After listening to Zhang Mengyao's words, Chen Feng frowned and thought.

After knowing that it was a problem with the mobile phone, Chen Feng's first reaction was.

What a great opportunity!

If you take advantage of this time to engage in high-configuration mobile phones, wait until the promotion of mobile games in the future and the mobile game market is fully mature.

That doesn't have to go directly to the world's top 500?

The world's mobile phone market is relatively saturated.

The pace of smartphone development is not slow either.

There are all kinds of them, even the comprehensive screen and folding screen of the black technology on the earth in the previous life.

And the technology is more perfect than what is on Earth.

Like what is folding left and right, folding up and down, folding scrolls, it has long been played by mobile phone manufacturers here, so that they don't want to play.

Similar to the fingerprint under the screen, there is also no shortage of under-screen cameras.

However, because there is no mobile game for the reason.

The focus of mobile phone development in this world is not on performance at all!

Although there are all kinds of mobile phones on the market.

But it's true that there is no brand that can be called a gaming phone!

This is a big blank market, and mobile games must be a piece that Baijing will vigorously develop in the future.

Classic mobile games such as "Honor of Kings", "Genshin", "Clan Wars", and now they are preparing to release "Onmyoji", and so on.

The performance requirements for mobile phones are not low.

In this world, today's mobile phone market, even if it is made, there is no way to play.

So a high-performance mobile phone is a must.

And with such a huge market and profits, Chen Feng is naturally unwilling to casually give it to others.

But the problem is that making a mobile phone is not a simple project.

High-performance chips alone can take years.

Otherwise, most of the domestic mobile phones in the previous life would not be so shameless and have been relying on foreign chips.

Chen Feng, a layman, wants to start, which is undoubtedly more difficult.

And more importantly, now "Onmyoji" has been basically produced.

Seeing that it can be packaged and sold, it is impossible to delay the release time for several years in order to make a mobile phone, right?

"It's definitely too late to start working on mobile phones now, but we certainly can't reduce the gaming experience." Chen Feng said.

He knew very well why Onmyoji, the game, had been so successful in its previous life.

Largely because of the quality of crushing other mobile games!

"But if we don't reduce the quality of the game a little bit, then our top-of-the-line graphics are basically useless." Zhang Mengyao frowned, very helpless.

She looked at Chen Feng and analyzed: "Players downloaded the game and found that there was a highest picture quality, but there was no way to open it, which may become our black spot."

"This is not going to ... The reason why we make the quality so high is not to make the experience better for players? Chen Feng shook his head, he still had a certain say in this regard.

In the past life, "Honor of Kings" and "Genshin", both of which have become a recognized method for consumers to test game performance at a certain time.

There were also a lot of mobile phones at that time, and these two games were simply not perfect, driving to the highest level.

But in the face of this kind of thing, consumers and players will basically only blame the game manufacturers, not the game companies.

Players also know that game companies will have a better experience if they make the quality of the game high.

However, this is another world after all.

And in the past life, the pursuit of performance by mobile phones has become a trend.

Therefore, Chen Feng was not so sure.

"Outrageous, is there really no phone with slightly higher performance?" Chen Feng frowned.

Zhang Mengyao pouted and shook her head: "In order to test the game, we bought almost all the mobile phones on the market, both domestic and foreign."

Now this one in my hand is already the best performer!

"Do you really want to reduce the quality of the game..." Chen Feng hesitated slightly.

At this moment, Luo Zhonghao, who had been next to him without speaking, suddenly interjected: "If you just ask for better performance of the mobile phone... It's not like nothing!

A word immediately attracted all the attention of Chen Feng and Zhang Mengyao.

Zhang Mengyao said: "However, I have really searched for all the mobile phones that can be bought on the market!

Luo Zhonghao smiled a little embarrassed: "This is not Manager Zhang's problem, the mobile phone brand I said is really not available on the market now."

Chen Feng said strangely, "What the hell is going on?"

Luo Zhonghao did not sell the pass again, and explained: "If the two of you have a deep understanding of China's mobile phone market, you should have heard that there was a mobile phone company called Craftsman before." "

Craftsman?" Chen Feng frowned.

As a person who has just traveled over, much of his knowledge of this world is based on memories of past lives.

And in the past life, I didn't know much about mobile phones.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Mengyao next to him.

Zhang Mengyao also looked puzzled, but she was a very actionable person, and she directly picked up her mobile phone and searched.

After a few moments, the results were found on the almighty network.

"Craftsman Mobile Company, President Luo Hao is... Stand-up comedy? Went out of business more than half a year ago?

Seeing only one beginning, Zhang Mengyao widened her eyes in surprise and looked at Luo Zhonghao: "This is all a company that has gone bankrupt, how can I buy his mobile phone?"

And the founder of this company, it won't be your brother or something, right? How is it so similar to your name?

Luo Zhonghao smiled a little embarrassed: "It's not, I also know this person because I think I am very similar to his name, and the relationship is not very good."

But I once had a meal with him and I still agree with his entrepreneurial philosophy.

If you want to find a mobile phone with sufficient performance, what international cities should not have to think about, they will only do mainstream mobile phones for sales.

This company's craftsman mobile phone is our only choice, if nothing else, the performance of their mobile phone is definitely the strongest! "

It's a talk show?" Chen Feng also immediately became interested in this company called Craftsman Mobile Phone.

He took the mobile phone in Zhang Mengyao's hand, carefully looked at the information on the network, and a strong sense of immediacy immediately came to his face.

"Sure enough, it's a craftsman mobile phone company... There is indeed a spirit of craftsmanship. At

the same time, I also understand that Luo Zhonghao, why can I guarantee the strongest performance of this company's mobile phones!"

The entrepreneurial philosophy of this artisan mobile phone company boils down to one sentence.

Mobile phone office!

In this world, although mobile phones are made of bells and whistles, in fact, the position in the user's life is still very small.

There are no mobile games, and I can't afford some simple office.

Almost just as a communication tool, surfing the Internet to take pictures, watch videos, etc.

But the Craftsman mobile phone company wants to reopen a track.

Make a phone that you can use for work!

Since there is not a lot of office software on the phone.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the office software on the computer.

Plus the need for very good multitasking skills.

So the performance of this phone must be very strong!

Luo Hao, the founder of this company, invested a lot of money in order to make mobile phones.

First made a performance chip that is different from all the chips on the market.

Then it took a long time to make a simple computer system that could wake up on a mobile phone.

Finally, his mobile phone can be used for office use.

Put it on again, the larger screen, and finally make this phone out.

And named Craftsman S1.

But it also makes this phone extremely bloated, huge, and quite amazing.

Compared with the very thin and light mobile phones in this world, they are simply as heavy as a brick.

Although there are more on earth that weigh as big as bricks.

But after all, this is another world, and such mobile phones are a burden in the eyes of all consumers.

And everyone has a computer, better performance, a larger screen, and a matching mouse and keyboard.

Laptops are also made quite thin and portable.

Why do I have to use a mobile phone to go to work?

In addition, because the R&D expenses invested in the early stage are too much, the company's funds are unsustainable.

So the price of mobile phones has to be raised very high.

Even if the craftsman mobile phone company will successfully produce this craftsman S1 mobile phone.

There was a grand press conference.

However, after the official release, sales were very dismal.

The company could not make ends meet, and persisted for several months, and finally reluctantly declared bankruptcy.

Chen Feng patiently read the introduction of this company, looked at Luo Zhonghao, and the first question was: "In this world, is it so easy to make a mobile phone chip?" "

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