"Heavy weight, Goose Factory for the new game "Legend of Warriors" to increase the reservation of gift activities, all players who book the game and rise to the highest level within 30 days of the start of the server will be given 100 penguin coins!"


"Goose Factory officially walked out of Daxia, and the new free online computer game "Legend of Warriors" will be released in the first batch of 7 surrounding countries, and will be officially launched after 7 days! And promised to wipe out all the countries around Daxia in the second wholesale bank! "


"President Ma of Goose Factory spoke: As the strongest game company in the Great Xia Kingdom, and the mission of Chang has always been to promote the games of the Great Xia Kingdom to all over the world, "Legend of the Warriors" is just the beginning, the journey of the Goose Factory will be the sea of stars!"


"Several well-known streamers took a team to promote Goose Factory's new game "Legend of Warriors", reviewed it, and did not hesitate to praise, saying that it may be the most fun game in the history of the Great Xia Kingdom."

"Dungeons and Warriors World No. 1 Budokai National Runner-up, give me a gun, saying that "Legend of Warriors" far exceeds expectations, and I will focus my time and energy on this latest game launched by Goose Factory in the future!"


"Although the game has not yet been launched, Goose Factory has already targeted the Western game market, and sent a manager to discuss with Western game companies that "Legend of Warriors" may become the first game in Daxia and become popular all over the world?"


"After personally experiencing the second closed beta, the old player who had lost hope in the computer version of "Legend of Warriors" said that his hope was rekindled, and when the reporter asked what the quality of the game was, he replied rather mysteriously, and he would know when it went live three days later."


"The Legend of Warriors is about to go live, and the number of reservations has successfully exceeded 90 million, and it will soon reach an astonishing 100 million! What kind of miracles will this game create? Let's wait and see. "


""Legend of Warriors" was officially launched, the seven countries opened the server at the same time, hundreds of millions of players looked forward to it, and the server was instantly full on the day of the server!"


"Legend of Warriors registered players on the first day, breaking 50 million players, breaking a new record!"

"Countless game streamers are vying to follow suit, and "Legend of Warriors" has become the most popular game on the platform!"

"Give me a gun to start the live broadcast again after half a month, active in the "Legend of Warriors" upgrade line 1, and hope that Goose Factory can organize game events as soon as possible, and he will also work hard to practice his skills in order to win the championship, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room on the day reached 30 million..."

""Legend of Warriors" triggered foreign players to rush to tout, calling Goose Factory the savior of the game industry!"

"Foreign anchors can't stop playing "Legend of Warriors"!"

"Foreign players claim that only the Great Xia Kingdom has the ability to make such a good game!"

"7 days after launch, "Legend of Warriors" has become the most popular game in the East!"

""Legend of the Warriors" chases after the victory, the second batch of countries has begun to get through, and entering the Western market may become a reality!"

"Mr. Ma spoke at a meeting, saying that he was ready to start organizing the "Legend of Warriors" international competition, and the prize money would be extremely rich, and called on the majority of players from all over the world to actively participate!"




This half a month's time.

The network of the Great Xia Kingdom was almost flooded by the words "Legend of the Warriors" and Goose Factory.

The reversal of Zhang Jiafei's incident made the goose factory lose its weapon to contain platinum.

But before, Goose Factory had invested too much in "Legend of Warriors", the game.

The sunk cost is too great, so they simply can't easily turn the rudder, or simply give up.

In addition, the foreign agents of "Dungeons and Warriors" on Platinum's side and the production of foreign versions are also in full swing.

In order not to allow the hosting of international competitions, this great opportunity was taken away by platinum.

There is only one way left in front of the goose factory, that is, to bite the bullet and continue walking.

And with the resources they have now, they can go faster and better than platinum.

So the goose factory can only continue to invest a lot of resources and costs.

Accelerate the development of overseas versions in various countries, and countries like the island countries and the cold countries, Lin Zheng betrayed, and they have no alternatives, directly abandoned.

Strive to pull up enough countries and go online together in the shortest possible time.

Then there's advertising.

Even took out penguin coins, which are very attractive to almost most netizens, as a reward for booking games and playing games.

And this is also the tactics that the goose factory is best at.

Traffic tactics!

They are born with traffic entrances, which is incomparable to any game company.

Goose Factory can attract everyone who wants or doesn't want to its game in a variety of ways.

Let these people play.

Those who don't like it will still go, but this is undoubtedly the best way to screen players.

And the efforts of the goose factory were not in vain.

With their strong publicity and support, "Legend of Warriors" does indeed show the potential of a popular game.

Whether it is the number of reservations, the number of first-day registrations, and the number of subsequent online players, as well as the popularity and discussion on the Internet, as well as the anchors of the live broadcast platform.

It's all of an excellent standard.

This is true both at home and abroad.

But undoubtedly, no matter what kind of data here, in the eyes of insiders, all of them are made of moisture.

But the problem is that netizens and players are not all insiders.

Many people will choose to follow suit, and when he sees the various platforms on the Internet, everyone is talking about a certain game.

Someone touts, someone belittles, everywhere there is fighting, everywhere there is heat and rhythm.

He was naturally interested in the game.

This is also one of the reasons why the goose factory's flow tactics can be successful.

However, just when the outside world is very lively because of this "Legend of the Warrior" of the Goose Factory.

During this time, the platinum company was a little quieter.

In the face of the "Legend of Warriors" in full swing, Platinum Company did not even make the slightest move.

Doesn't Platinum have the idea of competing with the Goose Factory? Do you plan to watch the market share of Goose Factory and steal players?

People are going to engage in international competitions, and you can't even put a fart here.

That's too calm, isn't it?

Is it to be directly rotten?

The platinum game company that we have high hopes for, it is necessary to do this....


Platinum's calmness doesn't just make players who support the Platinum game anxious.

Even the employees inside Platinum began to get a little anxious.

But the problem is that it is useless for them to rush.

All the decision-making power of Baijin Company is in Chen Feng's hands, but now, President Chen Feng is sitting in the office all day, without any instructions.

Even if they want to do something, they can't do it!

Looking at the menacing and imposing "Legend of Warriors" on the Internet, the employees finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Habitually pushed Luo Zhonghao out again, wanting Luo Zhonghao to ask President Chen if they should do something?

Although he was very helpless, Luo Zhonghao was also used to this kind of thing.

What's more, as the leader of the Duanyou Department, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?

He sorted out his somewhat modest suit, retied his tie, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door under the encouraging gaze of an employee.

"Come in."

After hearing Chen Feng's answer in the office, he pushed the door open and walked in slowly.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Feng smiling and nodding to himself.

Luo Zhonghao's mood couldn't help but relax a lot, and he walked straight to Chen Feng's side, just as he was about to ask.

His eyes inadvertently glanced at Chen Feng's computer.

The screen on the computer was very familiar to him.

Because during this time, the Internet was almost overwhelming with this kind of picture.

3D, fighting, warriors and monsters...

Legend of the Warriors!

Luo Zhonghao couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then glanced at the top of the character's head in the middle of the computer.


"Mr. Chen is playing 'Legend of the Warriors'?"

"Still playing to level 21?"

As soon as these two thoughts came up, and then thought of this time, Chen Feng hid in the office, and the door did not go out of the second door.

I never cared about "Legend of Warriors" like a fire on the Internet.


His own boss is addicted to the games of other game companies, hiding in the office all day to upgrade and fight monsters, and even the company does not care about the plot.

It came to life in Luo Zhonghao's brain.

His heart instantly froze, and then fell to the bottom, smashed on his small intestine, and shattered into a lump of slag.

There are only two words left in my head, which are constantly echoing.

"Send... Sent? "

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