundred times a day, I just don't interest them, so I don't order them.

But this bib released by Chen Feng... In

this world where there has never been a free game, what is the concept of a free game that suddenly appears?

It is equivalent to you entering the cinema one day to watch a movie, and suddenly a staff member tells you, our cinema, you can watch it for free, without spending money!

It is equivalent to you one day TV, suddenly a platform said, we don't need to charge members here, can also have no ads, completely free to watch

! Equivalent to you enter the Internet café one day, suddenly the network administrator tells you, enter our Internet café, you can play casually, not a penny of Internet fees do not have to spend!

It's all permanent!

For this world, there have long been players who have to spend money to play games.

As soon as the word "free" came out, it was simply throwing a sun into the sky in the dark night.

Naturally, it caught their eye instantly,

causing everyone to rush to discuss it.

Even if you have never played a game, as long as you know that games cost money.

And when these people see the news, their first reaction will undoubtedly be:

Is this true

? Can this be a good thing

? This is impossible?

And these questions become the question marks that fill the entire comment area.

Li Chengguo flipped down for a long time before he saw some relatively normal comments.


, I'm not mistaken, right?" "

Oh my God! It's a road I didn't envision at all

!" "Lying groove, directly free? Play so ruthlessly?

""Impossible, really free? How to make money?"

"Before I saw such arrogant propaganda from the goose factory, I left a message to Mr. Chen, but I didn't expect that Mr. Chen really made a big deal in one wave!"

But brother, don't you think there is a problem with this? There is no money to be made for free! Is the company going to go bankrupt?"

Really started doing charity?" "

Calm down, Mr. Chen, we are joking when we call you a philanthropist in the game industry, how can you take it seriously! This thing is not free

!" "That's it, Mr. Chen, it's still too late to delete it, hurry up and collect your magical powers!"

Looking at the comments of these netizens, Li Chengguo couldn't help but laugh.

He can even imagine the shocked and anxious look on the faces of these netizens when they commented.

It is absolutely the same as him who just saw the news.

Li Chengguo, who usually doesn't read comments on his neck, actually continued to flip down.

And also watch with relish.

Until he flipped through dozens of them, almost a hundred, he suddenly found that several discordant comments popped up!"

Haha? Is this really thinking of himself as a philanthropist? Brain pumping

?""Yo? Is this scared? Scared by the goose factory? Free game? This kind of thing can also come up

with it? Is there a brain problem?" , dogs don't believe it.

"One thing to say, this platinum company is obviously disrupting the market, free games, and playing gimmicks

? I think this free must be fake!" "Damn, labor and management really don't understand now, even if computer games come out, and now they still put out free games? The game circle is so involuted? No matter what you think, anyway, I think it should be fake!"

"That's right, this Platinum Company's President Chen is not stupid, can he still engage in charity?"

Looking at these comments that were not very popular, Li Chengguo couldn't help but feel angry for a while.

Ren Chen has already said that it is permanently free, unless the company closes down and closes the service, you say you don't play, you say you don't believe it?

"Legend" has accompanied him for so long, and it has also made him have some love for "Legend", for Bai Jin, and for Chen Feng.

At this time, I saw these netizens spraying Chen Feng.

It's as if in Legends, someone sprayed members of his guild.

He couldn't help but click on the comments, typed the keyboard word by word, and began to awkwardly pay tribute to those netizens.

"People Chen has written it clearly, the game is free! Free forever, unlimited play! Do you take a serious look

? It's not a typo, and people have repeated it so many times, the president of such a big company posted a Weibo, and now I'm afraid tens of thousands of people have seen it, so can there be a fake?

Platinum's two years of time naturally cannot be in vain, and the previous games have long allowed it to accumulate a large number of fans.

Under these discordant comments, there are naturally more people like Li Chengguo who help Baijin Chen Zong.

"Please those illiterate people who are inferior to pigs and dogs, blind people, take a good look at Mr. Chen's propaganda, it has already been said, the game is free! You love to play, if you don't play, get out! "

Platinum production, must be a boutique, I believe in Platinum Company, I also believe in Mr. Chen, so this free game, I must play!"

I see that those trolls are stupidly cut by leeks in the goose factory, and when I see that I can play games without spending money, I am unhappy, Genima's stupidity!" Those

discordant comments, naturally, cannot be sprayed like this, and then give up.

So, the entire comment area began to fight again.

But at the same time, there are also some reasonable netizens who have issued serious discussions.

"Platinum games, I have also played a lot, but I really can't understand this free game, and I don't make any money... The quality of this game... I'm really worried.

"I also think so, free is indeed a good gimmick, but normal people can't really make a free game, right?

It can be seen that Platinum Company Mr. Chen's heart is very big, he is engaged in computer games, mobile games, are to expand this industry, to now, but also launched free games, this is undoubtedly an earthquake in the game industry, but always so unusual road, Platinum Chen will always enter a wrong path, and finally cocoon himself, completely play a good hand of cards?"

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